
MIT斯隆商学院研究生课程对国内免费开放, 在家就能学习世界一流商学院的课程!

计量经济圈 计量经济圈 2022-05-11



所有计量经济圈方法论丛的code程序, 宏微观数据库和各种软件都放在社群里.欢迎到计量经济圈社群交流访问.

之前,我们推荐了1.Stata, R和Python视频课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 真的受用无穷!2.疫情期计量课程免费开放!面板数据, 因果推断, 时间序列分析与Stata应用,3.空间计量免费课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 空间相关学者注意查收!4.断点回归RD和合成控制法SCM免费课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 有必要认真研究学习!5.各种匹配方法免费课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 掌握匹配方法不是梦!6.工具变量IV估计免费课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 不学习可不要后悔!7.双重差分DID方法免费课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 优秀学人必须收藏学习!8.面板数据方法免费课程, 文章, 数据和代码全在这里, 优秀学人好好收藏学习!9.Angrist因果推断课程,经典期刊读物汇集,10.MIT经济系50门开放课程对中国学者开放, 包括计量经济学等各类经济学课程!

    • 15.010

    • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.011

    • Economic Analysis for Business Decisions (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.012

    • Applied Macro- and International Economics (Spring 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.014

    • Applied Macro- and International Economics II (Spring 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.015

    • Macro and International Economics (Fall 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.020

    • Competition in Telecommunications (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.021J

    • Real Estate Economics (Fall 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.023J

    • Global Climate Change: Economics, Science, and Policy (Spring 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.024

    • Applied Economics for Managers (Summer 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.025

    • Game Theory for Strategic Advantage (Spring 2015)

    • Graduate

    • 15.031J

    • Energy Decisions, Markets, and Policies (Spring 2012)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.032J

    • Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector (Spring 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.040

    • Game Theory for Managers (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.053

    • Optimization Methods in Management Science (Spring 2013)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.057

    • Systems Optimization (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.060

    • Data, Models, and Decisions (Fall 2014)

    • Graduate

    • 15.062

    • Data Mining (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.063

    • Communicating With Data (Summer 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.066J

    • System Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing (Summer 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.067

    • Competitive Decision-Making and Negotiation (Spring 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.070J

    • Advanced Stochastic Processes (Fall 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.071

    • The Analytics Edge (Spring 2017)

    • Graduate

    • 15.072J

    • Queues: Theory and Applications (Spring 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.073J

    • Logistical and Transportation Planning Methods (Fall 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.075J

    • Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis (Fall 2011)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.081J

    • Introduction to Mathematical Programming (Fall 2009)

    • Graduate

    • 15.082J

    • Network Optimization (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.083J

    • Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization (Fall 2009)

    • Graduate

    • 15.084J

    • Nonlinear Programming (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.084J

    • Nonlinear Programming (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.085J

    • Fundamentals of Probability (Fall 2018)

    • Graduate

    • 15.093J

    • Optimization Methods (Fall 2009)

    • Graduate

    • 15.094J

    • Systems Optimization: Models and Computation (SMA 5223) (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.097

    • Prediction: Machine Learning and Statistics (Spring 2012)

    • Graduate

    • 15.098

    • Special Seminar in Applied Probability and Stochastic Processes (Spring 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.099

    • Readings in Optimization (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.136J

    • Principles and Practice of Drug Development (Fall 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.220

    • Global Strategy and Organization (Spring 2012)

    • Graduate

    • 15.220

    • Global Strategy and Organization (Spring 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.223

    • Global Markets, National Politics and the Competitive Advantage of Firms (Fall 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.224

    • Global Markets, National Politics and the Competitive Advantage of Firms (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.225

    • Economy and Business in Modern China and India (Spring 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.228

    • MBA Study Tour: Innovation Islands - How New Zealand Became A Global Player in the Race to Innovate (Spring 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.229

    • Managing Global Integration (Spring 2012)

    • Graduate

    • 15.232

    • Business Model Innovation: Global Health in Frontier Markets (Fall 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.269

    • Leadership Stories: Literature, Ethics, and Authority (Fall 2015)

    • Graduate

    • 15.269B

    • Literature, Ethics and Authority (Fall 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.270

    • Ethical Practice: Leading Through Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and System Design (Spring 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.277

    • Special Seminar in Communications: Leadership and Personal Effectiveness Coaching (Fall 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.279

