
外研版九年级英语上册Module 7 Great books

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10




Module 1 Wonders of the world

Module 2 Public holidays

Module 3 Heroes

Module 4 Home alone

Module 5 Museums

Module 6 Problems

Module 7 Great books



1.discuss  v.    谈论,讨论

2. wise  adj.  明智的

3. review  n. 评论(文章)

4. ________  v. 影响,作用于

5. sense   n. 道理,意义,合理性

6.________ v. 猜想,推测,相信

7. well-known  adj. 众所周知的

8. __________  n.  冒险(经历)

9. escape     v.   逃离,逃脱

10. cave      n.  洞穴

11. dead      adj. 死的,去世的

12. neighbour   n. 邻居

13. funeral  n.  葬礼

14. surprised  adj. 惊奇的,惊讶的

15. alive    adj. 活着的

16. southern  adj. 南方的

17. state       n.   州,邦

18. action      n.   举止,行为

19. dialogue   n.     对话


1. make sense      易理解,合情理

2. __________       顺便提一下

3. get into trouble    遇上麻烦

4. run away         逃走,逃跑

5. for a time            一小段时间,一时

6. ________            ......付出代价

7. What’s up?          怎么了?/什么事

8. describe...as...   ...描述为...

9. be influenced by...  ...影响

10. join in  参加

11. escape from      ...逃跑

12. be surprised to do... ...很惊讶 

13. ______________    与其说..倒不如说...

14. at that time       那时

15. be thought to be... 被认为是...

16. be similar to...    ...相似


1.What’s up?= What’s wrong?=What’s the matter? + with sb. /sth. 某人/某物有某事

2. more… than… 与其说…不如说…  He is more a friend than a teacher.

He is more fortunate than intelligent.与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。

3. discuss v. 讨论 – n. discussion -- have a discussion 进行讨论

4. make sense合情理;明智,有意义  make sense to sb. /sth. 对某人/某物有意义

 That does not make sense to me. 那对我没意义。

5. influence sb. / sth. 影响… = have an influence on sb. /sth.  对…有影响

  I don’t want to influence you.  He has a great influence on the government.

6. by the way顺便问一下        

 be supposed to do sth. = should do sth.应该做某事

7. why don’t you do sth.? = Why not do sth.?  为什么不做某事?

8. not as/so..as...   不如 .......    

 4.live with sb.和某人一起生活

9. get into trouble遇上麻烦       

run away逃跑,逃走

10. in the middle of  在......中间/中部  8.take away拿走,带走

11. escape from… 从…逃跑       

 10. part of = a part of  一部分

12. for a time 一度,一时,一段时间    I want to stay here for a time.

13. be surprised to do sth.对做某事感到惊讶  be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇

  in surprise 吃惊地,惊奇地 to one’s surprise/amazement/astonishment 令某人吃惊的是

14. more than + 名词  不只是,不仅仅是   Bamboo is used for more than buildings.

15. pay for (sth.)为…付钱;为.....付出代价  pay off 偿清(债务),取得好的结果和回报

 How much did you pay for the book?  You will have to pay for what you have done.

He has paid off all his debts.他已还清了所有的债务。

Did his plan pay off?他的计划成功了吗?

16. in everyday English用日常英语

17. It is thought to be = People think that 人们认为

18. in the form of以......的方式,以.......的形式  My garden is in the form of a square.

19.grow up成长,长大      

20.all the time总是,一直       

16.miss school缺课,逃学

21. laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人  smile at sb.对菒人微笑

22. turn the situation round扭转局势 

23. in return作为回报     I sent him a present in return for his help.

24. be included in被包括在.......中  

25. for free无偿,免费    You will get a book for free.

26.get lost迷路,丢失


1. describe ...as...把....描绘成....,把......说成......

2. I suppose (that)+从句    我猜想

3. It\\\\'s a pity that+从句      遗憾的是.....

4. be pleased to do sth很高兴做某事


Unit 1  We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas


Mr Jackson: Hello, Betty. What’s up?

