中国作为世界上人口最多的国家,要让14亿人都住得安心是一项非常艰巨的任务。 在住房制度改革的推动下,中国的总住房面积在不断增加,城镇人均居住面积从1978年的3.6平方米增长到2018年的39平方米。 Following the reform of housing regulations, the average urban living space per Chinese person has gone from 3.6 square meters in 1978 to 39 square meters in 2018. Comfortably housing all of its 1.4 billion people and continuously satisfy their growing housing needs have become an extremely challenging task.
住房制度的市场化改革,不仅扩大了中国人的居住面积,而且带动了钢材、建材等相关产业的发展。房地产业逐渐成为中国经济发展的支柱之一。 蓬勃发展的房地产业,用高楼大厦改变了中国的面貌,加快了中国的现代化进程。 Real estate has come to be one of the pillars of China's economic development. Between 1998 and 2018, the contribution of China's value-added real estate to GDP increased from four percent to 6.7 percent.Housing is central to the welfare and stability of an economy, said Bertrand Renaud, former senior housing finance advisor to the World Bank. He explained that building a house needs many inputs, which can create economic benefits and jobs. 中国不断推进住房保障体系建设,一方面通过低收入住房来解决住房的拥有问题,另一方面通过廉租房,来解决居住问题。 2012年到2015年,中国住房保障体系覆盖中低收入人群的百分比从12.5%提高到约20%。2018年,中国保障性安居工程财政支出达1057.7亿美元,同比增长46.4%,共有2亿中国人受益于保障性安居工程建设。China continues to develop its public housing system with low-income housing on the one hand to resolve housing ownership issues, and low-cost rental housing on the other hand to resolve accommodation issues. According to the State Council, between 2012 and 2015, the coverage of China's housing security for middle- and low-income groups has increased from 12.5 percent to about 20 percent. 中国人对居住条件的要求在不断提高,不仅在乎居住面积的增长,更在乎舒适的宜居环境。 近年来,中国加大在住房配套设施上的投入,不断完善供水、供电、道路等基础设施以及教育、商业、医疗等公共设施的建设。乡村振兴也为宜居环境的建设提供了新思路,推动了农村地区发展和农村生活设施的完善。城乡人居环境的进一步改善,为中国人提供了更多居住选择。 Chinese people's demand for better living conditions is gradually rising. They care not only about a bigger living space, but also a better living environment. "The growth transition is moving from quantity to quality," said Renaud. "You have quality of the environment, but also you have the quality of life from the people themselves." 当城镇化浪潮席卷全球,如何实现人居环境的可持续发展成为世界各国的共同目标。 在经历了快速的城镇化之后,中国越来越重视城镇化的质量,重视以人为本,通过良好的规划和治理,让家园变得更美好。 推荐阅读:中国不断进步的基层法治 | 洋眼看小康 实现中华民族伟大复兴,共筑中国梦 | 中国为什么能 集中力量办大事,有效抗震减灾 | 中国为什么能中国简政放权,提升政府服务效率 | 中国为什么能