7月8日晚,中国工程院院士张伯礼和天津中医药大学的医学专家们参加了中央广播电视总台中国国际电视台(CGTN)特别节目“全球疫情会诊室”举办的中国-加纳新冠肺炎疫情专场交流,分享抗疫经验。加纳总统卫生顾问安东尼·西亚-阿萨勒博士(Anthony Nsiah-Asare),以及加纳大学的医学专家、医护人员参与了讨论。阿萨勒博士指出,目前加纳确诊的新冠肺炎患者已经超过2万例,但大多数是无症状感染者、轻型和普通型患者,重症患者比例非常低,因此,目前死亡率也相对较低。他表示,加纳希望能够尝试将中医药应用于这部分患者的治疗和疫情的防控,目前已经将一部分中医药方剂和药材送交加纳国家食品药品安全局进行检测,并期待与中方进一步开展合作。中国教育部中外人文交流中心主任杜柯伟也参加了视频会议,并表示希望通过CGTN搭建的多元交流平台,更好地促进两国的合作,携手并进,早日战胜疫情。In the latest episode of CGTN's live stream program "COVID-19 Frontline" held on Wednesday, CGTN invited Zhang Boli, one of the leading medical experts in China's COVID-19 fight. His team shared their experience treating COVID-19 with a combination of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Western medicine with their Ghana counterparts.Zhang is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He helped set up the only TCM makeshift hospital in Wuhan, which played a big role in preventing mild symptoms from turning severe. He said for severe and critically ill patients, the combined treatment of TCM and Western medicine has achieved remarkable results and reduced the fatality rate. TCM can also improve the immune function. Therefore, the use of TCM has provided valuable experience to fight the disease.Anthony Nsiah-Asare, Ghanaian presidential advisor on health, said the first COVID-19 case in Ghana was seen on March 12. Since then, the country has made the control of COVID-19 a national strategic goal. By July 4, around 32,000 people have been tested and 21,000 COVID-19 cases have been confirmed.Nsiah-Asare explains the COVID-19 epidemic in Ghana is not quite the same as the situation in Asia and other countries. In Ghana, the majority of COVID-19 patients are asymptomatic. So far there are more than 600 critically ill patients in Ghana. Based on current data, the mortality ratio is very low for severe patients in the country.阿萨勒博士和一名草药学医师阿敏·邦苏(Amin Bonsu)在交流中都提到,希望中国专家们介绍一下在抗击疫情过程中效果比较明显的中医药,以及中医药应对新冠肺炎这种未知疾病的原理是什么。面对这样一种全新的病毒,为什么中医可以在短时间内研制出应对的药方?张伯礼院士说,中西医在面对未知病毒引发的疾病时,关注的重点是不同的。西医更关注病毒本身,例如破解病毒的基因,明确它侵害人体的途径,能够与人体哪些受体结合等;而中医则关注病毒侵入人体后,人体的症候表现。张院士说中医优势正是在此,辨证论治,根据症状来调节不适。其主要依据是提高机体免疫能力,鼓励调动机体自身的抗击能力抵抗病毒。张院士也提到,有一些药物,例如连花清瘟,在此次中国抗击新冠肺炎过程中经过多个循证评价,证明确实有效。目前已经有十几个国家引进了该药物。他说目前关于这些中医药的研究正在继续,经研究发现中药里的多种成分对病毒侵袭机体到发病过程中的四个关键蛋白有抑制作用,也为中医药的治疗效果提供了科学依据。Chinese medicines that can treat COVID-19 effectivelyNsiah-Asare asked about whether there are internationally recognized Chinese medicines that are effective against COVID-19, to which Zhang answered that a liquid herbal formula named Huoxiang Zhengqi is quite effective. The drug has been patented in China and included in the Pharmacopoeia of the country. It has been used in China for nearly 200 years. Zhang laments the drug has not been recognized internationally. Another medicine is Lianhua Qingwen which has been proven to be effective in treating COVID-19 patients by multiple evidence-based evaluations. Some countries have been using the medicine, said Zhang, noting the feedback has been quite positive.瑞吉娜·阿皮亚-乌蓬(Regina Appiah-Opong)医生在交流中提到,她和同行们一直在密切关注这个病毒,她想了解新冠病毒是否发生了变异,正在研制中的疫苗是否还有用途。张伯礼说,从全球的报告来看,新冠病毒大概有100多处位点上出现了变异,特别是D614G的突变。张院士指出,这个位点病毒在今年3月份占全球新冠病毒测序序列的10%左右,但在目前所有发病患者中,已经占到了80%以上,成为传播的主要基因型。