Betty: I want to join an Internet group to discuss great books by great writers.

Mr Jackson: So, who are your great writers?

Betty: Well, maybe Confucius and Shakespeare.

Mr Jackson: Really? I accept that they’re great because their works are still read by many people today. But I think I’d describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer. He was a very wise man. What do you have to do for the discussion?

Betty: Well, each of us reads a favourite book and writes a review for the discussion.

Mr Jackson:I see. We’re still influenced by Confucius’s ideas, and Shakespeare’s plays also make a lot of sense to us today. People have always read, and will always read great books. By the way, what do you think of Mark Twain, the great American writer in the nineteenth century?

Betty: He was important, but I suppose he isn’t as well-known as Confucius or Shakespeare.

Mr Jackson: No, but his books are still popular, and one of his books is my favourite, The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.

Betty: Great! Why don’t you join in the discussion and tell us about it?

Unit 2  It is still read and loved 

A book review of The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

By Betty King 

One of my favourite great books is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. The story is set in the town of St Petersburg, Missouri, the US, in the nineteenth century. It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures.


Tom, the hero of the book, lives with his aunt Polly. He is a lively and clever boy. He does not like people telling him what to do, so he always gets into trouble. He and his best friend, Huck Finn, run away to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River. Tom has more trouble because a bad man named Injun Joe is looking for him. Later, Tom escapes from a cave with another friend, Becky. He also finds Injun Joe’s treasure box and takes it away.


My favourite part of the book is when Tom and Huck start their adventures on the island in the Mississippi River. At first, they are happy. But when they hear that everyone thinks they are dead, they feel very sorry, so they come back home. They hide and watch for a time when they see their family and neighbours coming to their funeral in the church. Then, Tom and Huck suddenly appear. Everyone is surprised to see them at first, but very pleased to find that they are alive.


The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a great book. It is more than an adventure story. Mark Twain wrote it in 1876. It describes people’s lives in the southern states of America at that time. It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions. It is written in everyday English, and the dialogues sound especially real. Today, it is still read and loved by people all over the world, and it is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.


A book review of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

    One of my favourite great books is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. The story is set in the town of St Petersburg, Missouri, in the US, in the nineteenth century. It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures.

   Tom,the hero of the book,lives with his aunt Polly. He is a lively and clever boy. He does not like people telling him what to do, so he always gets into trouble . He and his 

best friend, Huck Finn, run away to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River. Tom has more trouble because a bad man named Injun Joe is looking for him. Later, Tom escapes  from a cave with another friend,Becky. He also finds Injun Joe\\\\'s treasure box and takes it away.

        My favourite part of the book is when Tom and Huck start their adventures on the island in the Mississippi River. At first, they are happy. But when they hear that everyone thinks they are dead, they feel very sorry, so they come back home. They hide and watch for a time

when they see their family and neighbours coming to their funeral in the church. Then, Tom and Huck suddenly appear. Everyone is surprised  to see them at first, but very pleased to find that they are alive .

       The Adventures of  Tom Sawyer is a great book. It is more than an adventure story. Mark Twain wrote it in 1876. It describes people\\\\'s lives in the southern  states of America at that time. It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for  their actions.  It is written in everyday English, and the dialogues sound especially 

real. Today, it is still read and loved by people all over the world, and it is thought to be  one of the greatest American stories. 






  《汤姆索耶历险记》是一部伟大的著作。它不仅仅是一个冒险故事。马克.吐温于1876 年创作了这部小说,小说描述了当时美国南部各州人们的生活状况,讲述了年轻人怎样成长,人们如何彼此相爱,以及坏人如何为他们的行为受到惩罚。小说用日常英语写成,故事中的对白读起来感觉非常真实。直到今天,它仍为世界各地的读者阅读和喜爱,并被认为是美国最伟大的文学作品之一。



