
外研版九下英语Module 7 English for you and me 知识精讲

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Module 1 Travel

Module 2 Education

Module 3 Life now and then

Module 4 Rules and suggestions
Module 5 Look after yourself
Module 6  Eeating together

Module 7 English for you and me

Unit 1 Have you ever been to an English corner?


achieve [əˈtʃi:v] v. 成功;实现

including [ɪnˈklu:dɪŋ] prep. 包括;包含

speaker[ˈspi:kə] n. 说某种语言的人

boss [bɒs] n. 老板;上司

secretary [ˈsekrətri] n. 秘书

quarter [ˈkwɔ:tə] n. 四分之一

industry [ˈɪndəstri] n. 制造业;工业

zero [ˈzɪərəʊ] n. (数字)零

Indian [ˈɪndiən] n. 印度人;adj. 印度的;印度文化的

type [taɪp] n. 种;类;类型


外研版 九年级英语下册

Module 7 English for you and me

Unit 2 We all own English




Module7 English for you and me

Unit1 Have you ever been to an English corner?

3.Listenand read. Now decide…

贝蒂: 你觉得今年自己的英语取得了多少进步,玲玲?

















Module 7   English for you and me

Unit 1   Have you ever been to an English corner?

1.make progress in doing sth.    


2.pracitise doing sth.     练习做某事

3. (1) how much “多少”用于询问不熟名词的数量

Eg: How much rice is there in the bag?

(2) how much “多少钱”用于询问价格与“what’s the price of…”同义

Eg: --How much is the pen?

 = What’s the price of the pen?

  --It’s five yuan.

(3) how much “多么”用来表示程度

Eg: You never know how much I miss my parents.

(4) how many + 可数名词复数  “多少”用来询问数量

Eg: How many pens do you have?

4.achieve (v.)“成功;实现”


---achievement(n.) 成绩、业绩;实现、成功

5.anyway(adv.) “不管怎样;无论如何”


6.be best at…      最擅长…

7.not that good     不是那么好…

8.keep doing sth.     “一直做某事”表示动作或状态的持续

 keep on doing sth.  “一直做某事”表示动作的反复

9.continue(v.) “继续”后接名词

 continue to do sth.    “继续做另一件事”

10.mean (1) 对某事是认真的

Eg: I’ll take the sandwich away if you don’t eat it.

 --I mean it.    我是认真的。

(2) 故意;有意

Eg: I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean it.   


(3)you mean… “你是说…”

Eg: You mean we’re supposed to tell you if we want to leave early.


11.include (v.) 包括 

--- including (prep.)  包含…在内

 --- included (adj.) 包括…在内

Eg: There are 40 students in the class, including me.


  Everyone laughed, me included.


12.speaker (n.) 演讲者;扬声器  

--- speak (v.) --- spoken(adj.) 口头的;

  spoken English   英语口语

13.at the same time    同时

14.as long as…     只要;像…一样长

15.require too much effort    


  require sb. to do sth.    


16.according to…      根据…

17.at the beginning of…    在…的开端

18.be happy to do sth.     高兴做某事

19.have fun in doing sth. 


Unit 2    We all own English.

1.be used as…    被当作…使用

  be used by…    被…使用

2.between… and…    在…和…之间


3.grow up     成长

4.communicate with…      与…交流


--- communication (n.)

5.There is a good chance.    


 take everychance to do sth.   


6. a quarter of…      四分之一


a half  二分之一;

three quarters  四分之三;

two thirds   三分之二; 

 one third   三分之一


Eg: One fifth of the water is dirty.

   Three fifths of the students are girls.

7.the language of world trade   


8.borrow… from…     从…借入

  lend… to…          把…借给…

9. the reason why… is that…   

   …的原因是 …

 Eg: The reason why he doesn’t come here today is that he is ill.

10.together with…      


11.even though  = even if   尽管;即使

12.type (n.) 类型;种类

Eg: What type of music do you like?


Eg: Beth is not the type to tell a lie.


Eg: He types with two fingers.

