

刘相文 中伦视界 2022-03-20

作者:刘相文 王德昌 王涛 王宇博

I. The Overall Market for Cross-border Litigation in China


Nowadays, with the development of the globalization, considering the complexity of the global economic situation and the effect of the following internal and external factors, Chinese corporations are likely to face increasing cross-border disputes.



Downside Risks of Global Economy


First, increased downside risks of the global economy could well materialize. According to the October 2019 World Economic Outlook and October 2019 Global Financial Stability Report, both published by the IMF, global economic growth remains weak. Currently, there are a number of key vulnerabilities in the global financial system, including a rise in corporate debt levels.



The Rise of Protectionism


Second, the rise of protectionism is harming the global economy as well as the daily operation of various corporations. While the trade war between China and the US is the most glaring example, serious issues also exist within both the US and Europe. This shift is likely to result in a substantial change in international trade, adversely affecting the global economy and supply chains, and raising the operating costs and debt risks of a wide range of companies.



The Belt and Road Initiative and Chinese Overseas Investment


Third, increasing Chinese overseas investment brings about more potential disputes between Chinese investors and foreign entities. China’s top 100 multinational corporations have total overseas assets of more than RMB 9000 billion, overseas revenues of more than RMB 6000 billion, and overseas employees of more than 1.3 million. With the increasing overseas investment driven by the Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese companies are facing more cross-border disputes in the fields of trade, investment, engineering, labor, intellectual property, etc.


II. The Status Quo of Cross-border Litigation of Chinese Enterprises


The legal market of cross-border dispute resolution involving Chinese companies is gradually expanding. Chinese companies are likely to sustain substantial losses if they lose the case, and therefore are seeking to behave more positively and actively in cross-border disputes.



The Growth of Demand


The demand for dispute resolution services of Asian enterprises, including Chinese companies, continues to grow. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has recently established a new representative office in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone, and the International Center for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) announced in August 2019 that its Singapore office is expanding. A news release published by Dorsey & Whitney LLP in 2018 stated that they saw a growing market in dispute resolution services demanded by Chinese companies.

包括中国企业在内的亚洲企业相关的跨境争议解决市场逐渐扩大。国际商会仲裁院(ICC)近期在上海自由贸易区设立了新的办事处。国际争议解决中心(ICDR)也在2019年8月宣称,其新加坡办公室正在扩张。美国德汇律师事务所(Dorsey & Whitney LLP)2018年发布的新闻稿显示,中美争议解决业务正处于增长态势。


The Seriousness of Current Situation


The overall results of cross-border litigation and international arbitration by Chinese enterprises are generally unsatisfying. They face difficulties from incomplete compliance systems, weak knowledge of foreign laws, lack of experience in cross-border litigation, and cultural misunderstandings. Once lost in litigation, Chinese enterprises can sustain a substantial financial loss and an adverse impact on their reputation.



The Shifting Attitude


In the past, Chinese enterprises would at times choose to evade lawsuits because of their ignorance and distrust of foreign legal proceedings. They were often fearful that they would be treated unfairly in foreign courts. With the further globalization of Chinese enterprises, there has been a gradual realization that managing litigation is a significant part of their overseas operation. When encountering cross-border disputes, Chinese enterprises have begun to develop litigation strategies positively and actively and become increasingly willing to initiate and respond to litigation overseas.


III. Cooperation Mechanisms for Chinese and Foreign Legal Counsel


Cross-border litigation is usually conducted with cooperation between Chinese and foreign legal counsel. There are two major types of cooperation mechanisms:

  1. Chinese law firms serve as general contractors for the entire cross-border litigation project and then subcontract projects to foreign law firms in different jurisdictions.

  2. Clients sign legal service agreements with Chinese law firms and foreign law firms independently.

Under both mechanisms, Chinese lawyers serve as the coordinator/lead counsel and conduct overall project management, while foreign legal counsel are in charge of litigation in their jurisdiction. However, we recommend Mechanism One because it usually reduces litigation costs for clients.


The roles of Chinese and foreign lawyers in cross-border litigation under Mechanism One will be discussed in detail below.


IV. The Roles of Chinese Lawyers in Cross-border Litigation



Make Overall Planning and Develop Litigation Strategies


Developing overall litigation strategies is crucial in cross-border litigations. Chinese lawyers can comprehensively consider Chinese and foreign laws and the actual situation of Chinese companies, which better positions them to help enterprises develop and implement overall strategies. In the landmark case, Danone vs. Wahaha, lawyers from different jurisdictions disagreed over the legal analysis, enforcement, etc. Chinese lawyers led throughout the entire process by utilizing holistic case management, and the dispute was resolved successfully.



Choose a Proper Court to File the Lawsuit


Cross-border litigation generally involves multiple foreign jurisdictions. It is necessary to choose the jurisdiction that is most beneficial to the client in terms of efficiency, the availability of evidence, the financial burden, the convenience of enforcement, etc.  For instance, we are working on a cross-border debt collection case that involves six jurisdictions. The disputed shares are registered in Country A. Since Country A usually does not enforce foreign non-monetary judgments, we chose to bring the lawsuit in Country A to facilitate the enforcement of court orders and judgments, although Country B, C, and D also have jurisdiction over this case.



