
外研版九上英语Module 4 Home alone 教案(教学设计)

全册精讲+→ 班班通教学系统 2022-04-10





Module 1 Wonders of the world 教案
Module 2 Public holidays 教案(教学设计)
Module 3 Heroes 教案(教学设计)

Module 4 Home alone 知识精讲



Module 4的主要内容为运用让步状语从句和结果状语从句来描述自己单独在家的经历。从全书来看,本模块承接上一模块对状语从句的学习和运用,内容有层次的展开,学生容易接受。

Unit 1 I can look aftermyself, although it won’t be easy for me.


Knowledge objective

词汇和短语: platform, meeting, miss, shut, lock, simple, anybody, clock, ring,passenger,

结果状语从句Ability objective


Moral objective



【教学方法】PWP method,task-based method and interactive approach

【教学手段】A tape recorder,multimedia and some pictures


Step 1 Warming up 

What do youusually do to look after yourself when you are at home alone?

Step 2 Presentation

  The teacher shows the pictures of new words orexpressions and let the students to say as quickly as possible.

Step 3 Workin pairs. Talk about the picture

Look at the picture and talk about what they will do in pairs.

Step 4 Listening

  1. Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.

 2. Finish Activity 3. Listen again and complete the sentences.

Step 5 Reading

1. Listen and answer the followingquestions.

2. Read and complete the sentences. Theremay be more than one answer.

3. Actout the dialogue in groups according to the following words.

Step 6Language points

1. So am I承接上一句贝蒂妈妈说的话: … I’m sorry you can’tcome with us, Betty. (贝蒂, 你不能和我们一起去, 很遗憾), 表示我也很遗憾无法同行 

    “So + be/助动词+主语这一结构表示自己与前一个人的情况相同或同意一个人的说法, 意思是“……也这样

miss  v.未出席; 未出现出现动词时, 应该用动词的-ing形式。

miss作动词还有想念的意思。miss作名词意为女士; 小姐”, 此时m必须大写, 常用于姓名或姓之前, 尤指未婚女子。如: Miss Brown

2.anybody  pron. 任何人常用于否定句或疑问句中; 当用于肯定句中时, 相当于any person, 意为任何人

3. ring  v. 鸣响;发出铃声 ring作动词还有打电话的意思。

4be about to do sth. 的意思是就要/正要……”.

5. couple 作名词, 意为一对;两个。它常用于固定短语a couple of, 表示两个

  辨析:couple/ pair这两个名词均有一对;两个之意。couple多指在一起或彼此有关系的两个人或两个同样的事物; pair 含义广泛,可指人或物, 用于物时,指两个互属的事物, 缺此或失彼都会失去使用价值, 或指由相对称的两部分构成的一件东西。

Step 7 PracticeChoosethe correct answer.Read the sentences and get the ideas of the words

Step 8 Pronunciationand speaking

Listenand mark the words which the speaker links.Now listen again and repeat.

Step 9 Talking

Workin pairs. Imagine you are staying at home by yourself. Ask and answer.

1. Can you look after yourself?2. What will youeat?3. How will you make sure you wake up in the morning?

Example:A: Can you look after yourself?B: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.A: How will you …?B: I’ll …

Step 10 Exercises

Step 11Homework

Write a short passage to introduce what youcan do at home

Unit 2 I became so boredwith their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.

【教学目标】Knowledge objective

Key vocabularyactually, manage, unhappy, order, business, sofa, snack,midnight

Key structures:turn off, be worried about, on business, have fun, handin, unable to do,

Ability objective

To get information about exercise activities.To master the adverbialclause of concession.

Moral objective

To know more about other person’s problems andmaster some basic skills in the life.


1. To learn some expressions in the passage.2. To learn the adverbialclause of concession.


1. To get information from the article.2. The use of adverbial clauseof concession.

【教学方法】PWP method, task-basedmethod

【教学手段】A tape recorder,multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

  Look at the pictures and talk about daily things you do alone and the thingsyour parents do for you.

