

斯响俊 蔡荣伟 等 中伦视界

Commentary of the Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (Draft for Public Comments)

作者丨朱韦悦 斯响俊 蔡荣伟




On April 11, 2023, the Cyberspace Administration of China (hereinafter referred to as the “CAC”) released a notice to solicit public comments on the "Administrative Measures for Generative Artificial Intelligence Services (Draft for Public Comments)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI"). The deadline for submitting comments is May 10, 2023. The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI proposes several compliance requirements for providers of generative AI services. The following are our high-level comments.


Main Body


Recently, generative AI services, represented by ChatGPT, have gained attention and investments. Following OpenAI, many internet companies in China have also joined the race.


With the AI boom, many new issues arising from AI will emerge. Therefore, the legal and regulatory supervision of AI services, including how to legally, compliantly, and ethically develop and use AI services, has become a concern for various sectors of the society.


The Biden administration in the United States has already begun examining whether there is a need to regulate AI technologies. On April 11, 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce released a formal request for public comments on accountability measures, including whether potentially risky AI models should go through a certification process before they are made available.


Also on April 11, the CAC released the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI. Below is our brief digest of this draft regulation.


Scope of Application

《生成式AI管理办法草案》第二条明确:”研发、利用生成式人工智能产品,面向中华人民共和国境内公众提供服务的,适用本办法“。在此定义中,“面向”一词含意不甚清楚 —— 尚无法判断是专为中国境内公众提供,还是不专门为中国境内公众提供但能被境内公众所接受和使用。即便如此,有一点是可以肯定的,即,不管服务机构和服务器是否位于中国境内,只要面向中国境内公众,《生成式AI管理办法草案》就有管辖权。同时,这个定义里的“公众“一词似乎又限制了《生成式AI管理办法草案》的适用范围:比如,内部自用、科研和生产使用等,似乎不受其管辖。此外,对于生成式人工智能服务提供者仅仅向企业用户(而不包括个人用户)提供服务是否构成向“公众”提供服务,也需要监管部门进一步明确。

Article 2 of the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI stipulates that "these measures apply to the research, development and utilization of generative artificial intelligence products, when they become services to the general public within the territory of the People's Republic of China." The term "to the general public" in this definition is not clear - whether it refers to services specifically designed for the general public in China, or services that are accessible and used by the general public in China, even if not specifically designed for them. However, it is certain that regardless of whether the service provider and servers are located within China, as long as services are provided to the general public in China, the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI has jurisdiction over it. At the same time, the term "general public" in this definition seems to limit the application scope of the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI. For example, it may not apply to internal uses, scientific research, or manufacture uses, etc. Further clarification may also be needed from the regulatory authorities on whether providing services only to enterprise users (excluding individual users) constitutes providing services to the "general public".


Definition of Generative AI


The definition of "generative AI" is also broadly defined in Article 2 of the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI, which states "[f]or the purpose of these measures, the term ‘generative artificial intelligence’ refers to the technology for generating text, pictures, sounds, videos, codes and other content based on algorithms, models or rules." With the core concept being "generating”, this definition is not exhaustive. Therefore, the definition of generative AI may further expand with the evolution of actual products, ensuring the regulatory scope of the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI will keep pace with the development of AI technologies.


Regulations on Generated Content

《生成式AI管理办法草案》第四条规定 “提供生成式人工智能产品或服务应当遵守法律法规的要求,尊重社会公德、公序良俗”,具体内容包括:

Article 4 of the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI stipulates that providers of generative AI products or services must comply with legal requirements, respect social morality and public order, and specifically includes the following provisions:

(一) 利用生成式人工智能生成的内容应当体现社会主义核心价值观,不得含有颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度,煽动分裂国家、破坏国家统一,宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义,宣扬民族仇恨、民族歧视,暴力、淫秽色情信息,虚假信息,以及可能扰乱经济秩序和社会秩序的内容。

1. The content generated by generative artificial intelligence shall reflect the core socialist values, and shall not contain any content that subverts the state regime, overthrows the socialist system, incites separatism, undermines national unity, promotes terrorism, extremism, ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, violence, obscenity, false information, or any content that may disrupt economic and social order.

