
招募 | 记录“英雄”

2016-09-03 北京同志中心

记录 · 中国同性恋




我想要采访15个“英雄”,并且在一个他们对熟悉的地方记录他们的日常生活。除此之外,为了完全了解这些“英雄”的故事,我也打算问很多十分深入的问题。比如,你的梦想是什么?作为一位住在中国同性恋的男人,你有什么样的生活? 我会说中文和英文!你选择沟通语言。整个过程(包括:采访以及拍照片)只需要两三个小时。参加者必须签署一份授权协议书。

WANTEDIt is the 21st century, and in many parts of the world the acceptance of Homosexuality has been widespread among most Western countries. However, China still holds very strong family values and the topic of open Homosexual relations is still considered a Taboo even though it has been declassified as a mental disease by the Chinese government (2001).

At the present time, there are many LGBT spaces such as clubs or bars but still, many people opt for hiding their sexual orientation.

There are certain conditions that make the situatuoin more complex, on the one hand, by statistics, China has more men than women and this enables a flourishment of more same-sex relationships; and on the other hand, 90% of the gays living in China are “married” following the norms of tradition but keeping their condition as a secret.

It is my intention to register and show the outside world (My work cannot and will not be exhibited in China for the protection of all the persons that participate in it.) the way these heroes whom have bravely decided to open their spaces and their ideas become able to live, participate and interact with their families and in normal society.

The idea is to assemble a group of 15 heroes (as I like to call them) and showcase their daily life but still in a quiet and comfortable space, also I plan to know deep in their stories, dreams and aspirations as being a gay person living in China, the shootings will take about 2 to 3 hours and they will be asked to sign in a release document for the latter use of the images and texts.
TipsDeadline: in winter (December-January)Location: depends on heroes… If we could find really good story, and it wont be extremly hard, i could go to any place. But mostly I'm in BJ.
BTW: You can see my portfolio here www.behance.com/iriskova and I could send you my CV by mail. 联系方式:扫描下方二维码,与Irina直接联系,需要告知来自什么地方,从事什么工作。



9月4日 | 电影私享会:活着Viva




活动侧记 | 我们不是妖怪

拉拉自述 | 你是男人我也爱




尊重 多元 合作




通过营造包容、多元的社会环境,使得中国同志(LGBT)社群享受平等权益并获得健康、自主 、有尊严的生活。

