

Dow Jones 道琼斯风险合规 2022-03-20

负责国家安全的助理司法部长Demers称:“我们需要民间部门主动与司法部合作。” 图片来源:JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS

The U.S. Justice Department has revised its enforcement policy on export control and sanctions in an effort to incentivize companies to voluntarily disclose potential violations and cooperate with investigations.


The revised guidance comes as the Justice Department continues to standardize its voluntary disclosure policies across divisions.


“Protecting our nation’s sensitive technologies and preventing transactions with sanctioned entities are DOJ priorities, but we cannot succeed alone,” John Demers, assistant attorney general for national security, said in a statement. “We need the private sector to come forward and work with DOJ.”

负责国家安全的助理司法部长John Demers在一份声明中表示:“保护敏感技术、防止与受制裁实体的交易是司法部的优先要务,但只靠我们自己无法实现。” Demers称:“我们需要民间部门主动与司法部合作。

The revised policy builds upon a guidance issued in October 2016. It provides definitions and clarifications of the benefits that a company can receive if it voluntarily discloses potential violations to the Justice Department, fully cooperates with the prosecutors and appropriately remediates the underlying conduct. Cooperating companies could receive more lenient resolutions and penalties, the Justice Department said.


The guidance pertains to potential violations of the Arms Export Control Act, the Export Control Reform Act and the International Emergency Economic Powers Act.

该指导方针适用于可能违反《武器出口管制法》(Arms Export Control Act)、《出口管制改革法》(Export Control Reform Act)和《国际紧急经济权限法》(International Emergency Economic Powers Act)的行为。


Starting December 13, 2019, if there are no aggravating factors, a cooperating company can presume that it will receive a nonprosecution agreement and won’t be assessed a fine, the Justice Department said.


In cases involving potential aggravating factors and which would be resolved through other types of enforcement actions, such as a deferred prosecution agreement or guilty plea, prosecutors will recommend at least 50% off the fine and won’t require the appointment of a monitor, if the company has an effective compliance program at the time of resolution, according to the policy.


The potential aggravating factors include exports of items known to be used in the construction of mass destruction weapons or to end users that are foreign terrorist organizations, as well as violations that may involve senior management of the company.


The Justice Department this year has issued guidance on various aspects of corporate compliance. In October, the department issued guidance for federal prosecutors to use in cases where companies claim they can’t pay a criminal fine, after releasing a new policy in July that offers discounted fines and deferred prosecution agreements to antitrust offenders that have a strong antitrust compliance program in place.

Mengqi Sun







美国扩大反恐权力: 被制裁海外金融机构将失去美元使用权!


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