
看 | 英文动画版《西游记》45-46

英语学习 2023-03-09

《西游记》(Journey to the West)家喻户晓。暑假已至,一起看看英语动画片版本的吧。回顾故事的同时,学习英语,一举多得。



The Tang Monk glared at Wukong. “Bajie

says you can bring the king back to

life,” said the monk. “Please do so now.”

Wukong shot a look at Bajie, who was

trying not to laugh.

“Master, use the Tight Headband spell!”

said the pig.

“Don’t!” cried Wukong. “I’ll ask Laozi

for help. He makes pills that can make people

live forever. Maybe he makes pills that can

bring people back to life.”

Laozi was busy working on a potion.

Steam rose from the bubbling cauldron.

Suddenly Wukong burst into the room.

“Hello, Laozi!”

Laozi groaned. “What are you doing here,

Wukong? You’re supposed to be helping the

Tang Monk reach the Western Paradise.”

Wukong walked around the room,

looking at all the bottles and equipment. “I’m

still helping the Tang Monk,” he said. “We’re

helping a king right now though.” He poked

a blue bottle filled with liquid.

Laozi looked up from his potion. “Don’t

touch anything. Just tell me why you’re


“I need pills that will bring someone

back to life,” said Wukong. “Give me one

thousand of them.”

Laozi stopped what he was doing and

walked over to Wukong. “How dare you tell

me to give you one thousand pills!” he said.

“Get out of here right now!”

The monkey laughed. “I’m kidding. I

don’t really need one thousand pills. Just

give me one hundred, and then I’ll leave.”

Laozi squeezed his hands into fists. “I’m

not giving you any pills. Now get out of


Wukong scratched his head, pretending to

think. “Now that I think about it, I don’t need

one hundred pills. Just give me ten.”

“You are rude and disrespectful!” yelled

Laozi. “Get out!”

“I really just need one pill,” said Wukong.

“Give me that.”

“Get out!” shouted Laozi.

Wukong sighed and then left.

Laozi went back to his potion and stirred.

But then he stopped. “That monkey will

definitely come back and cause trouble,”

he said to himself. “I should just give him a


The sage opened a jar and took out a pill.

He went outside and found Wukong waiting

for him.

“Hello again,” said the monkey. “I was

just trying to decide what sort of trouble I

could cause for you.”

Laozi frowned, shoving the pill toward

Wukong. “Take this and leave.”

Wukong returned to the monastery.

Everyone watched as the monkey put the pill

in the king’s mouth. Light sparkled around

the king, and then his eyes popped open.

The king sat up and looked at Wukong.

“You . . . saved me,” the king said. “I’m

alive again!” He turned and saw the prince

standing nearby. “My son!”

“Father!” said the prince. He took his

father’s hands and bowed his head. “I’ve

missed you. It’s time for you to return to your


The prince led everyone to the palace.

They walked past guards and went into

the throne room. The prince kneeled down

before the Daoist.

“Greetings, son,” said the Daoist. “Who

are these people?”

The prince stood up. “This is the Tang

Monk. He is going to the Western Paradise to

get scriptures from Buddha. These three are

his companions.”

The Daoist looked at a person standing

near them. The person was wearing a hood.

“Who is that man wearing the hood?”

The man pulled the hood back and

showed his face.

The Daoist gasped. “The king!”

Wukong pulled out his iron bar and

leaped toward the Daoist.

The Daoist snapped his fingers and



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看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(34-35集)

看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(36-37集)

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看 | 英文动画版《西游记》(43-44集)