Engage Foreign Legal Counsel


Legal services in developed countries are highly divided and specialized. Top Chinese law firms generally have offices abroad or long-term relationships with foreign law firms and investigation agencies. Such a global network can help clients find excellent legal counsel in different fields at a reasonable price. In a patent case before the American Arbitration Association (AAA), we interviewed five US law firms, eventually chose a legal team consisting of a senior arbitration lawyer and a lawyer with science and engineering background, and achieved good results for our client.



 Explain and Help Understand Foreign Laws and Legal Proceedings


The differences between Chinese and foreign legal systems, especially the common law system, can be substantial. Chinese clients are generally unfamiliar with foreign rules and proceedings such as case law, discovery, the adversarial system, and cross-examination. Many partners and associates in top Chinese law firms are now well armed with education background and practical experience in both Chinese and foreign laws. Their knowledge can help Chinese clients understand foreign laws and proceedings accurately.


For instance, in discovery, foreign legal counsel might not know what documents Chinese enterprises have and therefore request that all documents be submitted. Chinese clients, for safety, might claim all documents as confidential and refuse to provide any of them. In this case, Chinese lawyers are needed in a more effective way of coordinating and selecting proper evidence to submit.



Sort Evidence and Train Witnesses


Chinese lawyers, as native Chinese speakers, can sort out facts and documentary evidence more accurately and efficiently. If conducted by foreign lawyers with the help of interpretation and translation, the overall service can be costly. Meanwhile, due to cultural differences, Chinese witnesses may answer questions in an unclear way, or not based on personal knowledge, which undermines their credibility. Witnesses trained by Chinese lawyers can better understand and adapt to foreign trials and establish their credibility more easily, accordingly, exerting positive influence on the result.



 Bridge Differences and Promote Effective Interaction


Chinese clients consider not only costs and benefits, but also political consequences and traditional codes of conduct, while foreign clients may insist on performing the contract strictly. Therefore, foreign lawyers may have difficulties in accurately grasping the situation, needs, and expectation of Chinese clients. In this case, assistance from Chinese lawyers is necessary to bridge the differences and promote effective interaction.



 Improve the Accuracy and Efficiency of Work Products, and Save Costs


Nowadays, many Chinese lawyers have foreign legal education backgrounds, overseas working experience, or licenses to practice in foreign jurisdictions, and have developed a good understanding of foreign laws. Such multinational competency, as well as similarities between different legal systems, particularly in the area of commercial law, has enabled[WT/1]  them to assist clients in managing the quality of legal services rendered by foreign legal counsel. In addition, through the holistic management of litigation, the knowledge of the overseas legal market, and the review of the work of foreign lawyers, Chinese lawyers can help clients reasonably control the costs of litigation.


V. The Roles of Foreign Lawyers in Cross-border Litigation



 Keep Active Communication and Understand the Needs of Clients


There are huge differences between Chinese and foreign laws and regulations, legal procedures, languages, legal culture, etc. Foreign lawyers should be aware of these differences and maintain active communication with Chinese lawyers to fully and accurately understand the objectives and needs of clients.



Help Develop Overall and Specific Litigation Strategies


Since cross-border litigation generally involves multiple jurisdictions, the coordinator needs to develop overall strategies with the legal advice from foreign legal counsel who are responsible for making and implementing specific litigation strategies in their own practicing jurisdictions.



Follow Instructions from Clients and the Coordinator to achieve the Ultimate Goal of Clients


With respect to the overall planning of the case, foreign lawyers should follow instructions from both clients and the coordinator and cooperate with lawyers from other jurisdictions. When disagreements arise between Chinese and foreign lawyers, the latter ones should try to see the whole picture and seek consensus to achieve the ultimate goal of the litigation without asymmetric information.



Provide Assistance to Decision-making with Local Resources and Experience


The opposing parties may reside in the jurisdiction where foreign lawyers practice. Foreign lawyers, with their local resources and experience, can obtain information beyond the reach of Chinese clients and lawyers, which provides a better basis for decision-making.



 Represent Clients in Specific Proceedings and Make Factual and Legal Arguments for Clients


Foreign lawyers directly participate in specific proceedings, including drafting and submitting legal documents, discovery, appearing in court, settlement negotiation, enforcement, etc., which requires foreign lawyers to provide high-quality legal services, particularly in developing claims and defenses, evidence production, and cross-examination.


The End


刘相文  律师

北京办公室  合伙人

业务领域:诉讼仲裁, 合规/政府监管, 收购兼并


北京办公室  争议解决部


北京办公室  争议解决部


北京办公室  争议解决部


《开启全面数字货币时代 (下)——法律风险篇》

《开启全面数字货币时代 (上)——法律风险篇》





《中国企业如何应对世界银行合规调查 ——世界银行制裁程序与处罚裁量情节解析》






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