
中国书店第四代古书医生:修书即修行 | Preserving the past

CGTN 2020-08-26


History touches people in many different ways.


Reading an ancient book, you may immerse yourself in the culture and wisdom of thousands of years.


Hold it in front of you, and the ancient stories unfold as if an intimate friend were confiding in you.


As a country of culture, ancient books carry a profound meaning in China.


Among the pages were the ups and downs from the ages, demonstrating the wisdom and efforts of our ancestors. 


Ancient books are mortal.


As time goes by, they wither away. Torn, moth-eaten and moldy, these books are dying."When an ancient book gets sick, it needs a doctor.”

“古籍生病了,也要找医生。” 然而,随着时间的推移、人事的变迁,留存至今的古籍可能已经面目全非。破损、虫蛀、霉变……岁月令它们奄奄一息。

Xu Xiaojing is a fourth generation restorer at the China Bookstore.


Since her graduation in 2005, Xu has been working at the China Bookstore. Having grown from an apprentice into one of the best restorers, she'd never do a perfunctory job on any broken books.



Before the restoration, she'd discuss the program with her colleagues. "If we chose the wrong paper, the book would become crumpled after a while. It would damage rather than repair it."

修复之前,与同事讨论、制订方案的流程必不可少。 “如果我们在选择修复配纸的时候选错了,那么一段时间以后,这个书就会变得褶皱不平,不但修不好,还在搞破坏。”

"A full heart" is what Xu's master always urges upon her.


Unbinding, cleaning and repairing... All these processes must be done repetitively and precisely, in order to present the ancient book in its best condition.


"Restoring the books calms me down, and creates a spiritual space of my own. I enjoy it so much, even though I can only repair a few pages a day," says Xu.


During her work, Xu needs to understand the author, as well as to immerse herself in the time when the book was written. Every fragment and every blank is crucial. It's like communicating with the authors hundreds of years ago.


Sometimes books may have gone through many restorations. The techniques could be quite different. Xu and her colleagues have to try to understand the intentions of those restorers, inheriting and improving their methods. It's like communicating with their predecessors as well.



Every ancient book is alive for the restorers. Their mission is to restore the original appearance of the pages while respecting the books and the history, making them last longer.


The job also has an effect on Xu: "The restoration helps me to cultivate stoical character."


Through the healing hands of the restorers, a one thousand-year-old book could last at least another couple of centuries. When the restored books are back on the shelves, there will be a dialogue between us and the generations to come.


Cameraman: Yang Wenchao

Film editor: Zhou Xin, Lu Gengrui 

Story written by: Yang Sitong 

English editor: Andrew Robert Corless


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