
引导学生形成独立学习策略 - 英语教学法原著选读85(首次附外教朗读录音!另附词汇系列文章目录)

2016-12-02 武太白 武太白英语教学








Thesis Title: Current Trends in Vocabulary Teaching

Author: Anita J. Sokmen

Encourage Independent Learning Strategies

It is, of course, not possible for students to learn all the vocabulary they need in the classroom. The final theme in current trends is to help students learn how to continue to acquire vocabulary on their own. All of the trends discussed so far culminate in this last point of emphasis. Students come to the classroom knowing that vocabulary acquisition is crucial to their skill in using a second language. There is no need to motivate them to want more words under their command. When vocabulary gets the attention it deserves, that is, when instructors model explicit methods of vocabulary acquisition which require deep processing and plan re-encountering of words, students not only learn words but experience what Resnick calls a 'cognitive apprenticeship’ (1989).

In this apprenticeship, they learn that vocabulary acquisition is a task that involves their active participation, collaborating with classmates and also requiring personal, quiet, self-reflective periods (Rubin et al., 1994). When new words are integrated with past knowledge, learners realize that their past experiences are valuable and that they have the skills to process degrees of meaning, image, and make concrete a huge body of words in another language.

An important step in being independent is to recognize one's own style of learning. Doing a variety of classroom vocabulary exercises will expose students to possible strategies which they may discover feel right for them, accommodating their verbal or non-verbal cognitive styles. Graves (1987) recommends helping students develop a personal plan of vocabulary acquisition since most vocabulary learning will take place outside of the classroom. One way to aid their insight is an evaluation of what techniques are working. For example, a questionnaire might include these questions:

Do I learn vocabulary more easily doing speaking activities with my classmates?

Am I comfortable analyzing word parts? Do I like learning word roots?

Does it work better for me to collect words on index cards or to make word lists?

Do games help me learn?

Do I remember words better when I illustrate them?

Ellis and Sinclair's (1989) student book, Learning to Learn English, contains useful self-assessment activities for vocabulary learners, which focus on attitudes about learning vocabulary, setting realistic short-term aims, personal strategies, and organizing vocabulary learning.

Another aspect of encouraging independence is to teach ways to learn vocabulary. Language teachers need to design class activities which capitalize on metacognitive training so that students are learning different ways to practise words and expand meaning while they are acquiring them. One approach is vocabulary notebooks (Schmitt and Schmitt, 1995). Students may keep their notebooks on index cards or in a loose-leaf binder. Words they encounter are placed on individual pages and they are translated, L2-L1. As other knowledge is discovered about the word, such as collocations, semantic association, frequency tallies, roots and derivations, they are added to the page. On a regular basis, students are asked to go through their notebooks, adding more information, in order to elaborate understanding of the words and rehearse their meanings.

Another approach is illustrated in interactive, student-generated lessons of Common Threads; An Interactive Vocabulary Builder (Sokmen, 1991). An introductory vocabulary activity elicits 'seed words' from the group, which may or may not be known by the whole class. Then the class does a series of expansion exercises which build on the seed words and broaden their understanding of these words in relationship to other words. Finally, students re-examine their collection of words through review activities. Following the directions of different activities, students are able to create the vocabulary exercises, learn new words, and also ways to learn new words.













另一种方法在《Common Threads; An Interactive Vocabulary Builder》(索克曼,1991)一书中有所示范——这是一本互动性的、学生生成的书。先以介绍性的词汇活动引出“种子词”,这些词班上的同学可能认识,也可能不认识。然后全班做一系列的扩展练习,以种子词为基础不断展开,从而扩展学生对于这些词和其他词相互关系的理解。最后,在复习环节,学生重新审视他们的词汇集。跟随不同活动的指令,学生们能够创建词汇练习,学会新词,还能学会学习新词的方法。



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词汇学习七武器二:新旧词汇整合 (英语教学法原著选读75,译文、家长指南回归!)

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英语词汇学习七种武器之五:具象化 - 英语教学法原著选读78(附导读、译文与家长指南)


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