
评论 | 蓬佩奥先生——那个 “丢了斧头”的人

CGTN CGTN 2020-08-24
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo never seems to tire of China-bashing. His latest tour was supposed to enhance ties with the UK, Ukraine, and Central Asian countries. Yet at each stop, he routinely warned his hosts of risks in their China ties.

He called China's business activities in these countries harmful to their national sovereignty, long-term development, and people's interests. In London, he upped the ante in attacking China's political system, saying, "While we still have to be enormously vigilant about terror ... the Chinese Communist Party presents the central threat of our times." 
在伦敦,他对中国政治体制的攻击更是变本加厉,称“尽管我们要对恐怖主义保持高度警惕......, 但中国共产党才是这个时代的主要威胁”。

Mr. Pompeo's China bogeyman reminds me of an ancient Chinese fable written more than 2,200 years ago. A man loses his axe and suspects it was stolen by the son of his neighbor. So he observes the boy's behavior, the way he talks and walks, and his facial expressions. The more he watches, the more the boy seems exactly like a thief. 

Later, the man recovers the axe by accident and the boy turned out to be innocent. This time, when the man observes the boy again, he couldn't find any indications of his original suspicions at all. Nothing really went wrong in the first place, but it's all about perception. That seems to be how some U.S. politicians are seeing China today. 

It's none of anyone else's business how China organizes itself. China's track record is a good one. The people live twice as long compared to 70 years ago. Over 800 million people stopped living in poverty over the past four decades, that's 2.5 times the entire population of the U.S. China has been the world's biggest growth engine for more than a dozen years. 

Compared with many other systems, China is able to mobilize national resources to tackle major challenges. Just look at the latest example—the construction of a hospital with 1,000 beds for patients suffering from the new coronavirus. It took only 10 days to build. Two more hospitals are expected to be operational within days. Thousands of soldiers, medical staff and workers from different sectors across China have descended on the province of Hubei. China also set a world record in sharing genome information about the virus with the world. So far, only about 150 cases have been confirmed outside of China. The WHO has called China's response a "model." 
与其他制度相比,中国能够很好地调动国家资源,解决重大问题。就看看最近的例子吧。仅用十天便建成了一座拥有1000张床位的医院收治新型冠状病毒感染者。另外两座医院也预计在几天之内投入使用。数千名官兵、医务工作者和各行各业的劳动者纷纷驰援湖北。中国还与世界共享病毒基因组信息,速度之快创下纪录。到截稿为止(2月4号) 其他国家的确诊病例仅有约150例。世界卫生组织将中国的应对措施称为“典范”。

While it boasts to have the world's best health care system, the U.S. has been one of the first countries to issue sweeping travel restrictions, clearly against the WHO's recommendations. When there was only one confirmed case at home, the U.S. declared a national emergency.

Well, the U.S. is free to choose to do so. But let's not forget, when the H1N1 flu broke out in 2009, also an international health emergency, the U.S. authorities estimated that there were some 61 million people infected, and 12 thousand people killed between April 2009 and April 2010 in the U.S. And it took the U.S. administration more than 6 months to declare a national emergency. U.S. officials were still welcoming people to "explore America." 
当然 美国有这样做的自由。但不要忘了,2009年美国爆发的同样是国际公共卫生紧急事件的H1N1流感。官方估计 2009年4月到2010年4月间约六千一百万人被感染,一万两千人死亡。美国政府等了6个多月才宣布进入紧急状态。同时 美国官员还在欢迎人们去“探索美国”。

The Communist Party of China isn't perfect, but it leads the country effectively. And the great majority of the Chinese people endorse it. 

Whichever countries feel pressure should sharpen their own competitiveness. Not lash out. As the world's most powerful country, the U.S. has every reason to be confident in itself. So Mr. Pompeo and those who are busy peddling China threat or China fear, stop suspecting the neighbor's boy. He didn't take your axe. You have to look for it within your own home.
任何感到压力的国家应该从增强自身竞争力入手,而不是大放厥词。美国作为世界头号强国有充分的理由保持自信。所以,蓬佩奥先生和那些到处鼓吹中国威胁论和煽动恐中情绪的人,别再对 “邻家孩子”疑神疑鬼了。他没偷你们的斧头,还是在自己家里好好找找吧。


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