(二) 在算法设计、训练数据选择、模型生成和优化、提供服务等过程中,采取措施防止出现种族、民族、信仰、国别、地域、性别、年龄、职业等歧视。

2. Measures shall be taken during algorithm design, training data selection, model generation and optimization, and service provision processes to prevent discrimination based on the race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, region, gender, age, occupation, and other factors.

(三) 尊重知识产权、商业道德,不得利用算法、数据、平台等优势实施不公平竞争。

3. Respect for intellectual property rights and business ethics, and the use of algorithm, data, platform, and other advantages to engage in unfair competition is prohibited.

(四) 利用生成式人工智能生成的内容应当真实准确,采取措施防止生成虚假信息。

4. The content generated by generative artificial intelligence shall be true and accurate, and measures shall be taken to prevent the generation of false information.

(五) 尊重他人合法利益,防止伤害他人身心健康,损害肖像权、名誉权和个人隐私,侵犯知识产权。禁止非法获取、披露、利用个人信息和隐私、商业秘密。

5. Respect the legitimate interests of others, prevent harm to others' physical and mental health, damage to their portrait rights, reputation rights, and personal privacy, and infringement of intellectual property rights. Illegal acquisition, disclosure, and use of personal information, privacy, and trade secrets are prohibited.


The "true and accurate" requirements for generative AI services in Paragraph 4 above has been a subject of controversy. The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI do not provide definition of "false information". However, in current generative AI services, we often see discrepancies between the results generated and the actual facts. Black box models in generative AI services make it difficult to effectively control the algorithmic operations and generated results of AI services. Therefore, it is practically impossible to ensure the truthfulness and accuracy of the generated contents. While the purpose of this provision is to effectively prevent misuses of generative AI technology, the standards provided in it still need to be refined.


In addition, the provisions in Paragraph 1, 3, 4, and 5 above only specify the content compliance obligations from the perspective of generative AI service providers, while user responsibilities are absent, which may require further consideration. In practice, it is doubtful whether generative AI service providers have the ability to conduct comprehensive reviews and supervisions throughout the entire process to prevent users from creating any content that infringes on the rights of others. Even if providers can conduct comprehensive reviews and supervisions, such reviews and supervisions may intrude users' confidential information, particularly when users are commercial entities. This issue needs further consideration. Therefore, one possible solution is to properly allocate responsibilities between providers and users.


Identification of Responsible Entities


The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI stipulates in Article 5 that "organizations and individuals (hereinafter referred to as 'providers') that provide services such as chat, text, image, and sound generation using generative artificial intelligence products, including support others to generate text, image, sound, etc. on their own by providing APIs or other means, shall assume the responsibility as producers of the content generated by the product." Therefore, it is important to note that in addition to the technology developers and application developers who are involved in the "research, development and utilization of generative artificial intelligence products", providers of API interfaces or other access services are also responsible for the content generated. In addition, as mentioned above, the responsibility of users of generative AI services or products is absent, and needs further clarification by the regulatory authorities.


The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI further specifies in Articles 7 to 20 the regulatory obligations, responsibility attribution, and penalties for "providers".


Compliance Requirements for Data and Information


Article 7 of the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI specifies that providers must be responsible for the legality of the pre-training data and source of the optimized training data used in generative AI products. The pre-training and optimized training data used in generative AI products must comply with the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, and may not contain any content that infringes upon intellectual property rights. Providers must also ensure the authenticity, accuracy, objectivity, and diversity of the data.


