

关注我们☞ 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09


Ways to Reduce College Stress 

At any given point in time, most college students are stressed about something. 16 While having stress in your life is normal and often unavoidable, being stressed is something you can control. Follow these tips to learn how to keep vour stress in check and how to relax when it gets to be too much.

17 This may seem nidiculous at first, but it is listed first for a reason; when you' re feeling stressed, you feel like you' re on edge and every thing is barely being held together. Don't beat yourself up too badly about it! It's all nomal, and the best way to handle stress is to not get more stressed about ... being stressed.

Get some sleep. 18 Getting more sleep can help your mind refocus, recharge, and re-balance. This can mean a quick nap, a night when you go to bed eardly, or a promise to yourself tostick with a regular sleep schedule. Sometimes, one good night's sleep can be all you need to hit the ground running among a stressful time.

Get some healthy food. Similar to vour sleep habits, your eating habits may have gone by the wavside when you start school. Think about what-and when-you' ve eaten over the past few davs. 19 Go to eat something balanced and healthv: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and pro-

tein Get some exercise. You may think that if vou don't have the time to sleep and eat properly, you definitely don' t have the time to exercise. Fair enough, but if you' re feeling stressed, it may be that vou need to squeeze it in somehow. Exercise doesn' t necessarily have to involve a 2-hour,exhausting workout at the campus gym. 20


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