

2018-01-04 英语环球 英语环球ChinaPlus


一首 Five Hundred Miles 把 Angelababy 推上了舆论的风口浪尖。

Chinese actress Angelababy was accused of lip-synching at the New Year's Eve Concert broadcast on Zhejiang Satellite TV.

除了 baby,一众小鲜肉、小仙女也被集体打脸,第一时间上了微博热搜榜。







注意英国《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)在报道萨顶顶假唱事件时用的那个词“lip-synching sham”。

英国《都市报》(Metro)还调侃说,萨顶顶可以考虑参加真人秀节目《假唱大比拼》(Lip Sync Battle了。

Lip Sync Battle is an American musical reality competition television series, in which celebrities battle each other with lip sync performances.

除了 lip-synch 和 lip-synching sham,假唱还可以这样说:

recorded singing


The audience prefers live singing to recorded singing.

sing to a pre-recorded track


Singing to pre-recorded tracks has become widespread in the pop music industry.


滥  竽  充  数

A useless part of an important whole(group) 

Yu is an ancient Chinese musical instrument made of bamboo. During the Warring States Period more than 2,400 years ago, the State of Qi's king was very fond of listening to yu ensembles.

The king often got together 300 yu players to form a grand lineup, striking up deafening music. The king, together with his family and foreign diplomats, watched and listened to the ensemble, immersing themselves in the majestic music. The king treated his musicians well, giving them good meals as payment.

A man named Nanguo heard about the king's hobby. He asked the official who is in charge of the band.

"I am a good yu player. Do you have a vacancy?"

The official checked and t 48 31411 48 15232 0 0 3408 0 0:00:09 0:00:04 0:00:05 3408old him that there was no vacancy yet.

Nanguo waited and waited. One day, the official asked him,

"Nanguo, didn't you tell me that you can play the yu very well? Well, now there is a vacancy, do you want to try?"

Nanguo was very excited.

"Yes, yes, of course!"

Nanguo managed to become a member of the band, even though he didn't know how to play the instrument. Nanguo murmured to himself.

"It doesn't matter! Whenever the band plays for the king, I just need to stand in the line-up and pretend to play. Nobody would realize that I am not making any sounds. I am so smart!"

So, Nanguo got his meals just as the other musicians did. And he was quite happy with that.

Things went on this way until the king died, and his son became the new ruler. 

Like his father, the new king liked music played on the yu. But unlike his father, he didn't like listening to ensembles. He preferred solos. The new king said,

"Now, musicians, would you play the yu one by one? I can listen to two or three musicians to perform a solo each day."

Nanguo became more and more frightened as his turn to do a solo approached. He then fled from the palace, never to return.

The idiom 滥竽充数 sums up this fable. means broken or very bad. is the musical instrument. means to make up or fill up. is the number. All together, the idiom means pass oneself off as one of the yu players in an ensemble, or simply, be there just to make up the number. Now it is used to mock someone who holds an office or a position without having the requisite skill. Sometimes it's used to talk about inferior goods being included in a batch to make up the number of weight. You can also hear people saying it about themselves to show their modesty.



铁杵成针 熟能生巧 司马光砸缸 

塞翁失马 相敬如宾 高山流水 

以讹传讹 爱屋及乌 沉鱼落雁 

闭月羞花 三顾茅庐 乐不思蜀

乘风破浪 愚公移山 四海为家

鱼目混珠 一鸣惊人 四面楚歌


