

Dow Jones 道琼斯风险合规 2022-03-20

Huawei is the world’s largest maker of telecom equipment and the No. 2 smartphone vendor. 华为是全球第一大电信设备生产商和第二大智能手机生产商。 图片来源:KACPER PEMPEL/REUTERS

The U.S. government issued its first public defense of a law that restricts federal agencies from doing business with Huawei Technologies Co., saying it had ample national-security reasons for enacting it.

美国政府首次为一项限制联邦机构与华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.)做生意的法律公开辩护,称有充分的国家安全理由实施该法律。

The law, signed last year by President Trump, put new limits on federal dollars going to Huawei and ZTE Corp. , and barred federal agencies from buying equipment that uses gear from the companies. Huawei first challenged the law in a lawsuit filed in Texas federal court in March.

美国总统特朗普(Donald Trump)去年签署了这项法律,对联邦资金流向华为及中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTE Co., 000063.SZ)施以新限制,禁止联邦机构购买那些使用这两家公司产品的设备。华为3月份在得克萨斯州联邦法院提起诉讼,首次对该法律做出挑战。

The U.S. government’s defense of the law, articulated in a legal filing responding to Huawei’s lawsuit, comes just days after President Trump raised the prospect of relaxing a U.S. campaign against Huawei by easing a Commerce Department blacklisting that limits the Chinese telecom giant’s ability to obtain U.S.-sourced technology.

美国政府为这项法律作辩护几天前,特朗普刚刚在二十国集团(Group of 20)日本大阪峰会期间提出了一种可能性:就美国商务部的一份黑名单采取松绑措施,放松针对华为的打压行动。该黑名单旨在限制华为获取美国技术的能力。

The U.S. has long considered Huawei equipment a national-security risk, arguing that it could be used by Beijing to spy or disable telecom networks. Huawei, the world’s largest maker of telecom equipment and the No. 2 smartphone vendor, has long denied it would ever do so.


In its response to Huawei’s lawsuit, the U.S. hit back against the company’s argument that the provisions targeting it in the National Defense Authorization Act were unconstitutional. The U.S. said it has plenty of reasons to restrict Huawei’s business, pointing to years of government concerns regarding the safety of the company’s telecom equipment.

在回应华为的诉讼时,美国反驳了该公司关于《国防授权法案》(National Defense Authorization Act, 简称NDAA)中针对华为的条款是违宪的观点。美国表示,有充分理由限制华为的业务,并提及多年来美国政府对该公司电信设备安全性的担忧。

“When considered in light of the years’-long analysis and steady stream of governmental actions preceding it,” the NDAA measures are “the logical next step,” the U.S. said. The U.S. is seeking a dismissal of the lawsuit or a quick ruling in its favor.


The filing also said Huawei failed to adequately address a similar yet unsuccessful legal challenge brought by the Russian cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab, which was also the target of U.S. restrictions.

文件还表示,华为未能充分解决俄罗斯网络安全公司卡巴斯基实验室(Kaspersky Lab)曾发起的类似但未获成功的法律挑战。卡巴斯基实验室也是美国限制的目标。

A Huawei spokesman didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.


An attendee at a Shanghai technology exhibition passes a Huawei sign on June 27. 6月27日,一名参加上海科技展览的女子经过一处华为标识。 图片来源:QILAI SHEN/BLOOMBERG NEWS

Though Huawei is aggressively challenging the NDAA, analysts say the Commerce Department blacklisting poses a more existential threat to the Chinese company by requiring licenses for companies that sell it U.S.-sourced technology. At the Group of 20 meeting in Osaka, Japan, President Trump said the U.S. would remove some curbs on Huawei’s ability to access U.S. technology as part of a broader trade deal with Beijing.


However, the reprieve was short on specifics, and President Trump added that the U.S. would hold meetings shortly on how to deal with Huawei. The National Security Council has been examining ways of narrowing the restrictions on Huawei so they focus on sales of U.S. technology used in “chokepoints,” where Huawei technology could control wireless networks, people familiar with the discussions have told The Wall Street Journal.

但这份“赦令”缺乏细节,特朗普表示,美国将很快就如何处理华为问题召开会议。知情人士向《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)透露,美国国家安全委员会(National Security Council)已经在研究收窄对华为的出口限制的范围,重点关注用于“阻塞点”(Chokepoints)的美国技术,华为的技术可以在这些“阻塞点”控制无线网络

Huawei’s step of challenging the NDAA in a highly publicized lawsuit marked a departure from its historically more muted posture with regards to the U.S. The company revealed the lawsuit in a press conference at its headquarters in Shenzhen in March, and called a second press conference two months later to announce its motion for summary judgment.


Separately, the U.S. indicated last month it could relax some of the NDAA restrictions against Huawei, after the White House’s acting budget chief asked Congress in a letter to extend the timeline for their implementation.


Dan Strumpf







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