    • Management Communication for Undergraduates (Fall 2012)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.280

    • Communication for Managers (Fall 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.281

    • Advanced Communication for Leaders (Spring 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.289

    • Communication Skills for Academics (Spring 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.301

    • Managerial Psychology (Fall 2006)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.301

    • Managerial Psychology Laboratory (Fall 2004)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.301

    • Managerial Psychology Laboratory (Spring 2003)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.310

    • Managerial Psychology (Fall 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.310

    • Managerial Psychology Laboratory (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.310

    • Managerial Psychology Laboratory (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.311

    • Organizational Processes (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.316

    • Building and Leading Effective Teams (Summer 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.317

    • Organizational Leadership and Change (Summer 2009)

    • Graduate

    • 15.320

    • Strategic Organizational Design (Spring 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.322

    • Leading Organizations II (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.328

    • Team Project (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.341

    • Individuals, Groups, and Organizations (Fall 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.342J

    • Organizations and Environments (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.343

    • Managing Transformations in Work, Organizations, and Society (Spring 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.347

    • Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods I (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.348

    • Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods II (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.351

    • Managing Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Spring 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.351

    • Managing the Innovation Process (Fall 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.352

    • Managing Innovation: Emerging Trends (Spring 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.356

    • How to Develop Breakthrough Products and Services (Spring 2012)

    • Graduate

    • 15.356

    • How to Develop "Breakthrough" Products and Services (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.358

    • The Software Business (Fall 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.361

    • Executing Strategy for Results (Fall 2017)

    • Graduate

    • 15.369

    • Seminar in Corporate Entrepreneurship (Fall 2015)

    • Graduate

    • 15.387

    • Entrepreneurial Sales (Spring 2015)

    • Graduate

    • 15.389A

    • Global Entrepreneurship Lab: Asia-Pacific (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.389B

    • Global Entrepreneurship Lab: Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.390

    • New Enterprises (Spring 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.391

    • Early Stage Capital (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.394

    • Designing and Leading the Entrepreneurial Organization (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.395

    • Entrepreneurship Without Borders (Fall 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.401

    • Finance Theory I (Fall 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.402

    • Finance Theory II (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.414

    • Financial Management (Summer 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.426J

    • Real Estate Finance and Investment (Fall 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.427J

    • Real Estate Capital Markets (Spring 2007)

    • Graduate

    • 15.428

    • Tools for Analysis: Design for Real Estate and Infrastructure Development (Spring 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.428J

    • Advanced Topics in Real Estate Finance (Spring 2007)

    • Graduate

    • 15.431

    • Entrepreneurial Finance (Spring 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.433

    • Investments (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.450

    • Analytics of Finance (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.483

    • Consumer Finance: Markets, Product Design, and FinTech (Spring 2018)

    • Graduate

    • 15.501

    • Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting (Spring 2004)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.511

    • Financial Accounting (Summer 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.514

    • Financial and Managerial Accounting (Summer 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.515

    • Financial Accounting (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.516

    • Introduction to Financial and Managerial Accounting (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.518

    • Taxes and Business Strategy (Fall 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.521

    • Management Accounting and Control (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.535

    • Business Analysis Using Financial Statements (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.561

    • Information Technology Essentials (Spring 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.564

    • Information Technology I (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.565J

    • Integrating eSystems & Global Information Systems (Spring 2002)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.566

    • Information Technology as an Integrating Force in Manufacturing (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.567

    • The Economics of Information: Strategy, Structure and Pricing (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.568A

    • Practical Information Technology Management (Spring 2005)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.571

    • Generating Business Value from Information Technology (Spring 2009)

    • Graduate

    • 15.575

    • Research Seminar in IT and Organizations: Economic Perspectives (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.578J

    • Integrating eSystems & Global Information Systems (Spring 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.598

    • IT and Business Transformation (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.599

    • Workshop in IT: Collaborative Innovation Networks (Fall 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.615

    • Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager (Spring 2003)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.616

    • Innovative Businesses and Breakthrough Technologies - The Legal Issues (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.617

    • The Law of Corporate Finance and Financial Markets (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.628J

    • Patents, Copyrights, and the Law of Intellectual Property (Spring 2013)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.647

    • Law for the Entrepreneur and Manager (Spring 2003)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.649

    • The Law of Mergers and Acquisitions (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.660

