
中英对照 | 家庭教育促进法、陆地国界法英文译本上线!

北大法宝 北大法律信息网 2023-02-10


来源 | 北大法宝法律法规库


[CLI Code] CLI.1.5077898(EN)



第一章 总  则

Chapter I General Provisions

第二章 家庭责任

Chapter II Responsibilities of Families

第三章 国家支持

Chapter III National Support

第四章 社会协同

Chapter IV Social Cooperation

第五章 法律责任

Chapter V Legal Liability

第六章 附  则

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Family Education Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China

第一章 总 则 | Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了发扬中华民族重视家庭教育的优良传统,引导全社会注重家庭、家教、家风,增进家庭幸福与社会和谐,培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purposes of carrying forward the Chinese nation's fine tradition of attaching importance to family education, guiding the whole society to pay attention to family, family education, and family tradition, enhancing family happiness and social harmony, and cultivating socialist builders and successors who are fully developed in morals, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor education.

(第二至十三条 略 | Article 2—Article 13 Omitted)

第二章 家庭责任 | Chapter II Responsibilities of Families

第十四条 父母或者其他监护人应当树立家庭是第一个课堂、家长是第一任老师的责任意识,承担对未成年人实施家庭教育的主体责任,用正确思想、方法和行为教育未成年人养成良好思想、品行和习惯。

Article 14 Parents or other guardians shall establish a sense of responsibility that family is the first classroom and parents are the first teachers, assume the primary responsibility for the implementation of family education for minors, and use correct thoughts, methods and behaviors to educate minors on developing good thoughts, conduct and habits.


Other family members with full capacity for civil conduct who live together shall assist and cooperate with parents or other guardians of minors in carrying out family education.

(第十五至二十三条 略 | Article 15—Article 23 Omitted)

第三章 国家支持 | Chapter III National Support

第二十四条 国务院应当组织有关部门制定、修订并及时颁布全国家庭教育指导大纲。

Article 24 The State Council shall organize relevant departments to develop, revise and timely enact the National Family Education Guidelines.


Provincial people's governments or qualified people's governments at the districted city level shall organize relevant departments to compile or adopt family education guidance textbooks suitable for local conditions, and develop corresponding work standards and evaluation standards for family education guidance services.

(第二十五至三十七条 略 | Article 25—Article 37 Omitted)

第四章 社会协同 | Chapter IV Social Cooperation

第三十八条 居民委员会、村民委员会可以依托城乡社区公共服务设施,设立社区家长学校等家庭教育指导服务站点,配合家庭教育指导机构组织面向居民、村民的家庭教育知识宣传,为未成年人的父母或者其他监护人提供家庭教育指导服务。

Article 38 Residents' committees and villagers' committees may, by relying on public service facilities in urban and rural communities, set up parent schools in communities and other family education guidance service sites, cooperate with family education guidance institutions in publicizing knowledge on family education among residents and villagers, and provide family education guidance services for parents or other guardians of minors.

(第三十九至四十七条 略 | Article 39—Article 47 Omitted)

第五章 法律责任 | Chapter V Legal Liability

第四十八条 未成年人住所地的居民委员会、村民委员会、妇女联合会,未成年人的父母或者其他监护人所在单位,以及中小学校、幼儿园等有关密切接触未成年人的单位,发现父母或者其他监护人拒绝、怠于履行家庭教育责任,或者非法阻碍其他监护人实施家庭教育的,应当予以批评教育、劝诫制止,必要时督促其接受家庭教育指导。

Article 48 Residents' committees, villagers' committees, women's unions at minors' domiciles, entities where minors' parents or other guardians work, as well as primary and secondary schools, kindergartens and other entities that have close contact with minors finding that parents or other guardians refuse or neglect to perform family education responsibilities or illegally hinder other guardians from implementing family education shall be criticized and educated, admonished and stopped, and urge them to accept family education guidance, if necessary.


Parents or other guardians of minors entrusting others to take care of minors in accordance with the law, and relevant entities finding that entrusted persons do not perform family education responsibilities in accordance with the law, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply.

(第四十九至五十四条 略 | Article 49—Article 54 Omitted)

第六章 附 则 | Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第五十五条 本法自2022年1月1日起施行。

Article 55 This Law shall come into force on January 1, 2022.

[CLI Code] CLI.1.5077893(EN)



第一章 总  则

Chapter I General Provisions

第二章 陆地国界的划定和勘定

Chapter II Delineation and Demarcation of National Land Boundaries

第三章 陆地国界及边境的防卫

Chapter III Defense of National Land Boundaries and Borders

第四章 陆地国界及边境的管理

第一节 一般规定

第二节 陆地国界管理

第三节 边境管理

Chapter IV Management of National Land Boundaries and Borders

-Section 1 General Rules

-Section 2 Management of National Land Boundaries

-Section 3 Border Management

第五章 陆地国界事务的国际合作

Chapter V International Cooperation in National Land Boundary Affairs

第六章 法律责任

Chapter VI Legal Liability

第七章 附  则

Chapter VII Supplemental Provisions

National Land Boundary Law of the People's Republic of China

第一章 总 则 | Chapter I General Provisions

第一条 为了规范和加强陆地国界工作,保障陆地国界及边境的安全稳定,促进我国与陆地邻国睦邻友好和交流合作,维护国家主权、安全和领土完整,根据宪法,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of regulating and strengthening national land boundary work, safeguarding the security and stability of national land boundaries and borders, promoting friendship, exchanges, and cooperation between China and countries sharing a national land boundary with China, defending national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity.

