
【目录】 《国际经济评论》2018年第6期


张斌   邹静娴








                                           张广斌   黄海洲   张绍宗  


潘英丽  周兆平










中国经济结构转型的进展与差距                        张斌  邹静娴


关键词:结构转型  跨国比较  补短板

China’sEconomic Restructuring: Development and Gap

ZhangBin and Zou Jingxian                                          

This article reviews the progress of China’s economic transformation and compares it with high-income economies at a similar stage of development. China's economic activity has been shifting from manufacturing to services since 2010–2012. After this peak of industrialization, the upgrading of its manufacturing has accelerated, as reflected by inputs, production and products; human–capitalintensive services has grown at a fast pace in the post-industrialization era, and consumption, investment and exports have become more balanced. The trajectory of those structural changes is consistent with that of high-income economies at a similar stage of development, indicating that China is on track towards a higher-income development. The gap mainly lies in the lower ratio of employment in the secondary and tertiary industries; the share of government services as a percentage of GDP and the urbanization rate are also quite low, indicating that the development of the country’s industrial development, public service and urbanization is unbalanced. To close the gap, government functions should shift from being development-oriented to service-oriented.


改革开放四十年,中国为什么发展得更快?                       宋泓


关键词:改革开放  四十年  左倾主义发展道路  伟大的探索

China’s Faster Development in the Last 40 Years: An Explanation


In the last 40 years of economic reform and opening-up, China’s economic growth has been faster than its expansion in the 29 years after the founding of the people’s republic and development of other developing countries in the same period. Why has that happened? This article finds that there are two fundamental reasons: First, China has abandoned the leftist development road and boldly explored a road of seeking common prosperity under the leadership of the Communist Party of China; second, it has actively opened up to the outsideworld and deeply integrated into the world economy.






关键词:改革开放四十周年  国际收支  国际投资头寸  演变  政策涵义

China’s Balance of Payments in the Past Four Decades: Evolution, Future Trajectories and Policy Implications

Zhang Ming                                                       

The twin surpluses in China’s balance of payments have gradually vanished since 2012. Asthe result of the declining goods trade surplus, the increasing services trade deficit, the shrinking domestic savings-investment gap caused by populationaging and the rising household leverage in the coming years, China’s current account may suffer from frequent deficits in the short term and persistent deficits in the mid-term. Along with the upgrading of China’s industry structure, the two-way opening up of its financial markets and loosening capital regulation, China’s non-reserve financial account may swing between surplus and deficit. China’s foreign exchange reserve may decline gradually as the liberalization of renminbi exchange rate regime improves, the current account surplus declines and becomes negative, the Belt and Road Initiative iscarried out, and foreign exchange holdings by enterprises and households increase. The evolution of China’s balance of payments has the following policy implications: First, the volatilities of both renminbi exchange rate and domestic asset prices would significantly intensify; second, the operational framework of China's monetary policy would change dramatically; third, the increasing two-way capital flows would amplify the internal and externalimpacts on China's financial system; last but not least, the US’ treasury bondmarket would face heavy pressure of volatility in the mid-term as a result ofthe shrinking demand from Chinese investors.



美元体系的金融逻辑与权力 ——中美贸易争端的货币金融背景及其思考 



关键词:美元体系  债权人逻辑  债务人逻辑  金融权力

Financial Rationale and Power of the Dollar System: Monetary and Financial Background of the Sino-US Trade Disputes

