
中英对照 | 最高人民法院关于发布第30批指导性案例的通知

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10



来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code] CLI.3.5078515(EN) 




Beijing Longchang Weiye Trading Co., Ltd. v. Beijing Urban Construction Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (contract dispute)



Beijing Datang Fuel Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Baifu Logistics Co., Ltd. (sales contract dispute)



Dongguan Branch of China CITIC Bank Co., Ltd. v. Chen Zhihua et al. (financial loan contract dispute)



Xu Xin v. Shanghai Yanxi Sub-branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (bank card dispute)



Rao Guoli v. A Supply Station (property lease contract dispute)



Zhongtian Construction Group Co., Ltd. v. Henan Henghe Real Estate Co., Ltd. (dispute over a contract for construction of a construction project)

Notice by the Supreme People's Court of Issuing the Thirtieth Group of Guiding Cases


指导案例166号 (Guiding Case No. 166)北京隆昌伟业贸易有限公司诉北京城建重工有限公司合同纠纷案Beijing Longchang Weiye Trading Co., Ltd. v. Beijing Urban Construction Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. (contract dispute)关键词 [Keywords]民事/合同纠纷/违约金调整/诚实信用原则civil, contract dispute, adjustment of liquidated damages, principle of good faith裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]当事人双方就债务清偿达成和解协议,约定解除财产保全措施及违约责任。一方当事人依约申请人民法院解除了保全措施后,另一方当事人违反诚实信用原则不履行和解协议,并在和解协议违约金诉讼中请求减少违约金的,人民法院不予支持。Two parties reach a settlement agreement on debt payment, stipulating termination of property attachment measures and liability for breach. After one party applies to the people's court for termination of the attachment measures by agreement, if the opposite party fails to perform the settlement agreement in breach of the principle of good faith, and claims a reduction of liquidated damages in the action for liquidated damages under the settlement agreement, the people's court shall forbear to uphold the claim.指导案例167号 (Guiding Case No. 167)北京大唐燃料有限公司诉山东百富物流有限公司买卖合同纠纷案Beijing Datang Fuel Co., Ltd. v. Shandong Baifu Logistics Co., Ltd. (sales contract dispute)关键词 [Keywords]民事/买卖合同/代位权诉讼/未获清偿/另行起诉civil, sales contract, action based on the right of subrogation, nonpayment, separate action裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]代位权诉讼执行中,因相对人无可供执行的财产而被终结本次执行程序,债权人就未实际获得清偿的债权另行向债务人主张权利的,人民法院应予支持。Where during enforcement in an action based on the right of subrogation, the enforcement proceeding is terminated because the party subject to enforcement has no property available for enforcement, and the creditor makes a claim on debts not actually paid against the debtor, the people's court shall uphold the claim.指导案例168号 (Guiding Case No. 168)中信银行股份有限公司东莞分行诉陈志华等金融借款合同纠纷案Dongguan Branch of China CITIC Bank Co., Ltd. v. Chen Zhihua et al. (financial loan contract dispute)关键词 [Keywords]民事/金融借款合同/未办理抵押登记/赔偿责任/过错civil, financial loan contract, failure to make mortgage registration, compensation liability, fault裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]以不动产提供抵押担保,抵押人未依抵押合同约定办理抵押登记的,不影响抵押合同的效力。债权人依据抵押合同主张抵押人在抵押物的价值范围内承担违约赔偿责任的,人民法院应予支持。抵押权人对未能办理抵押登记有过错的,相应减轻抵押人的赔偿责任。Where real property is mortgaged as a guarantee, the mortgagor's failure to make mortgage registration by the mortgage contract shall affect the validity of the mortgage contract. If the creditor claims that the mortgagor is liable for compensation for breach of contract to the extent of the value of the mortgaged property in accordance with the mortgage contract, the people's court shall uphold the claim. If the mortgagee is at fault for the failure to make mortgage registration, the mortgagor's liability for compensation shall be reduced accordingly.