
一面红腰鼓 舞出我人生丨扶贫故事

CGTN CGTN 2021-03-27

“我一直在想,(是否)是命运注定我不能有个幸福的家庭。” 39岁的李东东,曾站在他生活的低谷,绝望地回看自己的人生。
"I have been wondering if it isn't my destiny to have a happy family," says Li Dongdong.  When he was in the valley of life, this 39-year-old man once looked back in despair.

陕西贺坪村村民李东东。Li Dongdong, a villager of Heping village, Shaanxi Province. /CGTN

"When I was a kid, my family struggled at the poverty line. We lived in a dilapidated cave house, where six of us slept on one kang (a heated brick bed in north China)," says Li. He was born in a poor village in Yan'an City, northwest China's Shaanxi Province. At the age of 16, he dropped out of school and became an apprentice to support his family with a small income.

李东东家从前住的窑洞。Li used to live in a dilapidated cave house with his families. /CGTN

Lady luck seemed to avert his family. In 2003, Li's first son was born with hydrocephaly and cerebral palsy. Most of the money Li saved was used to pay the boy's medical bills. What's worse, his hardworking parents got ill, and his wife was diagnosed with cancer. Troubles were endless, making the family even more cash strapped. 

贫困的李东东一家。Li’s family is a poverty-stricken household. /CGTN

"I had spent all the money I earned on medical bills and borrowed a lot from my relatives and friends. And I had to work hard while taking care of the family. After more than 10 years of toil, my health condition is getting worse," says Li.

陕西省贺坪村曾是市级贫困村。Heping Village was a poverty-stricken village at the city level./CGTN

Every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, and poverty is their cause of misfortune. Heping Village, where Li lives, was a poverty-stricken village at the city level. As many as 60 households had fallen into poverty because of illness, disability, pressure from tuition fee or natural disaster.

"My world fell apart," says Li. The honest and plain man once lost his hope for life.

政府补贴的蔬菜大棚。Thanks to the government subsidies, Li has his own vegetables greenhouse. /CGTN

In 2016, during the implementation of targeted poverty alleviation, the government registered the poverty-stricken households. Li and other poor families in Heping Village were included on the list. Thanks to the policy, the reimbursement of medicine bill is above 90 percent, which greatly reduced the family's financial burden.

安塞腰鼓培训。The government provided free training of Ansai waist drum dance. /CGTN

贺坪村位于延安市安塞区,是知名的 “腰鼓之乡”。政府因地制宜,提供免费的安塞腰鼓培训,希望大家能依靠这种传统技艺实现脱贫。通过培训,李东东成了腰鼓手,收入比打工时还增加了不少。
Located in Ansai District of Yan'an City, Heping Village is known as "the hometown of waist drum." The government provided free training of Ansai waist drum dance to help people lift themselves out of poverty with this traditional skill. Through the training, Li became a waist drum dancer and earned more money than before.

"In general, I work six to eight hours a day for less than 200 yuan. Waist drum dancing gets me 300 yuan a day in fewer than four hours," says Li.

李东东一家住进了政府补贴的楼房。Li and his family moved into the government-subsidized house. /CGTN

With the ongoing implementation of targeted poverty alleviation, Li and his family moved into a government-subsidized home. By October 2018, all 60 registered poverty-stricken households in Heping Village had been successfully lifted out of poverty. Impoverished counties in Yan'an City completely bid farewell to absolute poverty.

安塞腰鼓表演。Ansai waist drum dance. /CGTN

而摆脱了贫困枷锁的 “李东东们”,对美好的日子又有了奔头。
Having shaken off the poverty, the villagers are looking forward to a better life.





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