福利 | 专访阿代尔·特纳:我最担心中国个人信贷的快速增长
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近日,英国金融服务管理局原主席阿代尔·特纳(Adair Turner)在接受中国金融四十人论坛(CF40)编辑部专访时,就全球经济增长前景、发达经济体货币政策正常化的溢出效应、中国的经济风险和金融监管改革等热点问题作出回应。
去年,全球主要经济体出现了同步复苏的现象,特纳认为,美国和中国的财政宽松政策是这一复苏最重要的推动因素。但他强调,长期停滞的威胁并未消除, 长远来看,私人债务过高仍然是一个主要问题。 特纳表示,发达经济体货币政策正常化非常有限,日本在短期内没有加息的可能性,欧洲央行可能会结束负利率,但欧元区到2020年利率仍会接近零。
2008年时,特纳曾临危受命出任英国金融服务管理局主席。他回忆危机后的英国金融监管改革时说,英国金融危机后的监管改革最重要的一点并非是把英国金融服务监管局拆成了FCA和PRA,而是宏观审慎管理机构——金融政策委员会(FPC)的成立。 特纳认为,中国的宏观审慎管理职能肯定应该放在人民银行,但也需要其他相关部门的共同投入。
A:在2008年金融危机之后的许多年里,全球经济增长持续萎靡,引发了人们对结构性需求不足导致的长期停滞的担心。去年出现了同步复苏的现象,美国和中国的财政宽松政策是这一复苏最重要的推动因素。但长期停滞的威胁并未消除,债务水平仍然处于危险的高位。在大多数发达经济体中,通货膨胀仍低于目标水平;而世界经济似乎只能在实际利率非常低的情况下平衡储蓄和投资。因此,我们仍然很容易受到经济放缓的影响,但我相信中美两国将继续保持刺激性政策,所以近几年不太会出现经济放缓。从长远来看,私人债务过高仍然是一个主要问题。 在欧洲,从短期到中期来看,意大利面临的风险最大。
After many years following the 2008 financial crisis in which global growth continually disappointed, provoking fears that we faced a “secular stagnation” of structurally inadequate demand, the last year has seen a synchronised recovery. The most important drivers of this recovery were very significant fiscal relaxation in the US and also in China. But the factors which appeared to threaten a secular stagnation are still present: debt levels remain dangerously elevated: inflation continues to track below target in most developed economies: and of the world economy only seems able to balance savings and investments at very low real interest rates. We therefore remain vulnerable to a slowdown, but I do not anticipate one in the next few years since I believe that Chinese and US policy will continue to be stimulative. In the long term, excessive private debt remains a major problem. In Europe in the short to medium term, Italy is the biggest risk.
The normalisation of advanced economy monetary policy is still only very limited. Yes we are seeing a gradual rise in US interest rates, which could reach 3.5% or so by 2020. But I think there is no prospect of rate rises in Japan any time soon: the ECB may put an end to negative rates, but Eurozone interest rates will still be very close to zero in 2020. And I would be surprised if UK interest rates are over 1.5% by 2020, and suspect they may be still significantly lower. So this is still a world of incredibly low interest rates. Nevertheless dollar interest rate increases will create risks, particularly in emerging countries which have seen big increases in dollar-denominated debt. Turkey in particular looks vulnerable.
I think the Chinese government, operating within a hybrid socialist market economy, has available multiple policy levers to manage high debt levels, which are not available in purely market-driven systems. I therefore do not anticipate that the great Chinese credit expansion of the last 10 years will end in any form of crisis. The authorities can clampdown on shadow banking activities and are doing so. The shift to direct fiscal stimulus has reduced dangerous reliance on bank credit creation as the driver of demand growth. Local government debt has been moved on to a more formal basis: and measures to encourage equity issue have at least had some impact on corporate leverage. If necessary, bad debts could be shifted to asset management companies, as they were in the early 2000s, with government and central bank support. Given these tools, some of which are already being used, I anticipate the China will be able slowly to get leverage under control. The one area which concerns me is the still rapid growth of personal credit, and in particular mortgage debt. Till recently this looked low compared with typical Western levels, but it has grown rapidly, and together with the extraordinary bias of Chinese economy towards real estate investment, this could create problems.
A:英国2013年推出了双峰监管模式(英国金融市场行为监管局FCA和审慎监管局PRA),我认为这一模式是合理的,并且自从其推出以来已经有了很好的发展。但是我始终认为,英国金融危机后的监管改革最重要的一点并非是把英国金融服务监管局拆成了FCA和PRA,而是宏观审慎管理机构——金融政策委员会(FPC)的成立。 FPC负责对整个金融体系所面临的风险进行监督和应对,如果FPC在2008年危机之前已经成立,那时我们肯定能够更好地避免灾难。 我认为,中国也应该建立类似职能单位,这是明智之举,该职能肯定应该放在人民银行,但需要其他相关部门的共同投入。
I believe that the U.K.'s new system of Twin Peaks financial regulation (the PRA and the FCA) makes sense and has bedded down well since its introduction in 2013. But I have always believed that the most important element of the U.K.'s post-crisis regulatory reform was not the separation of the FSA into PRA and FCA , but the creation of the Financial Policy Committee as the macro prudential authority. The FPC is responsible for monitoring and responding to risks developing across the whole of the financial system, and if it had been in place before the 2008 crisis we would have been better equipped to avoid disaster. I think that in China it would be wise to introduce a similar function, which should certainly reside within this PBOC, but with appropriate input from all other relevant organisations.
Although I personally regret it, Britain will certainly leave the European Union, but we could decide to stay in the European customs union, and that would certainly be the best policy. Leaving the customs union will disrupt manufacturing trade and deliver no benefit whatsoever. The idea that the advantages of deep trade integration within a region such as Europe, can be offset by intercontinental free-trade area arrangements, for instance with the US, is a delusion of people who do not understand how trading works in the modern world of integrated regional supply chains.
耶鲁大学Stephen Roach:解决中美贸易冲突的三个方案