Step 2 Presentation

Look and say. The teacher shows the picturesof new words or expressions and let the students to say as quickly as possible.

Step 3 Reading

1. Readthe passage and choose the best summary.

2. Completethe sentences. See how Zheng Chenyu’s feelings changed.

Step 4Language points

    1. man在此处意为男子汉

2. manage意为安排, 管理

3.turn off 意为关掉; 关闭(设备)”, 主要指关灯、电视、电脑、自来水、煤气等。

    turn off 可与名词和代词连用: 与名词连用时, 名词可放在turnoff 之后, 也可放在turn off 之间; 与代词连用时, 代词只能放在turnoff 之间。如:

【链接】与turnoff 相关的短语有turn on(打开), turn up(……调高), turn down(……调低)

4.order 可以作名词表示命令;指示,此时是可数名词。如:

order 还常用作动词, 表示命令; 订购; (酒菜等)”。如:

5. be worried about 相当于worry about,意为……发愁; ……担心

 on business 意为出差 wake up 意为叫醒……”

   wake up的宾语是名词时, 宾语可放在wakeup的中间或up的后面; wake up的宾语是代词时, 宾语只能放在wakeup的中间。

7. hand in 意为提交; 上交

8. be unable to do sth. 不能做某事 beable to do sth. 能够做某事

9all day long 意为整天强调由早到晚的过程。

Step 5 Writing

1. Readthe passage in Activity 2 again and make lists of what Zheng Chenyu does whenhis parents are away.


1) Eat lots of snacks.

2) Enjoy an exciting film onTV.

3) Play computer games.

2. Write a passage about whatyou can do and what you cannot do when your parents are away.  

1) Make lists of what you cando and cannot do and cannot do when your parents are away.

2) Now join the sentences with although, but or so …that.

3) Write a conclusion to the sentences.

4) Share your passage with your classmates.

Step 6 Exercises

Step 7Homework

Finish the writtentask on page 29.

Unit 3 Language in use


Knowledge objective

Get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new wordsthey learn in this unit

Ability objective

To summarize and consolidate the adverbial clause of concession.

Moral objective

To be glad to listen to others’ experiences and give others someadvice.

【教学重点】The adverbial clauseof concession and the adverbial clause of result.


【教学方法】PWP method,task-based method

【教学手段】A tape recorder,multimedia and some pictures


Step 1 Language practice To master the use of “although, that, but” by filling the blanks.

Step 2 Grammar



      so…that…结构的意思是……以至……”so后面接形容词或副词, 表示程度,that后接从句表示这一程度造成的影响或结果。

2. 让步状语从句


让步状语从句也可以由though引导, 表示表示尽管……, (但是)……”。在一般情况下, 可以与由although引导的让步状语从句互换使用。在口语中, though较为常用。

   注意: 汉语中虽然/尽管但是往往同时使用, 但在英语中却不是这样。

    对比这两个句子可以看出, 在英语中,althoughbut通常是不能同时使用的。

Step 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Theremay be more than one answer.

Step 4 Completethe sentences with your own ideas.

Step 5 Completethe passage with the correct form of the words in brackets

Step 6 Completethe passage with the words and expressions in the box

Step 7 Complete the sentences withthe words in the box.

Step 8 Complete the passage with theexpressions in the box

Step 9 ListeningListenand match the people with their activities.

Step 10 Reading

  1. Presentsome pictures and a video about the film.

2. Readthe passage and complete the sentences.

Step 11 Aroundthe world

1.Learn about the Home alone rules. 2. Read the passage and tell the sentences aretrue or false.       

Step 12 Exercises

Step 13 Writingtask

1. Make a list about how to live alone.

2. Work in pairs. Choose a topic from thelist and make a leaflet for your topic.

Managing your time

  Make atimetable.

  Get upon time.

  Don’tbe late for school.

  WatchTV for less than one hour everyday.



