十九大报告翻译归纳(5) |“布局”
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五年来,我们统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局、协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,“十二五”规划胜利完成,“十三五”规划顺利实施,党和国家事业全面开创新局面。 |
In the past five years, we have implemented the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy, fulfilled the goals of the 12th Five-Year Plan, and made smooth progress in implementing the 13th Five-Year Plan. On all fronts new advances have been made for the cause of the Party and the country. |
全方位外交布局深入展开。 |
We have made further progress in China's diplomacy on all fronts. |
全面推进中国特色大国外交,形成全方位、多层次、立体化的外交布局,为我国发展营造了良好外部条件。 |
We have made all-round efforts in the pursuit of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, thus advancing China's diplomatic agenda in a comprehensive, multilevel, multifaceted way and creating a favorable external environment for China's development. |
包括新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义的总目标、总任务、总体布局、战略布局 |
This involves fundamental issues like the overarching objectives, tasks, plan, and strategy for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era; |
明确中国特色社会主义事业总体布局是“五位一体”、战略布局是“四个全面”, |
It makes clear that the overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the five-sphere integrated plan, and the overall strategy is the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. |
完善坚持党的领导的体制机制,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局,协调推进“四个全面”战略布局, |
We must improve the institutions and mechanisms for upholding Party leadership, remain committed to the underlying principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, and ensure coordinated implementation of the five-sphere integrated plan and the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. |
加快国有经济布局优化、结构调整、战略性重组, |
In the state-owned sector, we will step up improved distribution, structural adjustment, and strategic reorganization. |
优化区域开放布局,加大西部开放力度。 |
We will improve the balance in opening our different regions, and open the western region wider. |