WEST BUND ART & DESIGN 「Perspective」Consulate General of France in Shanghai Special Project French Artists ExhibitionWithout Fanfare - On the Border of DreamsSans tambours ni trompettes – A la frontière du rêveShanghai West Bund Art Center | 2555 Longteng Avenue
杜梦堂艺术家塔玛丽·伯瑞利(Tamaris Borrelly)荣幸参展西岸艺术与设计博览会「Perspective 视角」单元特别项目法国驻上海总领事馆——法国艺术家特展。由柯梅燕(Myriam Kryger)策划策展,Margo Renisio 展陈设计的「不吹不擂 —— 触梦边界」(Sans tambours ni trompettes – A la frontière du rêve ),汇集了十五位不同年代的当代艺术家的六十幅画作,展现了法国艺术界最具重量级的部分作品,会聚了业已享有国际声誉的艺术家,和前途无量的年轻新秀。DUMONTEIL is delighted to share with you Tamaris Borrelly's participation in the special project featured in the「Perspective」unit of the West Bund Art & Design, organized by the Consulate General of France in Shanghai. "Without Fanfare - On the Border of Dreams" (Sans tambours ni trompettes – A la frontière du rêve), curated by Myriam Kryger, with the collaboration of Margo Renisio for the exhibition's scenographic design, brings together sixty works from sixteen contemporary artists, from well-established artists in the contemporary French scene with international fame to emerging young artists who have won critical attention.
Tamaris BORRELLY | 塔玛利·伯瑞利
Birth and Nature | 诞生与自然
Watercolor on Kozo paper 楮纸上水彩
161 x 223 x 6.5 cm (with frame 含框)
作为此次展览中最年轻的艺术家,塔玛丽·伯瑞利(Tamaris Borrelly)将展出两件大尺幅水彩作品《诞生与自然》和《在梦的那一端》。通过模糊生命与事物、空间与时间之间的界限, 伯瑞利的作品呼唤着一种形而上的遐想。她所运用的创作语汇通常由有机物和移动体构成,在质疑事物的物质性与构成的同时提醒我们以分子构成的多元素世界。构成岩石的铁元素可以在我们的血管、鸟类和老鼠的血管中流动,亦或在树的汁液中循环。但它们并不是简单地参照支配我们世界的规则,而是从这些规则中挣脱出来,去进行各种融合与转化。大自然以一种梦幻般的、放大的方式被誊写,繁茂。它不是单纯的美化,而是在诉说空间、虚无、时间、物质、事物,以及它们的界限、开始和结束。欢迎点击「阅读原文」,查看此次法国驻上海总领事馆——法国艺术家特展在西岸艺术与设计博览会展出的更多艺术家及作品信息。
Tamaris BORRELLY | 塔玛利·伯瑞利
On the Border of Dream | 在梦的那一端
Watercolor on Kozo paper 楮纸上水彩
115 x 201 x 6.5 cm (with frame 含框)
Tamaris Borrelly, the youngest artist in the exhibition, will present two large scale watercolour works, Birth and Nature and On the Border of the Dream. By blurring the boundary between beings and things, space and time, Tamaris Borrelly's work calls for a metaphysical daydream.
The languages she borrows, often made of the organic and the dynamic, question the materiality and substance of things. They remind us that molecules can assemble into a multitude of elements. The same iron in the earth that constitute a rock can flow in our veins, in those of the bird and the rat, or circulate in the sap of a tree. But they do not simply refer to the rules that govern our world, they break themselves free, allowing all kinds hybridizations and transfigurations. Nature is transcribed in a dreamy and magnified way. It is not simply aestheticized, it speaks of space, emptiness, time, matter, things and their delimitations, the beginning and the end.Click on "Read more" for more information about the artists and works showcased at the Consulate General of France in Shanghai - Special Exhibition of French Artists at the West Bund Art & Design.
塔玛丽·伯瑞利(Tamaris Borrelly,1987年生于巴黎)是一位以绘画、动画和装置为创作媒介的法国艺术家,现工作生活于巴黎。她毕业于巴黎国立高等美术学院(École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts),师从朱塞普-佩诺内(Giuseppe Penone)、安·维罗尼卡·詹森斯(Ann Veronica Janssens)和贾梅尔-塔塔赫(Djamel Tatah), 后在纽约视觉艺术学院进一步学习二维动画影像制作。
Tamaris Borrelly (b. 1987, Paris) is a French artist who mainly works with drawing, animation, and installation. She graduated from the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts under the mentorship of Giuseppe Penone, Ann Veronica Janssens, and Djamel Tatah, then furthered her study of 2D animated videos at the School of Visual Art in New York. Now she lives and works in Paris.
Tamaris BORRELLY | 塔玛丽·伯瑞利
The Trouble of the Night | 叨扰的夜
Ink and watercolor on gampi paper 甘比纸上水彩和水墨
121 x 192.5 cm (with frame 含框)
她曾参与由佩诺内策展、在拉图雷特修道院展出的驻地展览“沉默”(Silence, 2012)。2013年,伯瑞利在亚洲各地旅行,后曾在印度工作和生活,期间参与了在孟买的艺术家驻留项目,还学习了陶土的制作,尝试将其绘画转化为三维作品。2020年,她为舞蹈家Clémentine Vanlerberghe的《Gratia Lacrimarum》创作了场景设计和视频制作。
Borrelly participated in “Silence”, a residency exhibition curated by Penone at the Convent of La Tourette by Le Corbusier (2012). In 2013, Borrelly traveled in Asia and stayed in India for several months, during which she participated in an artist residency in Mumbai. She also experimented with terracotta as a way to mold forms from her drawing into three-dimensional works. In 2020, she created the set design and videos for dancer-choreographer Clémentine Vanlerberghe's creation, Gratia Lacrimarum.
Tamaris BORRELLY | 塔玛丽·伯瑞利
Circe | 瑟茜
Ink and watercolor on Korean paper 韩国纸上水彩和水墨
82 x 150 cm (with frame 含框)
Tamaris Borrelly’s work revolves around the living world, its metamorphoses, its fragility, and its durability. Landscape and dreaming are at the center of Borrelly’s work. She questions the relationships between species and the biological links through her search for the fusion of matter. Like the scientist seeking to contribute to universal knowledge, she seeks to create a space opening onto another world.
展会预告 1 | 杜梦堂参展西岸艺术与设计博览会 WEST BUND ART & DESIGN | 展位 B207
展会预告 2 | 杜梦堂参展西岸艺术与设计博览会 WEST BUND ART & DESIGN | 展位 B207
展览 EXHIBITION | 「仲夏夜之梦 A Midsummer Night's Dream」