(音:/pəʊtʃ/ )。
来看一下《BEC中级真题(第4辑 )》第一篇阅读中的一句话:
One manager in the research group was unconvinced by the logic of sending his best people away on development courses, 'only to see them
by another department, or worse still, another firm'.
《哈佛商业评论》网站标题为 How to Reduce the Costs of Salesperson Turnover 文章中,又有这样一句话:
Poaching of salespeople
also occurs when sales are driven largely by relationships. 在主要依靠人脉关系的销售活动中,销售人员也会被挖走。▲ salesperson turnover:销售人员员工流动率。回顾:turnover=营业额?
poach 的本意和引申义
headhunter 是“猎头(猎头公司)”对应的英文,head(头)+ hunter(猎人),所以“猎头”这个词听起来多少有点 “英式中文”的味道。回顾:你习惯「不能同意更多」这个说法吗?
而 poach 之所以能有“挖人”的含义,也许也和 poach 的本意有关:偷猎
。— 和 hunter 呼应。
绝大多数词典里,都把 poach 作为"挖人"的含义单独列了一条释义:
to persuade someone who belongs to another organization, team etc to leave it and join yours, especially in a secret or dishonest way — 朗文
If an organization poaches members or customers from another organization, they secretly or dishonestly persuade them to join them or become their customers. — 柯林斯
两本词典的释义里,都把 poach 描述述成 secret or dishonest,这和中文的“挖人”的“挖”含义上对应。
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