

白乐瑞 语言生活研究 2021-09-20

2019年3月20日上午,哈佛大学校长白乐瑞(Lawrence S. Bacow)访问北京大学,并发表题为“真理的追求与大学的使命(The Pursuit of Truth and the Mission of the University)”的演讲。

Great universities stand for truth, and the pursuit of truth demands perpetual effort. Truth has to be discovered, revealed through argument and experiment, tested on the anvil of opposing explanations and ideas. This is precisely the function of a great university, where scholars in every field and discipline debate and marshal evidence in support of their theories, as they strive to understand and explain our world.


This search for truth has always required courage, both in the sciences, where those who seek to shift paradigms have often initially met with ridicule, banishment, and worse, and in the social sciences, arts, and humanities, where scholars have often had to defend their ideas from political attacks on all sides.



It is no wonder, then, that transformational thought and action often take root on university campuses. Overturning conventional wisdom takes a remarkable amount of grit and determination, as well as a willingness to welcome contrary views and to risk being proved wrong. Great universities nurture these qualities. They are places where individuals are encouraged both to listen and to speak, where the value of an idea is discussed and debated — not suppressed or silenced.


If we stand for truth, we must appreciate diversity in every possible dimension. We must invite into our communities those people who challenge our thinking — and listen to them. Most of all, we must embrace the difficult task of being quick to understand and slow to judge.

要坚持真理,我们就必须接受并欣赏思想的多元 。对挑战我们思想的人,我们应该欢迎他们到我们中间来,听取他们的意见。最重要的是,我们必须能够敏锐地去理解,但不急于作出评判。


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