

因果推断研究小组 计量经济圈 2021-10-23



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多期DID的经典文献big bad banks数据和do文件



关于事件研究方法,可查看“事件研究法什么鬼? 从这里着手看"疫苗之王"”。

作者采用的是两步法:1. 用事件研究法得到在事件窗口期空气、水等平均污染程度,2. 然后就用第一步得到的平均污染度对政策变量+时间趋势+政策变量*时间趋势做回归。



// An highlighted block

Objective: The objective of this program is to generate Table 3 of the paper. This program
performs mean shift and trend break analysis of air pollution policies using both a
single-stage standard DiD approach as well as a two-stage event study and trend break

0. Stata Setup
1. Data prep: Generate policy event-years on air dataset
2. Run single-stage and two-stage regressions
a. CAT policy
b. SCAP policy
3. Clean-up

1. Single-stage approach (standard difference-in-differences regressions):
a. Mean shift (includes post*treatment only)
b. Mean shift (includes post*treatment and city-year time trends)
c. Trendbreak (included post*treatment, city-year time trends, and post*treatment*time-trend)
2. Two-stage approach (event study followed by mean-shift or trend-break regressions)
a. Mean shift: reg taub post*treatment [aw=1/tause]
b. Mean shift w/ time trend: reg taub post*treatment timetrend [aw=1/tause]
c. Trend break: reg taub post*treatment timetrend post*treatment*timetrend [1/tause]

* 0. Setup

* Reset memory options
clear all
set more off
set mem 500m
set matsize 10000

* Establish log
cap log close
log using "${mypath}Log/Table3_01102014.txt", replace t

* 1. Data prep: Generate policy event-years on air dataset

* Supreme Court Action Plan and Catalytic Converter policies *
foreach pollutant in spm so2 no2 {
use "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined.dta", clear
egen city_id = group(city)
bys state city: egen count = count(e_`pollutant'_mean)

* Generate Supreme Court Action Plan taus
cap drop temp*
g temp = year if actionplan_sc == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauSC = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_`
g neveradoptSC = temp2 >= .
replace tauSC = 0 if neveradoptSC == 1 & e_`pollutant'_mean < . // We code the non-adopting cities so that they are always in event year 0
g tempx = 1 if actionplan_sc==1 & e_`
pollutant'_mean<. // the following 3 lines of code determine whether there are any cities which enacted the policy but are missing pollution data for ALL post-policy years
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing // no cities fit this description, so no more changes need be made

g temp4 = tauSC >= 3 & tauSC < .
g temp5 = tauSC <= -3 & tauSC < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useSC = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptSC == 1 & count > 1)

* Generate Catalytic Converter Policy taus
cap drop Mtemp* temp*
g temp = year if catconverter == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauCAT = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_`pollutant'_mean<.
g neveradoptCAT = temp2 >= .
replace tauCAT = 0 if neveradoptCAT == 1 & e_`
pollutant'_mean < . // We code the non-adopting cities so that they are always in event year 0
g tempx = 1 if catconverter==1 & e_`pollutant'_mean<.
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing
replace neveradoptCAT = 1 if tempy>=. & temp2<.
replace tauCAT = . if tempy>=. & temp2<.

* The following lines restrict the sample to only those cities with at an observation at least three years prior to and after
* policy adoption. We also want to estimate Eqns (1) and (2) with an unrestricted sample. For this reason, we'll save restricted
* and unrestricted versions of the dataset.
g temp4 = tauCAT >= 3 & tauCAT < .
g temp5 = tauCAT <= -3 & tauCAT < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useCAT = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptCAT == 1 & count > 1)

drop if useSC==0 | useCAT==0
drop if e_`
pollutant'_mean >= .
ta tauSC
ta tauCAT
g one = 1

* Generate individual event-year dummies for Supreme Court Action Plans
forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauSCm`tau' = tauSC == -`tau'
la var tauSCm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before action plan began"
forv tau = 0/3 {
g tauSC`tau' = tauSC == `tau'
la var tauSC`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after action plan began"
g tauSCL = tauSC<-7
g tauSCR = tauSC>3 & tauSC<.