Li Xiao                                                           

The Sino-UStrade disputes not only expose our misunderstanding of the United States, but prompt us to think about the deep-level background of the Trump administration’s willful "America First" behavior. This article argues that the current disputes between the United States and the rest of the world, especially the trade disputes with China, are built on the country’s strong financial and monetary advantages. For a long time, the theory of "America's decline" has only focused on the topic of the decline itself and turned a blind eye to the changes in its economic structure and the resulting political and economic implications, especially the changes in the core interests of the United States. The US’ economic structure has been increasingly finance-oriented since the 1970s, which has led to two important results: One is the formation and strengthening of the US dollar system; the other is the formation of the global industrial chain featuring the US’ technological innovation and its transfer of its manufacturing capacities to other countries. It is an important background or guarantee for Trump's launch of trade protectionist actions. The formation and development of the US dollar system is the most crucial change of the world economy in the 20th century. It allows the United States to build a world control system that is totally different from the hegemonic countries in the past. Its exploitation and control of the world has become more secretive; more importantly, it has changed the long-standing financial rules of mankind, i.e., the creditor-centered rule has been changed into the debtor-centered rule. Such achange is an important foundation for all its economic behaviors in today's international community. The implementation of debtor-centered rule is mainly backed by the US dollar system. The core interest of the system lies in maintenance of an international monetary order that allows the US to take advantage of the debtor-centered rule to borrow heavily without being restrained by any othercountry. Based on the discussion of the financial rationale and operational mechanism of the US dollar system, this article analyzes the nature of the system and its global strength, before putting forward China’s overall strategy for dealing with the Sino-US trade disputes and its future development.




张广斌   黄海洲  张绍宗


关键词:全球性经济危机  全球货币体系  国际本位货币

GlobalEconomic Crisis and Monetary System Adjustment: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Framework

Zhang Guangbin, Huang Haizhou and Zhang Shaozong                

The world economy is yet to step out of the fall outs of the global financial crisisten years after its eruption in 2008. Historically, every global economic crisis occurred in a critical period of the global monetary system restructuring. Moreover, failure of the global monetary system to get adjustedin accordance with changing times was an important factor behind the outbreak of the global economic crisis, which has prompted us to explore the relationship between global monetary system adjustment and global economic crisis.Theoretically, the premise that a single sovereign currency acts as an international standard currency is that the private attribute of its currency issuance can support its public attribute as an international standard currencyand whether the premise holds depends on the size of the economy of the sovereign state. However, the reality is that with the convergence of external economic growth, the United States has had a declining share in the global economy, which leads to the cyclical breakdown of the theoretical tension that sustains the global monetary system. The result is the cyclical outbreak of global economic crisis.



美国的全球化陷阱、贸易争端诉求与中国的战略应对     潘英丽  周兆平


关键词:全球化陷阱  中美贸易争端  战略转型

GlobalizationTrap of the US, Trade Disputes and China’s Strategic Response

Pan Yingli and Zhou Zhaoping                                    

It has become a new national policy of the United States to comprehensively contain China’s development and the China-US trade disputes are but only the beginning of their rivalry because the United States has fallen into the trap of globalization and its intensifying internal structural conflicts have worsen edits systematic fragility and made it more responsive to China’s external policies. The crucial period of China’s transformation in the upcoming five years is perhaps also the most complex period for the China-US economic relations since there may appear the most frictions between the two powers during that period. China needs to well understand the strategic demands of the United States in the ongoing trade disputes and how it can well carry out reform and transformation so that Chinese policymakers can maintain their strategic focus, deal with the US in a more flexible manner and make more efforts to speed up reform and economic transformation.



美国贸易政策制定中的观念、偏好与策略选择                     夏敏


关键词:美国  贸易政策  观念  偏好  策略选择

Ideas, Preference and Strategic Choice in US’ Trade Policymaking

Xia Min                                                           

Most scholars believe that economic interests are the main factor influencing acountry’s trade policymaking. However, this article argues that the evolution of ideas should be a key variable in studying the current trade policy adjustments of the United States as the Donald Trump administration’s tradepolicy reflects a marked departure from policy stances of his predecessors. Three levels of ideas, including world view, principle-based belief and causality, play an important role in the formulation of US’ trade policy by influencing the trade preferences of the US public and the strategic choices of its policymakers. This article helps understand the root causes of the current trade war between China and the United States. To alleviate the ongoing Sino-US economic confrontation, it is inadequate for China to take economic counter-measures since the evolution of ideas will undermine the effectiveness of those economic measures. How to position itself in the current world systemand how to disperse other countries’ confusion about and misunderstanding of its economic rise will be crucial for China’s future economic relations with the rest of the world.



