

2018-03-11 César 北京同志中心

César Andrés Gamboa


曽著Homofobia El límite de la razón y la falsa promesa igualitaria










































Infamous representations and stereotypes are a heavy burden to deal with, specially for those who are beginning to live their own and intimate homosexual experience. At this point, we find out that others pretend to tell us who we are and why we are so, but also they think they know about our behavior, desires, looks and even our aspirations. As a matter of fact, we become conscious of all the expectations that are upon us and that we are not fulfilling.

At the same time, we have to deal with all the little acts of violence that homophobic people impose on others like us. Probably, we have seen many men and women suffering because they decided to live openly. There is also a chance that many of us heard in our own homes parents giving thanks for not having LGTB sons and daughters.

All of this is enough to give birth to fear inside ourselves and make us afraid to disappoint others, to break our family’s expectations and to be rejected.

Homophobic violence is a kind of violence to which all of us, men and women of the LGTB community, are exposed. It creates fear, guilt, and many times makes us believe that we are defective and that we must be repaired and corrected.

When many of us consider this context, featuring infamous representations and repeated aggressions, to stay more or less hidden might seem a very reasonable alternative. And let us be honest on this point: No one wants to be a disappointment, to be rejected or endanger him or herself.

Now if we look from another point of view, we can say that there are not conditions friendly enough, or safe enough, to come out of the closet.

For all of us in the LGTB community, the closet is a metaphor that we use to refer to this situation of living hidden, keeping our lives in secret. And the only reason for the existence of this closet is homophobia.

One important thing to emphasize is that those that remain in the closet are not guilty for it. They cannot be guilty for choosing to remain silent or hidden when outside there is this homophobic environment in which we are all expected to live. No one chooses the closet voluntarily, because there is always some kind of violence around that suggests it as a better alternative.

Let us remember that heterosexuals are not expected to come out and confess to others that they are so. They do not risk to break others expectations based on the unique fact of being heterosexual. On the contrary, they enjoy a comfortable environment not available for LGTB people. 

The violence of the closet

Every LGTB man and woman has to face at some point the decision to declare or not that he is not heterosexual. Unfortunately, the initial assumption is still that every one is heterosexual and, therefore, LGTB conditions are considered exceptional, not expected for the rest of the people around us. This is why to be LGTB creates the feeling of being a disappointment to family and friends.

Many LGTB men and women have shared that expectations are one of the heaviest burdens that we must bear. For this reason, many LGTB people fear to come out and confess to others what they have reserved inside, and they decide to live hidden lives. But this living in secret has a high psychological cost for all of us and forbid us to live in freedom and enjoy all the experiences of life without guilt or shame.

The fear to rejection can be so intense, as to lead many to choose to live a double life, heterosexual in public and secretly homosexual.

Many LGTB men and women feel with such an intensity this fear to rejection that they end up investing huge efforts to comply with the expectations of others. Broken under these pressures, not few decide to change their LGTB condition and begin to adjust to heterosexual attitudes and behavior.

And there is another aspect of this homophobic violence that must be touched upon. Stereotypes of LGTB people born on homophobic ideas are never positive. Instead, they represent the LGTB experience as a caricature, emphasizing inversion on the expected heterosexual “sexual roles” and daily behavior. These stereotypes also set up an identification system that makes of some gestures and speech habits symptoms of an LGTB condition. All of these are ways to violent LGTB people and push them inside to the closet. Many LGTB men and women in the closet would avoid any kind of suspected behavior only because of fear to be recognized as a non heterosexual person.

Stereotypes have two effects that must be specially mentioned.  One is upon individuals, many of which tend to behave in a straight way only to avoid the stigma of being LGTB. The other is collective, meaning that creates dissociation because many do not want to be part of a group of people that is stigmatized and despised.

When we consider all the previously described, we can easily understand why so many LGTB people become shy, timid or fragile, feeling fear and guilt all at the same time. These features are just a consequence of living in a hostile and homophobic environment.

