当地时间5月10日晚,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊发表电视讲话,宣布英国将开始有条件的采取“放松解封”措施,计划在7月前分三个阶段逐步解除封锁。同时将原本的防疫宣传口号从“待在家里”改为“保持警惕”。据介绍,约翰逊这个“解封路线蓝图”的核心是一个新冠疫情预警系统,通过评估病毒的繁殖能力以及确诊案例按照从“绿”到“红”划分为5个级别,根据不同级别调整封锁程度。目前英国仍处于第4级,这意味着当前阶段,英国仍需维持封锁状态。The new set of guidelines laid out in the 51-page document "Our Plan to Rebuild: The UK Government's COVID-19 recovery strategy" is the blueprint for returning to normal life in England. Scotland and Wales, which have independent control over many domestic policy areas, are maintaining their own strict lockdown.The detailed guidelines follow on from Boris Johnson's televised address to the country on Sunday night where he revealed a color-coded one to five number system with the UK currently at number four. One would mean no new coronavirus infections.这份长达51页的指南内容包括,英国民众从13日开始,可以不受限制地进行户外锻炼。不能在家工作的人,比如建筑业和制造业从业者,可以从11日开始重返工作岗位,但要避免乘坐公共交通。最早将于6月1日展开下一阶段,届时商店将恢复营业,学生也可以陆续重返校园,但公众仍需要遵守“社交隔离”原则,违者将面临更高罚款。到了第三阶段,在保证安全的情况下将重新开放部分服务行业和公共场所。此外,为了防止境外输入病例,新政策规定,任何经由航空入境英国的人,需要接受为期两周的强制隔离。这个政策最快下个月开始实施。The new guidelines will mean that people should still work from home if they can but others need to travel for their jobs if their workplace is open. Schools have also been told to prepare for reopening from 1 June with the aim that all primary school children will be back in classes before the summer. 尽管疫情高峰期已过,但约翰逊强调,封锁令至少将持续到6月1日,解除隔离的过程会缓慢推进。一旦疫情暴发,就会“毫不迟疑地停止”。约翰逊指出,目前仍没到完全解除封锁的最佳时机,政府将以数据为支持,在优先考虑公共健康下,谨慎思考接下来的措施。There is still a long way to go in the UK's planned return to normal life and there is uncertainty over how the guidelines will be put into practice with plenty of "ifs and buts". Opposition parties, including the Labour Party, have accused Johnson of a lack of clarity.He has emphasized the cautiousness of his approach and has pledged that the "brakes" would be put back on if necessary.据英国政府周一发布的数据显示,英国日新增死亡人数210例,总死亡人数已超过32,000人,总确诊病例超过22万。目前,英国的新冠病毒死亡人数已经超过意大利,是欧洲最高的国家。There have been a further 210 deaths in the UK, according to government data on Monday, that takes the overall toll to over 32,000 - with the country one of the worst affected by the virus in Europe.早些时候,由于未迅速采取严格管控措施,直至感染病例激增才宣布“封锁”,英国政府采取的防疫措施一直饱受争议。如今,随着欧洲其他国家疫情发展逐渐平缓并相继宣布重新开放部分场所,英国也决定紧随其后,逐步放宽限制。Comparing that to around Europe most countries are still advising people to work from home. Germany has already reopened primary and secondary schools while classes have also restarted partially in countries such as France, Spain and Norway. The UK never had as strict a lockdown as countries like Italy and Spain, and having been hit later with its peak for deaths and infections, it is now not far behind most of Europe as it starts to ease the restrictions.然而,在宣布“放松封锁”后,由于英国政府对如何将计划付诸实践尚不确定,不断有意见人士要求官方提供更加明确的信息,包括工党在内的反对党指责约翰逊的计划“不清晰”。威尔士、苏格兰和北爱尔兰的领导者均表示,他们仍将维持现有的“居家令”。在周一晚上的新闻发布会上,约翰逊进一步阐述计划的细节,回答公众提问。他认为,由于无法保证疫苗会在何时被研制出来,未来几年,世界仍将与新冠病毒共存。因此,他提醒大家要始终保持警惕,灵活应对。约翰逊补充道,英国政府正投入大量资金用于疫苗的开发,并迫切希望与其他国家展开合作交流。UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the world may have to live with the COVID-19 for years to come and admitted he can't guarantee a successful vaccine will be developed to combat it. He warned of the need to adapt and be flexible in the years ahead.Johnson has been criticized over the past 24 hours for failing to provide enough clarity after announcing the decision to ease lockdown measures in the UK on Sunday. In an attempt to clarify the UK's stance Johnson answered questions from the general public and journalists at a press conference on Monday evening. He was asked about the progress the country has made in trying to develop a vaccine and whether the UK could be forced to live with the virus and lockdown measures for months or even years to come.He said: "I hope, I hope, I hope we achieve a vaccine, and I'm hearing very encouraging things from Oxford and noises about developing a vaccine. But this is by no means guaranteed. I believe in 18 years we still don't have a vaccine for SARS.""If you ask me am I absolutely certain that we won't be living with this for a long time, I can't say that. We may have to become ever more flexible with how we deal with this and other infections."Johnson added that the UK government are putting vast sums of money towards the effort to develop a vaccine and says he's desperate to work with other countries on a solution.
复工了!英国首相约翰逊愈后首次公开露面 欧洲多国“解封”仍需谨慎