
中英对照 |《中华人民共和国著作权法(2020修正)》英文译本正式上线!

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2021-09-21


[CLI Code] CLI.1.347867(EN) 

Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (2020 Amendment) 

(1990年9月7日第七届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十五次会议通过 根据2001年10月27日第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十四次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国著作权法〉的决定》第一次修正 根据2010年2月26日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十三次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国著作权法〉的决定》第二次修正 根据2020年11月11日第十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十三次会议《关于修改〈中华人民共和国著作权法〉的决定》第三次修正)

(Adopted at the Fifteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress on September 7, 1990 and amended for the first time in accordance with the Decision of the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress Concerning Amendment to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China on October 27, 2001; amended for the second time in accordance with the Decision of the 13th Session of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress Concerning Amendment to the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China on February 26, 2010; amended for the third time in accordance with Decision of the 23rd session of Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on Amending the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China on November 11, 2020)

Table of Contents

目 录

Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Chapter II Copyright

第二章 著作权

Chapter III Contracts of Copyright Licensing and Contracts of Copyright Transfer 

第三章 著作权许可使用和转让合同

Chapter IV Copyright-Related Rights

第四章 与著作权有关的权利

Chapter V Protection of Copyright and Copyright-Related Rights

第五章 著作权和与著作权有关的权利的保护

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第六章 附则

第一章 总则

Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为保护文学、艺术和科学作品作者的著作权,以及与著作权有关的权益,鼓励有益于社会主义精神文明、物质文明建设的作品的创作和传播,促进社会主义文化和科学事业的发展与繁荣,根据宪法制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted, in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of protecting the copyright of authors in their literary, artistic and scientific works and rights related to copyright, of encouraging the creation and dissemination of works which would contribute to the construction of socialist spiritual and material civilization, and of promoting the development and flourishing of socialist culture and sciences.

第二条 中国公民、法人或者非法人组织的作品,不论是否发表,依照本法享有著作权。

Article 2 Works of Chinese citizens, legal entities or unincorporated organizations, whether published or not, shall enjoy copyright in accordance with this Law.


Any work of a foreigner or stateless person which enjoys copyright under an agreement concluded between the country to which the author belongs or in which the author permanently resides and China, or under an international treaty to which both countries are parties, shall be protected by this Law.


Any work of a foreigner or stateless person published for the first time and within the territory of China shall enjoy copyright in accordance with this Law.


Any work of an author from a country not having concluded an agreement with China or entered into an international treaty jointly with China or of a stateless person, which is published for the first time in a country as a member of the international treaty into which China has entered or published in a member country and non- member country at the same time, shall be protected by this Law.

第三条 本法所称的作品,是指文学、艺术和科学领域内具有独创性并能以一定形式表现的智力成果,包括:

Article 3 “Works” mentioned in this Law shall refer to ingenious intellectual achievements in the fields of literature, art and science that can be presented in a certain form:


written works;

oral works;
musical, dramatic, quyi, choreographic and acrobatic art works;
works of fine art and architecture;
photographic works;
audiovisual works;
drawings of engineering designs and product designs, maps, sketches and other graphic works as well as model works;
computer software;

other intellectual achievements that meet the characteristics of works.


第六十条 复制品的出版者、制作者不能证明其出版、制作有合法授权的,复制品的发行者或者视听作品、计算机软件、录音录像制品的复制品的出租者不能证明其发行、出租的复制品有合法来源的,应当承担法律责任。

Article 60 A dispute over copyright may be settled by mediation or be submitted for arbitration to a copyright arbitration institution under a written arbitration agreement concluded between the parties concerned, or under the arbitration clause in the copyright contract.


Any party may bring a lawsuit directly to the people's court in the absence of a written arbitration agreement or an arbitration clause in the copyright contract.

第六十一条 当事人因不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定而承担民事责任,以及当事人行使诉讼权利、申请保全等,适用有关法律的规定。

Article 61 The parties' assumption of civil liabilities due to failure to perform contractual obligations or performance of contractual obligations not according to the agreement, and the parties' exercising of litigation rights, and application for preservation, among others, shall be governed by the provisions of the relevant laws.

第六章 附则

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第六十二条 本法所称的著作权即版权。

Article 62 The term “author's right” shall have the same meaning as “copyright” in this Law.

第六十三条 本法第二条所称的出版,指作品的复制、发行。

Article 63 The term “publication” mentioned in Article 2 of this Law shall refer to reproduction and distribution of works..

第六十四条 计算机软件、信息网络传播权的保护办法由国务院另行规定。

Article 64 Regulations for the protection of computer software and of the right of information network dissemination shall be established separately by the State Council.

第六十五条 摄影作品,其发表权、本法第十条第一款第五项至第十七项规定的权利的保护期在2021年6月1日前已经届满,但依据本法第二十三条第一款的规定仍在保护期内的,不再保护。

Article 65 Where the protection period for photographic works, right of publication, and rights prescribed from items (5) to (17) of paragraph 1 of Article 10 has expired before June 1, 2021, but it is still within the protection period according to paragraph 1 of Article 23 of this Law, they shall no longer be protected.

第六十六条 本法规定的著作权人和出版者、表演者、录音录像制作者、广播电台、电视台的权利,在本法施行之日尚未超过本法规定的保护期的,依照本法予以保护。

Article 66 The rights of copyright owners, publishers, performers, producers of sound recordings and video recordings, radio stations and television stations as provided in this Law, of which the term of protection specified in this Law has not yet expired on the date of this Law's entry into force, shall be protected in accordance with this Law.


Any infringements upon copyright and the rights related to copyright or breaches of contract committed prior to the entry into force of this Law shall be dealt with under the relevant regulations in force at the time when the infringement was committed.

第六十七条 本法自1991年6月1日起施行。

Article 67 This Law shall enter into force on June 1, 1991.
















本文来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库、北大法宝英本译本库

责任编辑 | 吴珊

审核人员 | 曲鹏翔



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