
60岁中国老人如何成为世界高瀑跳水飞人?| The sixty-year-old waterfall diver

CGTN 2020-08-26


At the word "Jump", a red flashwas seen taking off from the cliff. With his arms widely extended, he divedinto the roaring water down the waterfall, amidst cheers.



"My name is Di Huanran. I'm 60 yearsold and I grew up by the Mudan River."


He is tanned, muscular and dynamic,anything but a debilitated old man. And he loves all kinds of extreme sports.He even showed off his monocycle skills after the interview.


"Located in northeast China, the cityof Mudanjiang has winter days for up to more than six months a year. Thereweren't many entertainment when I was young. So I used to swim and dive in theriver with my friends."


His waterfall diving career dates back to atrip he took in his 20s, when he went sight-seeing at Jingpo Lake Scenic Area.He came up with an idea of jumping off the cliff at the first sight ofDiaoshuilou Waterfall, wondering what that would feel like. There werefolklores about how formidable the waterfall was. "They all said it couldsmash a log into pieces. So young and so curious, I didn't buy it at all,"he laughed.


To that end, the daredevil climbed up allthe way to the top of the cliff and made his debut. "That was reallyexciting. I was literally flying in the air and became a part of nature,"he recalled proudly.



Because of this sensation, the scenic spothired him to perform waterfall diving. In the beginning, his swimming teammatesdived with him, just for fun mainly during summer. Di, however, has practicedevery day, even in the freezing winter.


"The temperature in the region candrop to minus 37 degrees Celsius. But the water in the pool never freeze."It's like his heart, full of passion and determination. His family opposed himdoing so at first, thinking it too dangerous. Despite of this, he explainedthat it's safe as he'd carefully calculated what's needed for safety, and thathe would never risk his life. In the meantime, he kept training intensively ona daily basis, and convinced his family with his robust body he got from hisscientific exercises. Eventually, the young diver started to fully enjoy hislifelong interest.


"I've been diving for 35 years. I feeldelighted to dive every day. And I will keep diving, as long as my bodyallows."



After that, he took up the skid resistancechain, climbed up the cliff and got ready for the next dive.


Cameraman:Gu Nan

Filme ditor: Ren Jing, Lu Gengrui

Story written by: Cao Zhi

English editor: Melissa Chua


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