Management culture
Though not a direct input intovaluation, it is unquestionable that when investing in a young business, youshould be aware of the management culture in that business. With Uber, your responses to the news stories about its management team will reflect yourpriors on the company. If you are predisposed to like the company, you willview it as confident in its attacks on new markets, aggressive in defending itsturf, and creative in its counter-attacks. If you don’t like the company, thevery same actions will be viewed as indicative of the arrogance of the company,its challenging a status quo will signal its unwillingness to play by the rulesand its counter attacks will be viewed as overkill.
In New York, I saw this come into play when the mayor and city council decidedto (and Uber in particular)from expanding in the city, using the argument that it was worsening trafficconditions in the city. In response, Uber struck back with a counter publicityblitz which included not only radio and TV ads, but also add-ons to the Uberapp that left no doubt in Uber users’ minds about how these restrictions wouldaffect their choices. I thought that the on the Uber app wasclever, and while , I wonder whether the scorched earth policies that it used will come backto hurt the company down the road.
在纽约,我目睹了管理文化是如何起作用的,当时纽约市长和议会决定限制拼车服务公司(尤其是优步公司)在城市的扩张,理由是它加剧了城市的交通问题。优步通过广告宣传闪电战进行了反击,不仅在电台和电视频道循环播放广告宣传,还通过优步的应用软件推送来告诉用户们这项限令会对他们的个人选择产生多大的影响。我觉得De Blasio在优步应用软件的这项选择上是十分明智的,同时,虽然优步在纽约打了一场胜仗,但这样的焦土政策是否会把公司引向末路还是个未知数。
Bottomline: While there are a few indications that Uber might be trying to soften itsimage, there seems no reason to believe that the company will become lessaggressive in the future. The question of whether this will hurt them as theyscale up remains unresolved.
Uber: An Updated Valuation
In summary, a great deal haschanged since June 2014, partly because of real changes that have happened tothe ride sharing market since then and partly because I had to fill in gaps inmy ignorance about the market. I think that the best way to capture the shiftsin my valuation is to compare my inputs on key numbers in June 2014 with myestimates in September 2015.
I was wrong about Uber’s valuein June 2014, when my estimate of $6 billion was below the $17 billionassessment by venture capitalists then. Correcting for both my cramped visionand the changes that have occurred since June 2014, my estimated value today is$23.4 billion.
I know my estimated value lags the $51 billion value that VCs are attaching tothe company today. This may very well be a reflection that my vision is stilltoo cramped to capture Uber’s possible businesses, but it is what it is.
Fire away
When teaching and writing, myobjective is to evoke interest and excite my audience, and failing that, toprovoke dissent and incite argument, but the reaction that I dread the most isboredom. The very fact that you are reading this post still is good news, butif you are in complete agreement with my valuation of Uber, I have failed. Iwould rather that you fall into one of three groups: that you think my value istoo high, that you feel it is too low or that you believe that I have nobusiness even valuing Uber.
If you think I have over estimated the value of Uber, it should not be becauseit is losing money (given its growth trajectory, you should be suspicious if itdid not), is trading at a high multiple of revenues (it should) or because yourstable growth dividend discount model gives you too low a number (it is thewrong tool for a growth company). It should because you think the regulatoryroadblocks will make the ride sharing market smaller than I have forecast it tobe, and that competition will be much more intense (reducing market share andoperating margins).
If you think that I have under estimated the value of Uber (again), don’tblame DCF models for being biased against growth companies. The fault lies withme, and it has to be somewhere in my inputs, i.e., that I am not foreseeingother markets that Uber could enter, that its networking benefits are farstronger globally than I predict them to be (giving it a higher market share)or that the operating margins will bounce back to much healthier levels oncethey navigate their way through the growth phase.
If your view is that I have no business valuing Uber because I am not atech person, that I am not an expert in the ride sharing business and/or that Ihave not made money as a VC, my responses are guilty as charged, you are rightand without a doubt. I don’t have a tech background, don’t work on the rightcoast and know technology only as a user, but I don’t think any of those areprerequisites for investing in technology companies. I have tried toincorporate what I have learned from technology companies in the market intothe valuation, in the form of easier scaling up, larger networking benefits andbigger market effects, but I might not have done it well enough. There are manywho know a great deal more about ride sharing than I do, and while I have triedto learn about the inner workings of this business from and about the Chinese growth potential from , my ride sharing know-how is limited. Finally, if we didrestrict writing about the valuation of young companies only to venture capitalists who have been consistently successful over long periods, the listof potential writers would be very short, and most of the people on the listwould be too busy investing in these startups to write about them.
如果鉴于我非高精尖人才的身份且在拼车服务领域也并非专家,同时在风投机构也没有赚大钱所以你认为我根本无权为优步估值的话,那么毋庸置疑你是正确的,我承认我的罪名成立。我确实并没有科技背景,也没有在东海岸工作过,我了解到的东西跟一个普通的用户相差无几,但是我认为这些都不是投资科技公司的必要前提。我尽力将我在投资科技公司中学到的东西与估值相结合,例如使规模扩张形式更加简易,使产业链利润更可观以及使市场效应跟有影响力,但是我可能做的还远远不够。有很多比我专业的多的人,例如Harry Campbell,一个该行业的内部从业者,我正在向他学习拼车服务业的内部知识,另外,我也跟Drake Ballew了解了中国市场的增长潜力,毕竟我对本行业营运的具体操作知之甚少。最后,如果我们只为风投从业者写那些能在长期内取得成功的公司的估值的话,那么作者的名单可能要减少一大半,同时剩下的那批人就会忙着去投资那些公司赚钱而不去写作了。
Whatever group you belong to, rather than complain about my mistakes(which are too many to count) or bemoan my limitations (which are legion),please take my and make it yours,putting your superior knowledge and experience into the numbers. In fact, let’sgive this a crowd valuation twist and get a going, where you canpost your results.
To be continued..
Notwithstanding the dressingdown that I got from some in the technology/VC space for my first valuation ofUber, or perhaps because of it, there is no company that I have enjoyed valuingand talking about more during the last year, than Uber. The company illustratesall the broad themes in valuation that I have returned in my blog posts andteaching: that uncertainty is part and parcel of valuation, that narrativesdrive numbers and that the pricing and valuation processes can yield differentnumbers. As a teacher, I am constantly on the look out for learning andteaching moments, and few companies have offered me more than Uber.
To show you how much Uber hasfound its way into my every day thinking, I will end with a personal story.Towards the end of last summer, my youngest son, who is fifteen had a friendover for the afternoon, and when it was time for the friend to leave, I lookedout at the driveway, expecting the “Mom car", the typical mode oftransportation for a 15-year old in the middle of suburbia (where I live). WhenI saw a strange sedan with a bearded man in the driver’s seat, I was takenaback, until I was told that it was an Uber car. Since this happened only twomonths after my valuation of Uber in June 2014, where I labeled it an urban carservice company, my first reaction after I got over my surprise was that Ineeded to revalue Uber afresh. Of such small actions are obsessions born!
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