他同时也提到,这一变异并未导致病毒的毒性加强,但是传染性增强了数倍。幸运的是,它的变异位点编码区都不在研制中的疫苗的关键靶区,因此目前疫苗的用途和效果应该不受影响。Dr. Regina Appiah-Opong from Ghana asked about whether the novel coronavirus has mutated and whether the virus is still the same as when it was first discovered.Zhang noted the novel coronavirus has mutated. Take the variant D614G for instance, it only accounted for less than 10 percent of the disease in March, but now it accounts for more than 80 percent of all cases. Zhang also said the mutated virus replicates faster, so it's more infectious. Some reports say it might be 6 times more infectious than the previous version, but it's not more virulent.The virus is still similar to the initial sequence so the vaccine that scientists are developing is still useful, Zhang added.新冠疫情在全球暴发以来,关于病毒的来源一直众说纷纭。加纳的萨缪尔·卡巴·阿卡利亚(Samuel Kaba Akoriyea)医生问中方专家如何看待这个问题,以及是否会发生第二波疫情?张院士说,目前病毒的来源是全世界共同关注的问题,但最早暴发疫情的地方不一定是病毒源头出现的地方。近期,世界各国关于病毒的来源都有了最新的发现。西班牙在去年3月份的污水中检测到了新冠病毒,意大利在去年12月份的污水中也检测到了病毒,而美国去年7月至9月暴发的流感中,也可能有一部分新冠肺炎患者。综合看来,他赞同目前国际上普遍接受的观点,即新冠病毒来自自然界,很可能已经在世界各地广泛存在了一段时间,只是此前一直处于潜伏期。关于第二波疫情,张院士认为疫情在今年秋冬季暴发已经是大概率事件了,但他认为即使疫情再次暴发,也不会再出现武汉早期几万人同时发病的情况,因为目前各国都已经对这种病毒有一定了解,诊断、救治、防控能力都有了显著提高,病毒即使卷土重来也可能只是聚集性的小范围暴发。The origin of COVID-19 and the possibility of the second wave of coronavirusSince the global outbreak started, there has been no definitive explanation as to the source of the virus, Dr. Samuel Kaba Akoriyea from Ghana said, wondering whether a second wave of coronavirus is imminent.Zhang said the source of the virus is a common concern all over the world, but the first outbreak place is not necessarily the birthplace of the virus. Traces of the novel coronavirus were found in Barcelona waste water collected in March 2019; the virus was also found in the sample of waste water collected in Italy at the end of last year. So Zhang agreed with the current internationally accepted view that the novel coronavirus originated from nature and has probably been spreading around the world for some time but was in an incubation period.Zhang said it's very likely the world will go through the second wave of coronavirus in this autumn and winter. But since all countries already have a certain understanding of this virus, the treatment, prevention and control ability have improved significantly, so the second wave won't be of the same scale.阿卡利亚医生还希望中国专家根据应对疫情、患者治疗的经验,介绍一下康复患者可能出现的后遗症,以及恢复情况。
张院士说,轻型和普通型患者中,只有少数有很轻微的后遗症,会在短期内迅速恢复,后遗症主要出现在重症康复患者中,主要表现为三个方面,例如肺部感染吸收不完全,肺纤维化等;脏器功能损伤,特别是心脏、肾脏、肝脏的损伤,以及神经损伤等方面。目前,中国医学专家也在一边帮助康复患者进行恢复治疗,一边进行探索和总结。张院士提到他所在的医院也在积极探索康复医院管理和平台管理方面的经验,研究传统医药在后遗症治疗方面的表现。Dr. Kaba Akoriyea also hoped that Chinese doctors can introduce the possible sequelae of the recovered patients based on their experience in dealing with the pandemic and treating the patients.Zhang said only a few mild and ordinary patients have very mild sequelae, which will recover quickly in a short time. Sequelaes including pulmonary fibrosis, heart, kidney, liver damage, and nerve damage are mainly found in severe patients.两国专家的交流进行了90多分钟。多位加纳医生表示,希望能够与中国的中医药专业机构建立长期合作关系,并希望从政府层面推动两国合作。张院士说,天津中医药大学已经与加纳大学有十多年的合作历史,两所学校每年都会举办研讨会和学习班进行交流,希望未来进一步加强合作,推进两国医疗领域,特别是防治新冠肺炎疫情方面的合作。