13.everyday use   日常使用

14.spread… to…     把…扩散到…

15.make an effort     做出努力

16.each other     互相,彼此

Unit 3   Language in use

1.set up    建立

2.advise sb. (not) to do sth.    


 a piece of advice   一条建议

 ask for advice     征求意见

 give sb. some advice 

= give some advice to sb.  


 follow one’s advice    接受某人建议

3.in order to do sth.    为了做某事

4.be proud of = take pride in    


5.make an effort to do sth.   


6.be interested in doing sth.    


7.instead of…   代替;而不是

8.go on with. sth.  继续做某事

9.either … or…    或者…或者…


Eg: Either you or I am wrong.

10.hundreds of millions of…     数亿的

 a thousand of…      …中的一千

11.in the hope that…   


Eg: I’m in the hope that you can take my advice.

12.ease (v.) 使…容易;缓和;减轻 

(n.) 悠闲;自在

Eg: This medicine eases the pain.

  He passed the test with ease.

13.make the same sound   


14.It is unlikely to do sth.

或 It’s unlikely that 从句  “做某事不可能”

Eg: It was unlikely that he would win the race.


       The future of Chinese

Chinese is a language with a long and important history. It has shaped other languages in Asia the way Latin shaped languages in the west. With this history, does Chinese have a surprising future?

There are over one billion speakers of Chinese in the world – far more than any other languages. Chinese people are found studying and doing business all over the world. Whenever you go now, you will hear people speaking Chinese.

Foreign interest in the Chinese languages has grown very quickly together with the growth of the Chinese economy. It was once difficult to find a Chinese department in most Western universities. Now Chinese is one of the most important and popular languages to learn.

As China grows, more and more people will want to learn about Chinese languages and culture to take advantage of opportunities to work and study in China, and to do business with Chinese companies. For this reason, Chinese will one day become an international language.

Language points
1. make much / great progress in…… 在某方面取得進步 
2. achieve   v. 达到;取得(经过努力)通常表示“实现梦想, 获得成功”等 
3. enough  adv.& adj. 充足,足够 
adj.+ enough,  enough + n.
4. be best at …最擅长……
5. keep doing sth. 继续做某事 
6. … although my spoken English is not that good.
that 副词,意思是“那么,那样”,主要用于口语中。that good 那样好
7. find a lot of fun in doing sth.发现做……的乐趣 
8. continue to do sth. / continue doing sth.继续做某事 
9. including   prep.  包括     include  v. 包括 
10. have/has been to…曾经到过…     have/has gone to 去了…

1. I have _____ a lot in science this month.
A. achieved      B. required      C. spoken      D. said
2. He gave some important advice, _____  how to communicate with others.
A. include        B. or                C. including     D. but
3. Dreams are beautiful. However, to _____ them needs lots of time and work. (2015安徽)
A. discover       B. find           C. achieve       D. stop
4. Mike is only 15 years old. He is not ______ to get a driver’s license.
A. old enough      B. enough old      C. young enough      D. enough young
5. She’s not strong enough ______walking up mountains.       
A. to go           B. going         C. go          D. went
6.There are many foreign students in our school, _______ 8 Japanese.
 A. including       B. included        C. includes       D. include
7. --I lost my English book just now. 
   --Don’t worry, Jack! Look! I ______.
A. pick it up       B. picked it up   C. have picked it up     D. will pick it up
8. This is the best book _____ I have ever read.
A. which       B. who         C. that        D. what
9. _____! I want to eat one more.
A. What a bad pancake                   B. How bad pancakes 
C. How good pancakes                   D. What good pancakes
10.  Now nobody _____ to enter the Museum .
A. allows          B. is allowed               C. allowed            D. was allowed