指导案例169号 (Guiding Case No. 169)徐欣诉招商银行股份有限公司上海延西支行银行卡纠纷案Xu Xin v. Shanghai Yanxi Sub-branch of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (bank card dispute)关键词 [Keywords]民事/银行卡纠纷/网络盗刷/责任认定civil, bank card dispute, online unauthorized use, determination of liability裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]持卡人提供证据证明他人盗用持卡人名义进行网络交易,请求发卡行承担被盗刷账户资金减少的损失赔偿责任,发卡行未提供证据证明持卡人违反信息妥善保管义务,仅以持卡人身份识别信息和交易验证信息相符为由主张不承担赔偿责任的,人民法院不予支持。Where a cardholder provides evidence that another person makes an online transaction by impersonating the cardholder, and requests the card issuing bank to assume compensation liability for the loss caused by the decrease of money in the account involved in the unauthorized use, and the card issuing bank fails to provide evidence that the cardholder is in breach of the obligation to properly keep information, and contends that it has no compensation liability only on the grounds of the consistency between the identity information of the cardholder and the transaction verification information, the people's courts shall forbear to uphold its contention.指导案例170号 (Guiding Case No. 170)饶国礼诉某物资供应站等房屋租赁合同纠纷案Rao Guoli v. A Supply Station (property lease contract dispute)关键词 [Keywords]民事/房屋租赁合同/合同效力/行政规章/公序良俗/危房civil, property lease contract, validity of contract, administrative rules, public order and good customs, dilapidated property裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]违反行政规章一般不影响合同效力,但违反行政规章签订租赁合同,约定将经鉴定机构鉴定存在严重结构隐患,或将造成重大安全事故的应当尽快拆除的危房出租用于经营酒店,危及不特定公众人身及财产安全,属于损害社会公共利益、违背公序良俗的行为,应当依法认定租赁合同无效,按照合同双方的过错大小确定各自应当承担的法律责任。A violation of administrative rules generally does not affect the validity of a contract; nevertheless, the signing of a lease contract in violation of administrative rules to lease out a dilapidated property for hotel operations which an identification and authentication institution identifies as presenting serious potential structural risk, or which will cause a major safety accident and shall be dismantled as soon as possible, endangering the personal and property safety of the public at large, is an act against the public interest, in violation of public order and good customs; the lease contract shall be determined to be invalid in accordance with the law, and the respective legal liability of both parties to the contract shall be determined according to the degree of the fault on their part.指导案例171号 (Guiding Case No. 171)中天建设集团有限公司诉河南恒和置业有限公司建设工程施工合同纠纷案Zhongtian Construction Group Co., Ltd. v. Henan Henghe Real Estate Co., Ltd. (dispute over a contract for construction of a construction project)关键词 [Keywords]民事/建设工程施工合同/优先受偿权/除斥期间civil, contract for construction of a construction project, priority of payment, peremptive period裁判要点 [Key Points of Judgment]执行法院依其他债权人的申请,对发包人的建设工程强制执行,承包人向执行法院主张其享有建设工程价款优先受偿权且未超过除斥期间的,视为承包人依法行使了建设工程价款优先受偿权。发包人以承包人起诉时行使建设工程价款优先受偿权超过除斥期间为由进行抗辩的,人民法院不予支持。When an enforcement court effectuates enforcement against the construction project of a construction employer on application by another creditor, if the contractor files a claim with the enforcement court that it has priority of payment of construction project cost which has not been perempted, the contractor shall be deemed to have exercised the priority of payment of construction project cost. If the construction employer makes a defense that the priority of payment of construction project cost has been perempted before the contractor sues, the people's court shall forbear to uphold the defense.因篇幅所限,本文截取部分内容推送给大家,欢迎点击文末“阅读原文”进入“北大法宝·英文译本库”查看完整中英文对照版。















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧

审核人员 | 董帅

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