An important consequence for all those that work giving support to the LGTB community is that we must create a friendly environment in order to secure a healthy development of our new generations of LGTB men and women. At the same time, it is important to promote a better understanding of the effects of homophobia in order to help those that already have struggles accepting themselves to release fear and guilt and enjoy a more satisfactory and happy experience as LGTB.

An environment able to promote a healthier development and to strengthen self- esteem will open the door for better conditions of life for every member of the LGTB community.

Facing the mirror

Let us go back now to the violent effects of the stereotypes.

When all of us look ourselves into a mirror we see someone totally different from the stereotypes that homophobic people want to apply to us. We discover then that there is an enormous difference between what we see in ourselves and the image drawn by others.

Of course, we must consider this distortion as an act of violence and understand that it only creates a fiction, a fallacious representation of the reality of us, people of flesh and bones.

If we remember our own experiences, we can agree that most of us one day began to see feelings and desires awaking inside ourselves. Our first impulse was to experience them as totally spontaneous and normal. And this is the reality of them, the only representation we must accept. Let us not forget that only when we face others and their ideas we began to sense that something is out of place with these feelings and desires.

Then we must face another challenge. This is to be able to say the words that describe the specific way in which we feel and desire. In the case of a man, this could mean to say “I am gay”. And though it sounds very easy to pronounce this sentence, the fact is that for many this is extremely difficult. We understand then that to live is not as easy as to verbalize our experience.

Yes, when we LGTB people look into the mirror, we discover that it is not easy to put aside all the homophobia circulating around us. Our greatest challenge is to avoid that these misrepresentations get a hold on us and determine our relationship with ourselves. We must never value our lives in accordance to the precepts of homophobic people.

Our first challenge in the way to live healthy and happy lives is to accept ourselves just as we are. Only after this first acceptance we can face others.

Coming out

Now, let us be very clear about this: coming out is a process exclusive to LGTB people. Heterosexuals have never been in the need to come out. And this need to come out is based on the fact that we are expected to be heterosexual and, therefore, we are declaring something exceptional to our families and friends.

This unexpected character of LGTB conditions is consequence of the fact that people around us believe that heterosexuality is the only normal way of life. And this is an extremely homophobic idea. Sadly, it reflects the circumstances in which we are supposed to live.

As we all know well, we live our lives in a generally homophobic environment. This imposes the need to choose whether it is possible or safe for us to come out. For we are aware that coming out can mean an extremely violent reaction from people around us. And there lies the right of each of us to come out or not. We cannot decide for others and take someone out. It is not our decision.

But we also must be empathic to those that have not come out yet, because only they know what challenges they would face. They are not in the closet because they are weak or coward, but because homophobia is a terrible burden and it is not easy to deal with its consequences.

And there is still an additional complication. We all deploy our daily activities in different scenarios. Each one of these holds its own set of values. This makes the coming out a selective process, because our LGTB condition will not be welcome in all of them. Some people might be out to their friends and not their families, while others might choose not to be out in their working places. Once again this is not because of an opportunistic approach, but because homophobia threats our lives in all of its scenarios in different ways and with different levels of consequences.

Some final thoughts

I cannot end this remarks without reaffirming that we are not to blame ourselves because of the challenges we must face. On the contrary, our lives are an example of effort and strength as we are always striving through a homophobic environment.

One of the greatest works that LGTB organizations do is to provide support to those struggling in their first steps towards self acceptance. They are also helping them to live without guilt and fear.

Now, there is one last idea I would like to present.

We know that homophobia is over there and that many of us have been deeply affected by its violence. We should be careful, of course, and take as many steps as are necessary to secure our safety and integrity. But we do not have to believe the representations and accept the judgments of homophobic people.

We should reclaim for us the exclusive right to represent ourselves, in other words, to build our own self-image. This is an important step to self-assurance and affirmation.












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