探寻通往人类命运共同体的全球化之路 ——全球治理的政治经济学思考



关键词:全球化  逆全球化  全球治理  人类命运共同体  一带一路 

In Search of a New Paradigm of Globalization toward a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind — Observations of Global Governance from the Perspective of Political Economy


Globalization has brought about unprecedented prosperity, but it has also resulted in growing inequality. In the face of the rising trend against globalization, it is necessary to approach global governance from the perspective of political economy, as development is about economics, but distribution is about politics. By tracing the evolution of the anti-globalization trend, this article argues that while globalization has greatly narrowed the wealth gap among countries, the wealth gap within countries has kept widening. Economic divide has led to political polarization. When populist politicians in some countries opt to politicize economic problems and shift the blame for domestic problems to foreign countries as a political expediency, we see a collective wave against globalization at the international level. The article also analyzes the root causes of anti-globalization. They include the widening of economic divide caused by technological progress, the mismatch between the supply of institutions and the demand for reform, and the dilemma of global economic governance, namely, the conflict between the borderless world economy and the global governance system drawn along the lines of national boundaries. To solve those problems, we need to find a new paradigm of globalization that is more inclusive. To that end, we must recalibrate the role of the market and the government in the economy, reconsider the universal applicability of liberal democracy, and make efforts to build a community with a shared future for mankind to improve global governance.



世界经济或将进入多趋势并存的时代:表征、成因与未来——兼论特朗普的“三零贸易秩序”                                     王跃生


关键词:世界经济  国际贸易  保护主义  经济全球化  三零贸易秩序

Trump’s “Triple-Zero” Trade Order and Future Trends of World Economy: Characteristics, Causes and Prospects

Wang Yuesheng                                                    

The Donald Trump administration of the US has been implementing its unilateral andprotectionist policies in the past two years, which has continually underminedthe existing global economic structure and multilateral trade system. The world economy and global trade order have stepped into a state of chaos. This article argues that based on the actually conditions of world economic development and the fundamental trend of economic globalization, isolationism and protectionism, bilateralism and regionalism, and a new type of globalization will coexist in the long run to affect the world economy and international trade. The so-called fair and reciprocal “triple-zero” trade order advocated byTrump and the resulting new single American order will prove infeasible.



拉美民众主义的悖论:根源与后果                             袁东振


关键词:民众主义  民族主义  左翼与右翼  拉丁美洲

The Paradox of Populism in Latin America: Origin and Consequences

Yuan Dongzhen                                                   

Populismin Latin American countries has a history of more than one hundred years, starting from late 19th century, and its inauguration and development are deeply rooted in the local economic, political, social, ideological and cultural conditions. In Latin America, populism has a deep symbiosis with nationalism, economic populism and political populism are intertwined, while left-wing populism and right-wing populism coexist. Populism in Latin America does not come from or have linkups with populism in North America and Europe; it is also different from populism in other regions. Given the special social conditions in Latin America, populism has been, in a sense, a positive force in the region; however, given its many serious flaws both in theory and practice, populism has caused a series of serious negative consequences and becomes quite paradoxical. The populists in Latin American countries have attempted to promote economic development through state intervention, promote democracy through measures against established systems, and enhance social equity through distributive public policy. However, in contrast to their original purposes, those measures have caused economic collapse, exacerbated the fragility of democratic system and intensified social dissatisfaction. The experiences of those Latin American countries show that, in order to avoid the negativecon sequences of populism, it is necessary to eliminate the economic, political, social, ideological and cultural root causes of populism.


【目录】 《国际经济评论》2018年第5期

【目录】 《国际经济评论》2018年第4期








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