(第二至十五条 略 | Article 2—Article 15 Omitted)

第二章 陆地国界的划定和勘定 |

Chapter II Delineation and Demarcation of National Land Boundaries

第十六条 国家与陆地邻国通过谈判缔结划定陆地国界的条约,规定陆地国界的走向和位置。

Article 16 The state shall enter into a treaty delineating national land boundaries with any country sharing a national land boundary with China through negotiations, providing for the course and location of national land boundaries.


A treaty delineating national land boundaries shall be submitted by the State Council in accordance with the law to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for a decision to grant approval, and approved by the President of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

(第十七至二十一条 略 | Article 17—Article 21 Omitted)

第三章 陆地国界及边境的防卫 |

Chapter III Defense of National Land Boundaries and Borders

第二十二条 中国人民解放军、中国人民武装警察部队应当在边境开展边防执勤、管控,组织演训和勘察等活动,坚决防范、制止和打击入侵、蚕食、渗透、挑衅等行为,守卫陆地国界,维护边境安全稳定。

Article 22 The Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force shall perform boundary guarding duties and control on the border, organize exercises, surveys, and other activities, resolutely prevent, stop, and combat intrusions, encroachment, infiltration, provocations, and other acts, guard national land boundaries, and safeguard border security and stability.

(第二十三至二十五条 略 | Article 23—Article 25 Omitted)

第四章 陆地国界及边境的管理 |

Chapter IV Management of National Land Boundaries and Borders

第一节 一般规定 | Section 1 General Rules

第二十六条 国家对陆地国界及边境的管理和相关建设实行统筹协调、分工负责、依法管理。

Article 26 The state shall implement overall coordination, division of labor, and lawful management with respect to the management of national land boundaries and borders and related construction.

(第二十七至三十一条 略 | Article 27—Article 31 Omitted)

第二节 陆地国界管理 | Section 2 Management of National Land Boundaries

第三十二条 界标和边防基础设施受法律保护。

Article 32 Boundary markers and boundary guarding infrastructure shall be protected by law.


Any organization or individual may not move or destroy a boundary marker or boundary guarding infrastructure without authorization.


If a boundary marker is moved, destroyed, or lost, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall organize restoration, repair or reconstruction in consultation with the relevant department of a country sharing a national land boundary with China.

(第三十三至四十一条 略 | Article 33—Article 41 Omitted)

第三节 边境管理 | Section 3 Border Management

第四十二条 国家根据边防管理需要可以划定边境管理区。边境管理区人员通行、居住依照国家有关规定实行专门管理措施。

Article 42 The state may delimit a border management area as needed for boundary guarding management. The passage and residence of persons in a border management area shall be subject to special management measures in accordance with the relevant provisions issued by the state.


For the delimitation, modification, and cancellation of a border management area, the people's government of a border province or autonomous region shall propose a plan, and submit it to the State Council for approval and announcement, after soliciting opinions from the relevant departments of the State Council and relevant military authorities.

(第四十三至四十七条 略 | Article 43—Article 47 Omitted)

第五章 陆地国界事务的国际合作 |

Chapter V International Cooperation in National Land Boundary Affairs

第四十八条 国家按照平等互利原则与陆地邻国开展国际合作,处理陆地国界事务,推进安全合作,深化互利共赢。

Article 48 The state shall conduct international cooperation with countries sharing a national land boundary with China on the principles of equality and mutual benefit, handle national land boundary affairs, advance security cooperation, and deepen mutual benefits and a win-win situation.

(第四十九至五十六条 略 | Article 49—Article 56 Omitted)

第六章 法律责任 | Chapter VI Legal Liability

第五十七条 有违反本法第三十二条第二款行为的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》、《中华人民共和国军事设施保护法》有关规定处罚。损毁界标、边防基础设施的,应当责令行为人赔偿损失。

Article 57 Where paragraph 2, Article 32 of this Law is violated, the public security authorities shall impose a penalty in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Public Security Administration Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China and the Military Installation Protection Law of the People's Republic of China. If a boundary marker or boundary guarding infrastructure is destroyed, the actor shall be ordered to pay compensation for the loss.


If either paragraph 2 of Article 34 or Article 41 of this Law is violated, the public security authorities shall issue a warning or impose a fine of less than 2,000 yuan; or if the circumstances are serious, impose detention for less than five days or a fine of not less than 2,000 yuan nor more than 10,000 yuan.

(第五十八至六十条 略 | Article 58—Article 60 Omitted)

第七章 附 则 | Chapter VII Supplemental Provisions

第六十一条 界标是指竖立在陆地国界上或者陆地国界两侧,在实地标示陆地国界走向,且其地理坐标已测定并记载于勘界条约或者联合检查条约中的标志,包括基本界标、辅助界标、导标和浮标等。

Article 61 The term "boundary marker" means a mark placed on, or on either side of, a national land boundary to indicate the course of the national land boundary on the spot, of which the geographic coordinates have been surveyed and contained in a boundary demarcation treaty or joint inspection treaty, including without limitation a basic boundary marker, aid boundary marker, range marker, or buoy.


The term "visibility corridor" means a corridor created within a certain distance to either side of a national land boundary in order to maintain the visibility of the national land boundary.

第六十二条 本法自2022年1月1日起施行。

Article 62 This Law shall come into force on January 1, 2022.

















责任编辑 | 吴晓婧

审核人员 | 曲鹏翔 董帅

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