(二)Module 7 Unit 2

Module 7 English for you and me
Unit 2 We all own English.
1.  被当…使用  _________________________   
2. 工作语言 _________________________                     
3. 例如 _________________________        
4. 日常使用 _________________________               
5. 长大  _________________________        
6. 互相交流_________________________ 
7. ….的四分之一 _________________________ 
8. 世界人口  _________________________                    
9. …的可能性很________________________   
10. …的原因是 _______________________            
11. 如同…一样寻常 ______________________  
12. 连同_________________________ 
13. 至少 _________________________         
14. 即使 _________________________                      
15. 不同种类的_________________________ 

德语 __________                                        法语 ___________        
意大利语 ____________                               日语___________      
汉语 ____________                                    韩语____________
俄语____________                                      英语 ____________

Para 1       a) Chinese may be the next world language in the future.
Para 2       b) English is the most important international language today.
Para 3       c) English spread through trade and the media.
Para 4       d)We all own English.
Para 5       e) English has borrowed many words from other languages.

1. How many people in the world use English?
2. How did English become an international language?
3. When do you think Chinese will become an international language?
4. Who owns English?
一、Multiple choice(选择最佳答案)
1. The reason ______ you hear the sound first is that the sound travels faster than the light.
A. that               B. because          C. which              D. why
2. Mr. Smith together with his students ______ having an English class.
A. be                B. is                  C. are              D. am
3. I know ______ two ways to improve your living situation.
A. at last                  B. at least              C. at first           D. at the end
4. There are different ______ of food, help yourself.
A. kind                     B. bag                     C. types           D. taste
5. — Which is the biggest number of the four?
    — ______.
A. One third           B. Two thirds              C. A half     D. A quarter
6. — What do you think the teachers in your school are like?
    — I think they are very kind, ______ they look serious.
A. though                  B. or               C. because             D. and
7. He got up ______ late that he missed the first train to his work place.                  
A. very                    B. too               C. much              D. so
8. — Is Mr Baker at home?                                     
    — Sorry, he isn’t in. He ______ to Qingdao.         
A. has gone             B. has been          C. is going          D. will go
9. Paul made a nice cage ______ the little sick bird till it could fly.
A. keep               B. kept                C. keeping             D. to keep
10. If it ______ rain tomorrow, we’ll go hiking.
A. won’t              B. doesn’t           C. don’t             D. didn’t
11. —I want to know if Maria ______ us in the fashion show tonight.
      —I believe if she ______ her homework, she will join us.
A. joins; finishes    B. will join; finishes   C.  joins; will finish   D. will join; will join

Module7 English for you and me


achieve[əˈtʃi:v] 成功;实现

including [ɪnˈklu:dɪŋ]  包括;包含

speaker[ˈspi:kə]  说某种语言的人

boss[bɒs]  老板;上司

secretary[ˈsekrətri]   秘书

quarter[ˈkwɔ:tə]   四分之一

industry[ˈɪndəstri]   制造业;工业

zero[ˈzɪərəʊ]  (数字)零

Indian[ˈɪndiən]  印度人;印度的;印度文化

type[taɪp]   种;类;类型

Unit1 Have you ever been to an English corner?

1. make progress in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事方面取得进步 
I have made great progress in maths this year. 这一学期我在数学方面取得了很大进步。    
make rapid /great/much/some progress

2. achieve  v. 成功;实现(主语是人)   
achievement  n. 成就
achieve success /victory/one’s dream 取得成功/胜利/实现某人的梦想
come true 主语是梦想、蓝图、计划等。 
Your dream will come true one day. 你的梦想有一天会实现的。

3. anyway  adv. 无论如何;不管怎样   

4. spoken English 英语口语   
written English 英语书面语  
English-speaking 说英语的

5. keep doing sth. = go on doing sth. 继续做某事

6. have fun 玩得开心     
have fun (in) doing sth.  做某事有趣

7. continue to do sth./continue doing sth./continue with sth. 继续做某事

8. you mean 你意思是说,你指,用在口语中,用于核实某人所说的话。
You mean I must finish it before I go home? 你意思是我必须在回家之前完成它。

9. thought 原以为(但实际并非如此或现在不认为)
I thought he was honest, but I’m wrong. 我原以为他很诚实,但是我错了。

10. including  prep. 包括,后接名词/代词/动名词。    
include  v. 包括

11. don’t need to do sth. = needn’t do sth.  不需要做某事;不必做某事

12. speak to sb. 和某人说话/通话    
at the same time 同时

13. help sb. with sth. = help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事  
with one’s help = with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下       

Unit2 We all own English.