* Generate individual event-year dummies for Catalytic Converter Policy
forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauCATm`tau' = tauCAT == -`tau'
la var tauCATm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before catalytic converters mandated"
forv tau = 0/9 {
g tauCAT`tau' = tauCAT == `tau'
la var tauCAT`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after catalytic converters mandated"
g tauCATL = tauCAT<-7
g tauCATR = tauCAT>9 & tauCAT<.

* Save pollutant specific dataset
save "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined_taus_`pollutant'_stddid.dta", replace

* 2. Run single-stage and two-stage regressions

* Catalytic Converter policy *
local placeholder "replace" // we use this to control the outreg command
foreach pollutant in spm so2 no2 {
use "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined_taus_`pollutant'_stddid.dta", clear
* Single-Stage Regressions:
gen scaprange = (tauSC >= -7 & tauSC <= 3) // the two-stage regressions only include SC event years between -7 & 3
gen scap = (tauSC >= 0) & (neveradoptSC == 0)
gen scappolicy = scap*scaprange
gen scaptau = tauSC*scaprange
gen scap_trend = scap*scaprange*tauSC
replace scap_trend = scap_trend + 1 if (tauSC >= 0 & tauSC <= 3)
gen catrange = (tauCAT >= -7 & tauCAT <= 9) // the two-stage regressions only include CAT event years between -7 & 9
gen catconv = (tauCAT >= 0) & (neveradoptCAT == 0)
gen catconvpolicy = catconv*catrange
gen catconvtau = tauCAT*catrange
gen catconv_trend = catconv*catrange*tauCAT
replace catconv_trend = catconv_trend + 1 if (tauCAT >= 0 & tauCAT <= 9)

* Mean shift (includes post*policy plus the usual controls)
xi: reg e_`pollutant'_mean scaprange scappolicy tauSCL tauSCR catrange catconvpolicy tauCATL tauCATR lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban], cluster(city)
outreg2 catconvpolicy using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-CAT-`
pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 3a") aster(coef) replace
* Mean shift (includes post*policy and city-year time trend, plus the usual controls)
xi: reg e_`pollutant'_mean scaprange scappolicy tauSCL tauSCR scaptau catrange catconvpolicy tauCATL tauCATR catconvtau lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban], cluster(city)
outreg2 catconvpolicy catconvtau using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-CAT-`
pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 3b") aster(coef) append
* Trendbreak (includes post*treated, city-year time trend, and post*treated*time-trend, plus the usual controls)
xi: reg e_`pollutant'_mean scaprange scappolicy tauSCL tauSCR scaptau scap_trend catrange catconvpolicy tauCATL tauCATR catconvtau catconv_trend lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban], cluster(city)
lincom catconvpolicy + 5*catconv_trend
local coef = r(estimate)
local coef = round(`
coef', .01)
local coef = "`coef'"
if length("`coef'") < 3 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "0"
local coef = substr("`coef'", 1, 6)
local se = r(se)
local tstat = r(estimate)/r(se)
local pval = tprob(r(df), abs(`tstat'))
local pval = round(`
pval', .01)
if `pval' <= .01 {
local coef = "`
coef'" + "***"
if `pval' > .01 & `pval' <= .05 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "**"
if `pval' > .05 & `pval' <= .1 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "*"
if length("`pval'") < 3 {
local pval = "`pval'" + "0"
outreg2 catconvpolicy catconvtau catconv_trend using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-CAT-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 3c") aster(coef) addtext("5-Year Effect", "`coef'", "p-value", "[`pval']") append

* Two-Stage Regressions:
* Recall that, for the purposes of the single-stage regressions, control cities were coded as event year 0. Revert them to
* event year missing.
replace tauCAT = . if neveradoptCAT == 1 & e_`pollutant'_mean < .
replace tauSC = . if neveradoptSC == 1 & e_`
pollutant'_mean < .
replace tauCAT0 = 0 if neveradoptCAT == 1 & e_`pollutant'_mean < .
replace tauSC0 = 0 if neveradoptSC == 1 & e_`pollutant'_mean < .
* First stage (Event study)
qui xi: reg e_`
pollutant'_mean tauSCm7-tauSCm1 tauSC0-tauSC3 tauSCL tauSCR tauCATm7-tauCATm1 tauCAT0-tauCAT9 tauCATL tauCATR lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban]

