September 23rd | Let's escape to "Europe"
Aren't you tired of the day-to-day life of Beijing?
So crowded and so loud
Yet, don't always have the time to get out
Well, maybe there is a way
This September
Beijing LGBT Center is working with MOKA Bro's
to bring our Dining Out event to
Solana Lakeside
a little European-style town within the city
It is a fun area with beautiful sight
lake, blue sky and color lights at night
More importantly
the beloved MOKA Bro's have prepared a special menu only for us!!!
to make sure we have a relaxed Friday night
Friday September 23rd, 2016
6:30PM — 9:30PM
MOKA Bro’s Solana
Solana Lakeside Dining Street 6 Chaoyang Park Road, Chaoyang Beijing
Scan the code and join us!!!
All the profits will be put in supporting Beijing LGBT Center
So we can provide better service to the community
尊重 多元 合作
通过营造包容、多元的社会环境,使得中国同志(LGBT)社群享受平等权益并获得健康、自主 、有尊严的生活。