
80后中国小伙做出绝美武则天,拿下国际蛋糕金奖,裁判惊呼“Amazing!” | China’s Sugar King

CGTN 2020-08-26


Did you know what these delicate works are made of?



Are they like special Barbies, or garage kits?


The truth is, they are fondant cakes that taste likecreamy candies.



They're created by Zhou Yi, the best fondant artist inChina.



Born into an average worker's family, his parents hadalways been holding high hopes for him. The young Zhou felt the path too hardto take though. He considered himself an underachiever who'd often fail testsin middle school.



Nevertheless, anyone can make a difference. After highschool, Zhou entered a culinary school in Sichuan Province to become a chef.



Everyone is trying to make pastries both mouthwateringand eye-catching. For the traditional flower buns and dough sculptures, thebrilliant craftsmen bring them to life with the most vivid figures. Thosepastries were one of the childhood memories of Zhou, whose father is already adough sculptor. That's what got him interested in making creative pastries inthe first place.



Zhou has learnt the sculpting techniques from severalmaster craftsmen. During the festivals, he could earn over a thousand yuan perday selling dough sculptures. But that's not enough for him.



He was eager to make a breakthrough and turn thepastries into real artworks. The traditional dough, however, couldn't fit hisneeds.



In Suzhou, southern China, he learnt by chance offondant, the material that's widely used in Western pastries for decoration. Ithas good ductility and can be made into all kinds of colors and figures. Plusit's easier to keep it in shape and to preserve it than the traditional dough.



"That's exactly what I wanted." Zhou wasvery excited, and dedicated himself completely into making fondant figures.



"We're good at dough sculpting, so fondant isjust another choice of materials." Thanks to his past experience, Zhousoon learnt the tricks of making fondant figures: "Just shape theeyebrows, adjust the face, and brush the lips with glitter gloss…" Thevivid face of a Chinese beauty comes out in minutes. "A few variations canmake them more lifelike.”



Yet Zhou wanted more: "In other countries, theyalready use one piece of fondant to make the whole figure." He wants everysingle detail of his works to be more delicate and lifelike.



He spent a year improving the recipe of his fondant,make it more flexible. The new material can be rolled into paper-thin pieces tomake the clothes. The figures are dressed layer after layer like humans, but inthe nearly transparent fondant clothes.



At UK Cake International 2017, Zhou and his team wonthree golden and two bronze medals. It was the first time that a Chinese teamgot any rewards in this competition. The cake "Lady in the Palace",which portrayed the young Empress Wu, won the International Best in Show”prize.During the competition, the juries couldn't believe that the dress was made offondant until they tasted it.



Besides the exquisite figure and dress, thedecorations on the cake also presented the beauty of ancient Suzhou city: theTaihu stone, a gilding censer, a blue and white porcelain, and a palace lanternusing traditional sugar-blowing methods… The world was stunned by the Chinesebrilliant techniques.



The fact that many competing teams adopted their newfondant material made Zhou even happier.



After the competition, Zhou's works became viral onWeibo (China's most popular social network), attracting tens of thousands offollowers. He then expanded the themes of his works to all kinds of popculture, such as celebrities and ACG characters. Netizens say that his works"Seckill most of the garage kits.”




In addition to making fondant cakes, Zhou now has hisown company researching and selling fondant materials and tools. Meanwhile,more people are taking his fondant classes. He does all this because he hasbeen "trying not to disappoint the industry, nor myself.”


Cameraman:Li Fei

Filmeditor: Yang Yue, Ma Mingyuan

Storywritten by: Zhu Siqi

Englisheditor: Charlotte Bates


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