* Prepare sigmat-hats
gen taub = .
gen tause = .
collapse (mean) taub tause tauCATm7-tauCAT9, by(tauCAT)
drop if tauCAT > 9 | tauCAT < -7
foreach k of varlist tauCATm7-tauCATm1 tauCAT0-tauCAT9 {
replace taub = _b[`k'] if `k' == 1
replace tause = _se[`k'] if `k' == 1
drop tauCATm7-tauCAT9
gen catconv = (tauCAT >= 0)
gen tau_trend = tauCAT + 8
gen catconv_trend = catconv*tauCAT
replace catconv_trend = catconv_trend + 1 if tauCAT >= 0

* Save the dataset of sigma-hats (for use with breakpoint tests)
save "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/sigmas_`pollutant'.dta", replace

* Second stage (mean shift and trendbreak regressions)
* Trendbreak regressions - Eqn (2a)
display "Outcome: `pollutant'; Policy: Catalytic Converters; Sample: all city*years"
regress taub catconv [aw = 1/tause]
outreg2 catconv using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-CAT-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 2a") aster(coef) append

* Trendbreak regressions - Eqn (2b)
reg taub tauCAT catconv [aw=1/tause]
outreg2 catconv tauCAT using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-CAT-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 2b") aster(coef) append

* Trendbreak regressions - Eqn (2c)
reg taub tauCAT catconv catconv_trend [aw=1/tause]
lincom catconv + 5*catconv_trend
local coef = r(estimate)
local coef = round(`coef', .01)
local coef = "`
if length("`coef'") < 3 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "0"
local coef = substr("`coef'", 1, 6)
local tstat = r(estimate)/r(se)
local pval = tprob(r(df), abs(`tstat'))
local pval = round(`
pval', .01)
if `pval' <= .01 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "***"
if `pval' > .01 & `pval' <= .05 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "**"
if `pval' > .05 & `pval' <= .1 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "*"
if length("`pval'") < 3 {
local pval = "`pval'" + "0"
outreg2 catconv tauCAT catconv_trend using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-CAT-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 2c") aster(coef) addtext("5-Year Effect", "`coef'", "p-value", "[`pval']") append
*SCAP policy *
local placeholder "replace" // we use this to control the outreg command
foreach pollutant in spm so2 no2 {
use "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined_taus_`pollutant'_stddid.dta", clear
* Single-Stage Regressions:
gen scaprange = (tauSC >= -7 & tauSC <= 3) // the two-stage regressions only include SC event years between -7 & 3
gen scap = (tauSC >= 0) & (neveradoptSC == 0)
gen scappolicy = scap*scaprange
gen scaptau = tauSC*scaprange
gen scap_trend = scap*scaprange*tauSC
replace scap_trend = scap_trend + 1 if (tauSC >= 0 & tauSC <= 3)
gen catrange = (tauCAT >= -7 & tauCAT <= 9) // the two-stage regressions only include CAT event years between -7 & 9
gen catconv = (tauCAT >= 0) & (neveradoptCAT == 0)
gen catconvpolicy = catconv*catrange
gen catconvtau = tauCAT*catrange
gen catconv_trend = catconv*catrange*tauCAT
replace catconv_trend = catconv_trend + 1 if (tauCAT >= 0 & tauCAT <= 9)

* Mean shift (includes post*policy plus the usual controls)
xi: reg e_`pollutant'_mean scaprange scappolicy tauSCL tauSCR catrange catconvpolicy tauCATL tauCATR lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban], cluster(city)
outreg2 scappolicy using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-SCAP-`
pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 3a") aster(coef) replace
* Mean shift (includes post*policy and city-year time trend, plus the usual controls)
xi: reg e_`pollutant'_mean scaprange scappolicy tauSCL tauSCR scaptau catrange catconvpolicy tauCATL tauCATR catconvtau lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban], cluster(city)
outreg2 scappolicy scaptau using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-SCAP-`
pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 3b") aster(coef) append
* Trendbreak (includes post*treated, city-year time trend, and post*treated*time-trend, plus the usual controls)
xi: reg e_`pollutant'_mean scaprange scappolicy tauSCL tauSCR scaptau scap_trend catrange catconvpolicy tauCATL tauCATR catconvtau catconv_trend lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban], cluster(city)
lincom scappolicy + 5*scap_trend
local coef = r(estimate)
local coef = round(`
coef', .01)
local coef = "`coef'"
if length("`coef'") < 3 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "0"
local coef = substr("`coef'", 1, 6)
local se = r(se)
local tstat = r(estimate)/r(se)
local pval = tprob(r(df), abs(`tstat'))
local pval = round(`
pval', .01)
if `pval' <= .01 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "***"
if `pval' > .01 & `pval' <= .05 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "**"
if `pval' > .05 & `pval' <= .1 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "*"
if length("`pval'") < 3 {
local pval = "`pval'" + "0"
outreg2 scappolicy scaptau scap_trend using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-SCAP-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 3c") aster(coef) addtext("5-Year Effect", "`coef'", "p-value", "[`pval']") append

