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LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


近日,世界首富亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)宣布向澳大利亚山火恢复工作捐款100万澳元(约68.9万美元)。许多网友表示他不够慷慨,相比亚马逊的市值微不足道。


Jeff Bezos is getting slammed for his donation of $690,000 to the Australian wildfire recovery, which is less than he made every 5 minutes in 2018

Business Insider

In a heartfelt Instagram post on Sunday, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced that the company would donate 1 million Australian dollars, or about $690,000, to the Australian wildfire recovery effort.


表示“严厉批评;猛烈抨击”,英文解释为“To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely.”举个🌰:

The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie." 


That's less than he made every five minutes in 2018, according to Business Insider's estimate, based on Forbes' calculation of Bezos' net worth at the start and end of 2018. We estimated how much Bezos' wealth grew over the course of the year based on how much his net worth increased during that time — the estimate doesn't reflect his salary from Amazon.

Bezos' wealth has since been affected by divorce settlements and other factors, and it has grown at a slower rate than it did in 2018. According to Forbes' most recent figures, Bezos' net worth grew by $3.5 billion from October 2 to Monday, January 13. At that rate, his wealth would have grown by $34 million per day, or roughly $23,600 per minute. So over the past three months, Bezos has made $690,000, on average, every 30 minutes.


表示“(庭外)和解”,英文解释为“A settlement is an agreement to end a disagreement or dispute without going to a court of law, for example, by offering someone money.”举个🌰:

She accepted an out-of-court settlement of $12,345. 


Wildfires have devastated Australia since late July, killing at least 28 people and burning more than 2,000 homes. In a blog post, Amazon said it would channel the money to relief agencies helping victims and restoring wildlife.


表示“严重破坏;彻底摧毁”,英文解释为“If something devastates an area or a place, it damages it very badly or destroys it totally.”举个🌰:

The tsunami devastated parts of Indonesia and other countries in the region. 



1)表示“调拨(钱、资源)”,英文解释为“If you channel money or resources into something, you arrange for them to be used for that thing, rather than for a wider range of things.”举个🌰:

He wants a system set up to channel funds to the poor countries. 


2)表示“集中(精力、情感)”,英文解释为“If you channel your energies or emotions into something, you concentrate on or do that one thing, rather than a range of things.”举个🌰:

He is channelling his energies into a book called LearnAndRecord


The internet was quick to criticize the size of Amazon's donation, noting that it represented a tiny fraction of Amazon's $936 billion market cap. Facebook has said it will donate 1.25 million Australian dollars, and celebrities including Kylie Jenner have pledged larger donations than Amazon. One woman said she raised nearly double what Amazon pledged by selling nude photos online.


表示“少量”,英文解释为“A fraction of something is a tiny amount or proportion of it.”举个🌰:

She hesitated for a fraction of a second before responding.


market cap

market capitalization / market cap 表示“市值市场价值;全部股票的市面价值;市场上限”,英文解释为“the total value of a company's shares on a stock market;the total value of shares in a stock market or several stock markets”。

LV老板超越比尔·盖茨成全球第二大富豪一文中就见过这个表达,And while LVMH's market cap of approximately $240 billion pales in comparison to Microsoft's $1.1 trillion, the ambitious Frenchman has the success of large tech companies in his sights.

另外,cap本身表示“(可用或可借资金的)最高限额”,英文解释为“an upper limit on an amount of money that can be spent or borrowed by a particular institution or in a particular situation”举个🌰:

The government has placed a cap on local council spending.



1)表示“保证(做某事); 保证给予(某物)”,英文解释为“When someone pledges to do something, they promise in a serious way to do it. When they pledge something, they promise to give it.”举个🌰:

He pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can. 


2)表示“承诺支付(一笔款)”,英文解释为“If you pledge a sum of money to an organization or activity, you promise to pay that amount of money to it at a particular time or over a particular period.”举个🌰:

He is pledging $240 million in French aid next year. 


In 2018, Bezos' wealth grew by $78.5 billion, which breaks down to more than $215 million a day, or $149,353 per minute. That figure is an estimate based on how much his net worth grew from 2017 to 2018 and doesn't reflect Bezos' exact salary from Amazon. Much of Bezos' wealth is tied to Amazon stock, which fluctuates in value.

break down

1)表示“分解”,英文解释为“When a substance breaks down or when something breaks it down, a biological or chemical process causes it to separate into the substances which make it up.”举个🌰:

Over time, the protein in the eggshell breaks down into its constituent amino acids.


2)表示“破除(障碍、偏见等)”,英文解释为“To break down barriers or prejudices that separate people or restrict their freedom means to change people's attitudes so that the barriers or prejudices no longer exist.”举个🌰:

Women's sports are breaking down the barriers in previously male-dominated domains.


3)表示“(对观点、陈述等)分门别类”,英文解释为“To break down something such as an idea or statement means to separate it into smaller parts in order to make it easier to understand or deal with.”举个🌰:

The report breaks down the results region by region.


4)表示“(讨论、关系)失败;(系统)瘫痪”,英文解释为“If a discussion, relationship, or system breaks down, it fails because of a problem or disagreement.”举个🌰:

The talk with my leader broke down last night.


5)表示“(机器、车辆等)出故障”,英文解释为“If a machine or a vehicle breaks down, it stops working.”举个🌰:

Their car broke down


6)表示“失控痛哭”,英文解释为“If someone breaks down, they lose control of themselves and start crying.”举个🌰:

Because he was being so kind and concerned, I broke down and cried.



表示“波动”,英文解释为“If something fluctuates, it changes a lot in an irregular way.”举个🌰:

Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill. 


Bezos' net worth dipped by $46 billion in 2019, the year he went through a costly divorce, according to Forbes. An Amazon representative did not immediately respond to a request for comment.


表示“(暂时)下降”,英文解释为“If the amount or level of something dips, it becomes smaller or lower, usually only for a short period of time.”举个🌰:

The sun dipped below the horizon.


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