迎难而上 | rise to challenges |
开拓进取 | pioneer and push ahead |
新常态 | new normal |
“十三五”规划 | the 13th Five-Year Plan |
“五位一体”总体布局 | the five-sphere integrated plan |
“四个全面”战略布局 | the four-pronged comprehensive strategy |
端正发展观念 | adopt the right approach to development |
深入推进 | make further headway |
快速推进 | pick up pace |
协调性增强 | become more balanced |
成效显著 | make notable progress |
大力实施 | devote great energy to implement .. |
天宫 | Tiangong-2 space lab |
蛟龙 | the commissioning of the deep-sea manned submersible Jiaolong |
天眼 | the five-hundred-meter aperture spherical telescope (FAST) Tianyan |
悟空 | the launch of the dark matter probe satellite Wukong |
墨子 | the quantum science satellite Mozi |
大飞机 | the test flight of the airliner C919 |
在...中名列前茅 | making China a leader among .. |
... 稳居世界前列 | China now leads the world in .. |
蹄疾步稳 | quickly but steadily |
全面发力 | take moves across the board |
多点突破 | achieve breakthroughs in many areas |
纵深推进 | make deeper progress |
科学立法 | our legislation is sound |
严格执法 | law enforcement is strict |
公正司法 | judicial justice is upheld |
全民守法 | the law is observed by everyone |
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