* Two-Stage Regressions:
* Recall that, for the purposes of the single-stage regressions, control cities were coded as event year 0. Revert them to
* event year missing.
replace tauCAT = . if neveradoptCAT == 1 & e_`pollutant'_mean < .
replace tauSC = . if neveradoptSC == 1 & e_`
pollutant'_mean < .
replace tauCAT0 = 0 if neveradoptCAT == 1 & e_`pollutant'_mean < .
replace tauSC0 = 0 if neveradoptSC == 1 & e_`
pollutant'_mean < .
* First stage (Event study)
qui xi: reg e_`pollutant'_mean tauSCm7-tauSCm1 tauSC0-tauSC3 tauSCL tauSCR tauCATm7-tauCATm1 tauCAT0-tauCAT9 tauCATL tauCATR lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban]

* Prepare sigmat-hats
gen taub = .
gen tause = .
collapse (mean) taub tause tauSCm7-tauSC3, by(tauSC)
drop if tauSC > 3 | tauSC < -7
foreach k of varlist tauSCm7-tauSCm1 tauSC0-tauSC3 {
replace taub = _b[`
k'] if `k' == 1
replace tause = _se[`k'] if `k' == 1
drop tauSCm7-tauSC3
gen scap = (tauSC >= 0)
gen tau_trend = tauSC + 8
gen scap_trend = scap*tauSC
replace scap_trend = scap_trend + 1 if tauSC >= 0

* Second stage (mean shift and trendbreak regressions)
* Trendbreak regressions - Eqn (2a)
display "Outcome: `pollutant'; Policy: SCAP; Sample: all city*years"
regress taub scap [aw = 1/tause]
outreg2 scap using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-SCAP-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 2a") aster(coef) append

* Trendbreak regressions - Eqn (2b)
reg taub tauSC scap [aw=1/tause]
outreg2 scap tauSC using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-SCAP-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 2b") aster(coef) append

* Trendbreak regressions - Eqn (2c)
reg taub tauSC scap scap_trend [aw=1/tause]
lincom scap + 5*scap_trend
local coef = r(estimate)
local coef = round(`coef', .01)
local coef = "`
if length("`coef'") < 3 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "0"
local coef = substr("`coef'", 1, 6)
local tstat = r(estimate)/r(se)
local pval = tprob(r(df), abs(`tstat'))
local pval = round(`
pval', .01)
if `pval' <= .01 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "***"
if `pval' > .01 & `pval' <= .05 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "**"
if `pval' > .05 & `pval' <= .1 {
local coef = "`coef'" + "*"
if length("`pval'") < 3 {
local pval = "`pval'" + "0"
outreg2 scap tauSC scap_trend using "${mypath}Output/T3/Table3-SCAP-`pollutant'.xls", dec(2) se par ctitle("Eqn 2c") aster(coef) addtext("5-Year Effect", "`coef'", "p-value", "[`pval']") append

* 3. Clean-up

* Erase intermediate datasets
foreach pollutant in spm so2 no2 {
erase "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined_taus_`pollutant'_stddid.dta"

log close

事件图Event plot


// An highlighted block
Objective: The objective of this program is to generate Figure 5 in the paper. Figure 5
plots the air policy event-study estimates developed in the first stage of the two-stage
regression analysis.

