直到第四天早上再次需要外出拍摄时,我给我的主管发了一条信息,说明我的身体抱恙,可能不适合拍摄,他的回复终于警醒了我:“你会不会是感染了新冠肺炎?你不如去做一个检测吧。” 此刻,我才如梦初醒。
It wasn’t until the morning of the fourth day when I needed to go out for work again, I sent a message to my boss stating that I was ill and might not be suitable for work. His reply woke me up: “Could you be infected with the COVID? Why don't you do a test?”
我马上去就近的私家诊所看了医生,医生开了一些治疗喉咙痛的常见药给我,我领取了深喉样本检测瓶,也顺带购买了快速检测试剂,回家自我检测,是阳性。当下心情犹如晴天霹雳,倒不是害怕病毒——我相信自己年轻力壮终能战胜病毒——而是因为我与外公外婆两位老人同住,害怕把病毒传染给家中老人。I immediately went to the nearest private clinic to see the doctor and he prescribed me some common medicines for sore throats. I also received a specimen collection pack and bought a rapid test kit. I went home and tested positive. I was frightened, not because I am afraid of the virus - I am confident that I can defeat the virus because I am still young - but because I am living with my grandparents whom are already in their 80s, and I am afraid of spreading the virus to them.
2022年2月18日,香港铜锣湾街道。图源:网络快速测试出阳性结果后,为避免影响家中老人,我马上决定搬离,乘坐私家车搬到母亲的住所,而母亲也替我提前准备好自我隔离的物资,搬到外公外婆家,与我互换居所。毕竟快速测试未必准确,加上那几天开始有大量新闻报道医院不胜负荷的消息,在衡量过自己的病情轻重后,我决定先暂时在家自我隔离。As the rapid test may not be accurate, and there have been a lot of news reports that the hospital is overwhelmed so I decided to do self-isolation at home.
在提交了深喉测试样本后两天,终于收到了政府的短信通知:我的确是感染了。短信里虽说“留在家中等候卫生防护中心联络”,但却迟迟未收到进一步的通知。我心急如焚,不知下一步如何是好;幸好家中早已备好了必理痛与食物,加上病状已开始逐渐消减,而且这段时间我已习惯了在家办公,于是我重新开始了工作,独自在家自我隔离的时间也不至于无聊。Two days after submitting the specimen samples, I finally received a text message from the government: I was indeed infected. Although the text message said "Stay at home and wait for the CHP to contact", but no further notice was received. I was so anxious, I didn't know what to do next; But the symptoms have started to subside, and I have gotten used to working from home during epidemic, so I resumed to work, and the time of self-isolating at home was not too boring.
到了第八九天只有轻微的咳嗽,身体已无大碍,在之后连续几天快速测试结果都是阴性后,迎来了十四天的自我隔离的结束。结束的第一时间我到了政府认可的检测中心做了核酸检测,看到阴性二字,终于能放下心头大石。On the eighth and ninth day, I had almost recovered. I tested negative with the rapid test for consecutive days, and finally the fourteen-day self-isolation came to an end. I went to a testing center to do a proper PCR test, and I felt so relieved when I know I tested negative.
工作中的George Chan大概是因为我年轻抵抗力强,加上已经打了三针疫苗,所以病症并没有想象中的痛苦难熬,每天定时吃必理痛与喝热茶,大概一周的时间慢慢就恢复了起来。在我写下这篇抗疫日记之时,我已经重新开始外出拍摄的工作,一口气爬完了麦理浩径长二十五公里的第九、十段。Probably because I am still young and I had already received three injections of the vaccine, so the symptoms were not as bad as I imagined. I have now resumed to work and climbed the Sections 9 and 10 of MacLehose Trail in one day.