1. own  v. 拥有   
owner  n. 主人;物主   
own  adj. 自己的   
one’s own 某人自己的  
on one’s own = by oneself = alone 独自地   
of one’s own 某人自己的  

2. be used as 被用作          

3. everyday  adj. 日常的    
every day 每天 

4. grow up 长大(成人)   
grow  vi. 生长;vt. 种植 ;系动词. 变得

5. 分数表示法:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于一时,分母要用复数。
a quarter 一刻钟;四分之一   
three quarters 四分之三  
five sixths 六分之五   
One fifth of the water is dirty. 五分之一的水是脏的。 
Three fifths of the students in our class are girls. 我们班五分之三的学生是女孩。

6. There is a good chance that = It is possible that = It is likely that 很有可能……

7. the reason why…is that…  …...的原因是...… 
The reason why he doesn’t come here today is that he is ill.

8. a common language 通用语言    
common  adj. 共同的;普遍的

9. borrow from  从…借用/引用/借入    
10. the importance of ……的重要性     
We all know the importance of learning English. 我们都知道学习英语的重要性。

11. as 随着,表示两个动作同时发生,引导时间状语从句。
As time went on, he grew cleverer and cleverer. 随着时间的推移,他变得越来越聪明。

12. together with 和……一起;加上,相当于with。当主语部分含有with, together with, along with等介词或介词短语时,谓语动词与介词前面的主语部分一致。

13. rich  adj. 富有的;丰富的    
be rich in 富有 
The small country is rich in oil. 这个国家富有石油。

14. even though = even if 尽管,引导让步状语从句。 

15. different types of = different kinds of = all kinds of  不同种类的;各种各样的   
a type /kind of 一种   
this type /kind of 这种  
type n. 类型;各类  
type v. 打字

16. so that 以便;为的是;结果,引导目的状语从句/结果状语从句。相当于in order that.
so + 形/副词that…  如此…以致于…  
He spoke so fast that no one could follow him. 他说话如此快以致于没有人能跟上。
He is such a nice boy that we all love him. 他是如此好的一个男孩以致于我们都爱他。
such +形容词+复数名词 + that 从句 
They are such interesting books that we all enjoy reading them. 它们是如此有趣的书以致于我们都喜欢读。
such + 形容词+不可数名词 + that 从句  
Today is such bad weather that we have to stay at home. 今天是如此的坏天气以致于我们必须待在家里。

17. take every chance to do sth. 抓住一切机会做某事  
have /get a chance to do sth. = have /get a chance of doing sth. 有机会做某事  

18. reach a very high level of English 达到一个很高的英语水平

19. bright = clever  adj. 聪明的  
bright  adj. 明亮的;光线充足的  
brightly  adv. 明亮地

20. hard-working  adj. 工作努力的;勤奋的,作表语或定语     
work hard 努力工作/学习   
work hard on /at 努力学习;努力干;致力于
He works hard at English and he is a hard-working student.

21. be proud of  以……为自豪   
take pride in 对……感到自豪  

22. learn…from… 从某处获得知识   
learn from sb. 向某人学习   
learn…by heart 熟记……,背诵 
learn one’s lesson from 从……中吸取教训  
learn…by oneself 自学

23. disappear 消失 vi.不及物动词,不能用于被动语态.   
appear  v. 出现 
appearance  n. 出现;露面;外表 
He disappeared into the dark. 他消失在黑暗中。

24. have/has been + 动词的ing形式,是现在完成进行时结构,表示过去某一时刻之前开始的动作或状态一直延续到现在。 
I have been writing the novel for two months. 这本小说我已经写了两个月了。 

25. be based on 以……为依据  
This novel is based on historical facts. 这部小说是以历史事实为根据的。

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