1. Figure 5. Air Pollution Event Study Figure

For each of the Air Pollution measures, the graphs are generated by:

1. Cleaning and generating necessary variables for analysis
2. Generating individual graphs
3. Combining graphs into one

1. The policies considered are SCAP and Catalytic Converters


clear all
set more off
set mem 500m

* Establish log
cap log close
log using "${mypath}Log/Figure5_01102014.txt", replace t

*ssc install estout, replace

* Event Studies

*** Air Pollution ***

/* PM */
u "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined.dta", clear
cd "${mypath}Output/F5"

egen city_id = group(city)
bys state city: egen count = count(e_spm_mean)

* Preparing variables for analysis

cap drop temp*
g temp = year if actionplan_sc == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauSC = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_spm_mean<.
g neveradoptSC = temp2 >= .
g tempx = 1 if actionplan_sc==1 & e_spm_mean<.
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing

g temp4 = tauSC >= 3 & tauSC < .
g temp5 = tauSC <= -3 & tauSC < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useSC = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptSC == 1 & count > 1)

drop Mtemp* temp*
g temp = year if catconverter == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauCAT = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_spm_mean<.
g neveradoptCAT = temp2 >= .
g tempx = 1 if catconverter==1 & e_spm_mean<.
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing
replace neveradoptCAT = 1 if tempy>=. & temp2<.
replace tauCAT = . if tempy>=. & temp2<.

g temp4 = tauCAT >= 3 & tauCAT < .
g temp5 = tauCAT <= -3 & tauCAT < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useCAT = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptCAT == 1 & count > 1)

drop if useSC==0 | useCAT==0
drop if e_spm_mean >= .
ta tauSC
ta tauCAT
g one = 1

forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauSCm`tau' = tauSC == -`tau'
la var tauSCm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before action plan began"
forv tau = 0/3 {
g tauSC`tau' = tauSC == `tau'
la var tauSC`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after action plan began"
g tauSCL = tauSC<-7
g tauSCR = tauSC>3 & tauSC<.
forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauCATm`tau' = tauCAT == -`tau'
la var tauCATm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before catalytic converters mandated"
forv tau = 0/9 {
g tauCAT`tau' = tauCAT == `tau'
la var tauCAT`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after catalytic converters mandated"
g tauCATL = tauCAT<-7
g tauCATR = tauCAT>9 & tauCAT<.

xi: reg e_spm_mean tauSCm7-tauSCm2 tauSC0-tauSC3 tauSCL tauSCR tauCATm7-tauCATm2 tauCAT0-tauCAT9 tauCATL tauCATR lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban]
mat M = e(b)'
svmat M
replace M1 = . if _n >= 11
g n = _n - 8 in 1/11
tsset one n
g temp6 = L.M1
replace M1 = temp6 if _n >= 8
replace M1 = 0 if _n == 7
tw connected M1 n if _n <= 11, lwidth(medthick) ///
sort yline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
ytit("Effect on PM", margin(medsmall)) ///
xline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
xtit("Years since Action Plan Mandate", margin(medsmall) size(small)) ///
scheme(s1color) ///
subtit("Policy: Supreme Court Action Plan") ///
xlab(-7 -6 -3 0 3) ///
saving(taus_apPM, replace)
drop n temp6
mat N = e(b)'
svmat N
replace N1 = . if _n >= 29 | _n <= 12
g n = _n - 20 in 13/29
tsset one n
g temp6 = L.N1
replace N1 = temp6 if _n >= 8
replace N1 = 0 if _n == 7
tw connected N1 n if _n <= 17, lwidth(medthick) ///
sort yline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
ytit("Effect on PM", margin(medsmall)) ///
xline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
xtit("Years since Catalytic Converters Mandated", margin(medsmall) size(small)) ///
scheme(s1color) ///
subtit("Policy: Catalytic Converters") ///
xlab(-7 -6 -3 0 3 6 9) ///
saving(taus_catconPM, replace)

* Combine PM graphs
graph combine taus_apPM.gph taus_catconPM.gph, cols(1) scheme(s1color) ysize(5) xsize(3) iscale(*1.2)
graph export F5a.eps, replace