    • Strategic HR Management (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.665

    • Power and Negotiation (Spring 2014)

    • Graduate

    • 15.667

    • Negotiation and Conflict Management (Spring 2001)

    • Graduate

    • 15.668

    • People and Organizations (Fall 2010)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.676

    • Work, Employment, and Industrial Relations Theory (Spring 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.677J

    • Urban Labor Markets and Employment Policy (Spring 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.678J

    • Political Economy I (Spring 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.760A

    • Operations Management (Spring 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.760B

    • Introduction to Operations Management (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.761

    • Introduction to Operations Management (Spring 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.762J

    • Supply Chain Planning (Spring 2011)

    • Graduate

    • 15.763J

    • Manufacturing System and Supply Chain Design (Spring 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.764

    • The Theory of Operations Management (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.768

    • Management of Services: Concepts, Design, and Delivery (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.769

    • Operations Strategy (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.769

    • Operations Strategy (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.770J

    • Logistics Systems (Fall 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.772J

    • D-Lab: Supply Chains (Fall 2014)

    • Undergraduate

    • 15.778

    • Management of Supply Networks for Products and Services (Summer 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.783J

    • Product Design and Development (Spring 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.792J

    • Proseminar in Manufacturing (Fall 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.795

    • Seminar in Operations Management (Fall 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.810

    • Marketing Management: Analytics, Frameworks, and Applications (Fall 2015)

    • Graduate

    • 15.810

    • Marketing Management (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.810

    • Marketing Management (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.818

    • Pricing (Spring 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.821

    • Listening to the Customer (Fall 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.822

    • Strategic Marketing Measurement (Fall 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.834

    • Marketing Strategy (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.835

    • Entrepreneurial Marketing (Spring 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.840

    • Special Seminar in Marketing: Marketing Management (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.871

    • Introduction to System Dynamics (Fall 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.872

    • System Dynamics II (Fall 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.875

    • Applications of System Dynamics (Spring 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.879

    • Research Seminar in System Dynamics (Spring 2014)

    • Graduate

    • 15.902

    • Strategic Management I (Fall 2006)

    • Graduate

    • 15.904

    • Strategic Management II (Fall 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.912

    • Technology Strategy (Fall 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.960

    • New Executive Thinking Social-Impact Technology Projects (Fall 2017)

    • Graduate

    • 15.963

    • Advanced Strategy (Spring 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.963

    • Management Accounting and Control (Spring 2007)

    • Graduate

    • 15.963

    • Organizations as Enacted Systems: Learning, Knowing and Change (Fall 2002)

    • Graduate

    • 15.965

    • Technology Strategy for System Design and Management (Spring 2009)

    • Graduate

    • 15.967

    • Managing and Volunteering In the Non-Profit Sector (Spring 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.968

    • The Sociology of Strategy (Spring 2005)

    • Graduate

    • 15.969

    • Dynamic Leadership: Using Improvisation in Business (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.970

    • Digital Anthropology (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.971

    • Developmental Entrepreneurship (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.972

    • Professional Seminar in Sustainability (Spring 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.974

    • Practical Leadership (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.974

    • Leadership Lab (Spring 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.975

    • U-Lab: Leading Profound Innovation for a More Sustainable World (Fall 2010)

    • Graduate

    • 15.978

    • Leadership Tools and Teams: A Product Development Lab (Spring 2007)

    • Graduate

    • 15.980J

    • Organizing for Innovative Product Development (Spring 2007)

    • Graduate

    • 15.988

    • System Dynamics Self Study (Fall 1998)

    • Graduate

    • 15.990

    • Architecture and Communication in Organizations (Fall 2003)

    • Graduate

    • 15.992

    • S-Lab: Laboratory for Sustainable Business (Spring 2008)

    • Graduate

    • 15.996

    • Cross-Cultural Leadership (Fall 2004)

    • Graduate

    • 15.997

    • Practice of Finance: Advanced Corporate Risk Management (Spring 2009)

    • Graduate

    • 15.ES718

    • Global Health Innovation: Delivering Targeted Advice to an Organization in the Field (Spring 2015)

    • Graduate

    • 15.S07

    • GlobalHealth Lab (Spring 2013)

    • Graduate

    • 15.S08

    • FinTech: Shaping the Financial World (Spring 2020)

    • Graduate

    • 15.S12

    • Blockchain and Money (Fall 2018)