Regarding the protection of user privacy and personal information, the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI clearly stipulate that providers must assume the statutory responsibilities of personal information processors and fulfill the obligations of personal information protection if personal information is involved. Consent of the personal information subject must be obtained if the training data contains personal information.  Providers must protect the input information and usage records of users during the provision of services. Providers may not (i) illegally retain input information that can infer the user's identity, (ii) create user profiles based on user input information and usage (i.e., infer and label user characteristics based on behavioral data analysis such as user input information and usage, so as to achieve the purpose of precise marketing, user research, and personalized services, etc.), or (iii) provide user input information to others.


Security Assessment and Algorithm Filing

两部现有法规也适用于生成式人工智能,即 (i) 《具有舆论属性或社会动员能力的互联网信息服务安全评估规定》(以下简称“《互联网信息服务安全评估规定》”)用于安全评估和 (ii) 《互联网信息服务算法推荐管理规定》(以下简称“《互联网信息服务算法推荐规定》”) 用于算法备案。

Two existing laws may also apply to generative AI, namely (i) the Provisions on the Security Assessment of Internet Information Services with Attribute of Public Opinions or Capable of Social Mobilization (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet Information Service Security Assessment Provisions”) for security assessment and (ii) the Administrative Provisions on Algorithm Recommendation for Internet Information Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Provisions”) for algorithm filing.


The Internet Information Service Security Assessment Provisions requires “internet information services with attribute of public opinions or capable of social mobilization” to undergo security assessment. The scope of "internet information services with attribute of public opinions or capable of social mobilization" is quite broad, including forums, blogs, microblogs, chat rooms, communication groups, public accounts, short videos, live streaming, information sharing, mini-programs, and other internet information services that provide channels for public opinion expression or have the ability to mobilize the public for specific activities. The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI includes generative AI as an "internet information service with attribute of public opinions or capable of social mobilization" into relevant supervision. Article 6 of the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI requires providers to file the security assessment with the cyberspace administration before providing services to the general public using generative AI products in accordance with the Internet Information Service Security Assessment Provisions, and complete algorithm filing, modification, or deregistration procedures in accordance with the Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Provisions.


The Internet Information Service Security Assessment Provisions requires internet information service providers to conduct security assessments by themselves or entrust third-party security assessment agencies to generate security assessment reports. These reports should be submitted to the local cyberspace administration and public security agencies at the city level or above through the national internet security management service platform before the information service, new technology or new application goes online, or new features are added.


In addition, Article 24 of the Internet Information Service Algorithm Recommendation Provisions requires that algorithm recommendation service providers with attribute of public opinions or capable of social mobilization are required to file for record through the internet information service algorithm filing system within ten working days from the date of providing services. In case of changes in the filed information, the providers must complete the modification procedures within ten working days. For termination of services, the providers must complete the deregistration procedures within twenty working days.




The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI contains 21 provisions and applies to generative AI products that provide services to the general public within China. It emphasizes restrictions on ideology, intellectual property, information security, and fair competition. The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI clearly states that the entity using generative AI to provide services should bear the responsibility of a content producer, and if personal information is involved, it should also assume the statutory responsibility of a personal information processor. Before providing services, the Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI requires a security assessment to be filed with the competent cyberspace administration and compliance with algorithm filing, modification, or deregistration procedures. The Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI also prohibits the illegal retention of user input information that can infer user identity, prohibits user profiling and sharing of user input information, and prohibits the generation of any discriminatory content based on race, nationality, gender, etc. The release of this Draft Administrative Measures for Generative AI demonstrates China's attention and support for the development of generative AI technology, and provides a possible compliance and secure framework for relevant research institutions and companies. We look forward to the early issuance of relevant official measures and national standards.

朱韦悦  律师

上海办公室  公司业务部

斯响俊  律师

上海办公室  合伙人

业务领域:投资并购和公司治理, 网络安全和数据保护, 劳动人事

特色行业类别:能源与自然资源, 通讯与技术

蔡荣伟  律师

上海办公室  高级顾问

业务领域:投资并购和公司治理, 网络安全和数据保护, 诉讼仲裁

特色行业类别:能源与自然资源, 通讯与技术

* 徐光祖对本文亦有贡献。