/* SO2 */
u "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined.dta", clear

egen city_id = group(city)
bys state city: egen count = count(e_so2_mean)

cap drop temp*
g temp = year if actionplan_sc == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauSC = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_so2_mean<.
g neveradoptSC = temp2 >= .
g tempx = 1 if actionplan_sc==1 & e_so2_mean<. // the following 3 lines of code determine whether there are any cities which enacted the policy but are missing pollution data for ALL post-policy years
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing // no cities fit this description, so no more changes need be made

g temp4 = tauSC >= 3 & tauSC < .
g temp5 = tauSC <= -3 & tauSC < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useSC = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptSC == 1 & count > 1)

drop Mtemp* temp*
g temp = year if catconverter == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauCAT = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_so2_mean<.
g neveradoptCAT = temp2 >= .
g tempx = 1 if catconverter==1 & e_so2_mean<. // the following 3 lines of code determine whether there are any cities which enacted the policy but are missing pollution data for ALL post-policy years
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing // Silvassa again. Include it as a 'neveradopt'.
replace neveradoptCAT = 1 if tempy>=. & temp2<.
replace tauCAT = . if tempy>=. & temp2<.

g temp4 = tauCAT >= 3 & tauCAT < .
g temp5 = tauCAT <= -3 & tauCAT < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useCAT = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptCAT == 1 & count > 1)

drop if useSC==0 | useCAT==0
drop if e_so2_mean >= .
ta tauSC
ta tauCAT
g one = 1

forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauSCm`tau' = tauSC == -`tau'
la var tauSCm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before action plan began"
forv tau = 0/3 {
g tauSC`tau' = tauSC == `tau'
la var tauSC`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after action plan began"
g tauSCL = tauSC<-7
g tauSCR = tauSC>3 & tauSC<.
forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauCATm`tau' = tauCAT == -`tau'
la var tauCATm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before catalytic converters made mandatory"
forv tau = 0/9 {
g tauCAT`tau' = tauCAT == `tau'
la var tauCAT`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after catalytic converters made mandatory"
g tauCATL = tauCAT<-7
g tauCATR = tauCAT>9 & tauCAT<.

xi: reg e_so2_mean tauSCm7-tauSCm2 tauSC0-tauSC3 tauSCL tauSCR tauCATm7-tauCATm2 tauCAT0-tauCAT9 tauCATL tauCATR lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban]
mat M = e(b)'
svmat M
replace M1 = . if _n >= 11
g n = _n - 8 in 1/11
tsset one n
g temp6 = L.M1
replace M1 = temp6 if _n >= 8
replace M1 = 0 if _n == 7
tw connected M1 n if _n <= 11, lwidth(medthick) ///
sort yline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
ytit("Effect on SO2", margin(medsmall)) ///
xline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
xtit("Years since Action Plan Mandate", margin(medsmall) size(small)) ///
scheme(s1color) ///
subtit("Policy: Supreme Court Action Plan") ///
xlab(-7 -6 -3 0 3) ///
saving(taus_apSO, replace)
drop n temp6
mat N = e(b)'
svmat N
replace N1 = . if _n >= 29 | _n <= 12
g n = _n - 20 in 13/29
tsset one n
g temp6 = L.N1
replace N1 = temp6 if _n >= 8
replace N1 = 0 if _n == 7
tw connected N1 n if _n <= 17, lwidth(medthick) ///
sort yline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
ytit("Effect on SO2", margin(medsmall)) ///
xline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
xtit("Years since Catalytic Converters Mandated", margin(medsmall) size(small)) ///
scheme(s1color) ///
subtit("Policy: Catalytic Converters") ///
xlab(-7 -6 -3 0 3 6 9) ///
saving(taus_catconSO, replace)

* Combine so2 graphs
graph combine taus_apSO.gph taus_catconSO.gph, cols(1) scheme(s1color) ysize(5) xsize(3) iscale(*1.2)
graph export F5b.eps, replace