    • Graduate

    • 15.S21

    • Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans (January IAP 2014)

    • Graduate

    • 15.S50

    • How to Win at Texas Hold'em Poker (January IAP 2016)

    • Graduate

    • 15.S50

    • Poker Theory and Analytics (January IAP 2015)

    • Graduate


Source: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/sloan-school-of-management/


0.教授给搞实证研究学者的经验建议,1.现实·理论·证据──谈如何做研究和写论文,2.教授以审稿人的身份谈论文写作和审稿,3.把实证研究进行到底,献给学术路上的人,4.评《如何把实证研究进行到底》,5.为什么你不能发《经济研究》?,6.经济学是科学吗?季刊主编如是说,7.如何写出一篇高质量的论文,8.计量经济学实证论文写作全解析,9.洪永淼教授, 可以为计量经济学代言,10.计量工具让经济学科学化了吗,11.商学院教授们, 别躲在象牙塔里,12.计量经济模型实证分析的正确打开方式,13.美国经济学教育体系和对中国的启示,14.经济学实证研究中的误区,全部是经验,15.计量经济学中的7大误区, 你踩雷了吗?16.邹恒甫教授对年轻学者四句学术箴言,17.你为什么发不了AER和经济研究?18.与AER齐名的期刊主编亲笔信,19.AER, JHR告诉你, 如何在期刊上发论文,20.教授、主编和博士们的文献阅读指南,21.芝大学教授, 自科与社科的真正区别,22.芝大学教授的博士生论文写作指南,23.模型在微观实证研究中到底重不重要,24.萧政:新鲜课题是中国经济学研究的优势,25.好的经济学研究怎么开展,LSE指导文书,26.教授指点计量经济学迷津,27.邹志庄教授计量研究汇结,总结研究经验,28.学术论文写作的碧血剑谱,29.写论文的初期-中期-晚期, 模型-思想权衡,30.顶尖期刊论文的写作策略, 不看后悔终生,31.在顶尖期刊发论文投稿, 拒稿和修改策略,32.经济学论文写作的28条军规,33.如何读英语论文, 怎样读懂英语论文,34."经济研究"规定论文写作规范与编辑标准,35.史上最全博士论文撰写指导手册,36.SSCI论文写作和投稿技巧指南针,37.顶级经济学期刊发表论文计量方法分析,38.你的论文写作一塌糊涂,我想撕了它,39.权威编辑教你怎样写好学术论文,40.如何写好计量经济学实证分析论文,41.优秀论文写作全攻略,熟读一篇,42.全国“百篇优博”论文的分析,43.一个完整的实证分析框架: 从数据, 模型到结果检验,44.搞实证研究的该如何选题? 一些宝贵经验,45.选择实证研究问题的六个维度, 大有可为,46.实证研究的诀窍, 因果识别,因果识别,47.经济学实证研究中的误区,全部是经验,48.把实证研究进行到底,献给学术路上的人,49.如何正确用计量经济模型实证分析?50.实证经济学走过的三十年,数据、模型和工具的力量,51."实证研究13篇"功夫秘笈, 中青年学者研究必备锦囊!52.TOP5的QJE主编就顶刊的写作, 投稿, 审稿, 修改和青年学者的顶级期刊成长之道的建议!




Econometrics Circle

数据系列空间矩阵 | 工企数据 | PM2.5 | 市场化指数 | CO2数据 |  夜间灯光 | 官员方言  | 微观数据 | 内部数据计量系列匹配方法 | 内生性 | 工具变量 | DID | 面板数据 | 常用TOOL | 中介调节 | 时间序列 | RDD断点 | 合成控制 | 200篇合辑 | 因果识别 | 社会网络 | 空间DID数据处理Stata | R | Python | 缺失值 | CHIP/ CHNS/CHARLS/CFPS/CGSS等 |干货系列能源环境 | 效率研究 | 空间计量 | 国际经贸 | 计量软件 | 商科研究 | 机器学习 | SSCI | CSSCI | SSCI查询 | 名家经验计量经济圈组织了一个计量社群,有如下特征:热情互助最多前沿趋势最多、社科资料最多、社科数据最多、科研牛人最多、海外名校最多。因此,建议积极进取和有强烈研习激情的中青年学者到社群交流探讨,始终坚信优秀是通过感染优秀而互相成就彼此的。