/* NO2 */
u "${mypath}Data/Air Data/Final Data/combined.dta", clear

egen city_id = group(city)
bys state city: egen count = count(e_no2_mean)

cap drop temp*
g temp = year if actionplan_sc == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauSC = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_no2_mean<.
g neveradoptSC = temp2 >= .
g tempx = 1 if actionplan_sc==1 & e_no2_mean<. // the following 3 lines of code determine whether there are any cities which enacted the policy but are missing pollution data for ALL post-policy years
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing // no cities fit this description, so no more changes need be made

g temp4 = tauSC >= 3 & tauSC < .
g temp5 = tauSC <= -3 & tauSC < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useSC = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptSC == 1 & count > 1)

drop Mtemp* temp*
g temp = year if catconverter == 1
egen temp2 = min(temp), by(city_id)
egen temp3 = min(year), by(city_id)
g tauCAT = year - temp2 if temp2 > temp3 & e_no2_mean<.
g neveradoptCAT = temp2 >= .
g tempx = 1 if catconverter==1 & e_no2_mean<. // the following 3 lines of code determine whether there are any cities which enacted the policy but are missing pollution data for ALL post-policy years
egen tempy = min(tempx) if temp2<., by(city_id)
ta tempy if temp2<., missing // Silvassa.
replace neveradoptCAT = 1 if tempy>=. & temp2<.
replace tauCAT = . if tempy>=. & temp2<.

g temp4 = tauCAT >= 3 & tauCAT < .
g temp5 = tauCAT <= -3 & tauCAT < .
egen Mtemp4 = max(temp4), by(city_id)
egen Mtemp5 = max(temp5), by(city_id)
g useCAT = (Mtemp4 == 1 & Mtemp5 == 1 & count > 1) | (neveradoptCAT == 1 & count > 1)

drop if useSC==0 | useCAT==0
drop if e_no2_mean >= .
ta tauSC
ta tauCAT
g one = 1

forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauSCm`tau' = tauSC == -`tau'
la var tauSCm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before action plan began"
forv tau = 0/3 {
g tauSC`tau' = tauSC == `tau'
la var tauSC`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after action plan began"
g tauSCL = tauSC<-7
g tauSCR = tauSC>3 & tauSC<.
forv tau = 7(-1)1 {
g tauCATm`tau' = tauCAT == -`tau'
la var tauCATm`tau' "This obs is `tau' years before catalytic converters made mandatory"
forv tau = 0/9 {
g tauCAT`tau' = tauCAT == `tau'
la var tauCAT`tau' "This obs is `tau' years after catalytic converters made mandatory"
g tauCATL = tauCAT<-7
g tauCATR = tauCAT>9 & tauCAT<.

xi: reg e_no2_mean tauSCm7-tauSCm2 tauSC0-tauSC3 tauSCL tauSCR tauCATm7-tauCATm2 tauCAT0-tauCAT9 tauCATL tauCATR lit_urban mean i.city i.year [aw = pop_urban]
mat M = e(b)'
svmat M
replace M1 = . if _n >= 11
g n = _n - 8 in 1/11
tsset one n
g temp6 = L.M1
replace M1 = temp6 if _n >= 8
replace M1 = 0 if _n == 7
tw connected M1 n if _n <= 11, lwidth(medthick) ///
sort yline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
ytit("Effect on NO2", margin(medsmall)) ///
xline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
xtit("Years since Action Plan Mandate", margin(medsmall) size(small)) ///
scheme(s1color) ///
subtit("Policy: Supreme Court Action Plan") ///
xlab(-7 -6 -3 0 3) ///
saving(taus_apNO, replace)
drop n temp6
mat N = e(b)'
svmat N
replace N1 = . if _n >= 29 | _n <= 12
g n = _n - 20 in 13/29
tsset one n
g temp6 = L.N1
replace N1 = temp6 if _n >= 8
replace N1 = 0 if _n == 7
tw connected N1 n if _n <= 17, lwidth(medthick) ///
sort yline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
ytit("Effect on NO2", margin(medsmall)) ///
xline(0, lpattern(dash)) ///
xtit("Years since Catalytic Converters Mandated", margin(medsmall) size(small)) ///
scheme(s1color) ///
subtit("Policy: Catalytic Converters") ///
xlab(-7 -6 -3 0 3 6 9) ///
saving(taus_catconNO, replace)

* Combine no2 graphs
graph combine taus_apNO.gph taus_catconNO.gph, cols(1) scheme(s1color) ysize(5) xsize(3) iscale(*1.2)
graph export F5c.eps, replace

log close




Econometrics Circle

数据系列:空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 |  夜间灯光 | 官员方言  | 微观数据

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