

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,位于意大利皮亚琴察市(Piacenza)的里奇·奥迪现代艺术馆(Galleria d'arte moderna Ricci Oddi)发现,一副失窃20多年的画作竟被藏在艺术馆墙内,据了解该画作为奥地利(Austria)知名象征主义画家古斯塔夫·克林姆特(Gustav Klimt)的作品《女士肖像》(Portrait of a Lady),价值约为6000万欧元(人民币约4.56亿元)。

Painting found inside Italian gallery wall confirmed as a Gustav Klimt

The Guardian

Gardeners discovered Portrait of a Lady while clearing ivy at gallery in Piacenza


表示“常春藤”,英文解释为“a climbing plant, especially one with dark green shiny leaves with five points”,如:stone walls covered in ivy 爬满常春藤的石墙。

我们常听说的,常春藤盟校或常春藤联盟就是:Ivy League.

The Ivy League is an American collegiate athletic conference comprising sports teams from eight private universities in the Northeastern United States. 包括:布朗大学、哥伦比亚大学、康奈尔大学、达特茅斯学院、哈佛大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、普林斯顿大学、耶鲁大学。

A painting found hidden in an Italian gallery in December is an authentic Gustav Klimt piece stolen almost 23 years ago, experts have confirmed.


表示“真的;真正的;可靠的;可信的”,英文解释为“If something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is.”如:an authentic 1990s dress 20世纪90年代女装真品,authentic Chinese food 正宗中国食品。


表示“艺术品”,英文解释为“You can refer to a work of art as a piece.举个🌰:

Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.


The Portrait of a Lady was one of the world’s most sought-after stolen artworks before it was found concealed in a wall of the Ricci Oddi modern art gallery, the same gallery from where it went missing in the northern city of Piacenza.


表示“(因品质高或稀有而)热门的,广受欢迎的”,英文解释为“wanted by many people and usually of high quality or rare”举个🌰:

At the age of 12 she is already one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses.


Ornella Chicca, the Piacenza prosecutor, said at a press conference: “It’s with no small emotion that I can tell you that the work is authentic.”

The painting was discovered by two gardeners as they cleared ivy on an exterior wall of the gallery on 10 December. The pair discovered a metal panel, which, when opened, revealed a cavity with a painting in a bag. An initial inspection indicated that the painting was the 1917 work by the Austrian art nouveau painter before two experts were appointment by the prosecutor to confirm its authenticity.


表示“空隙;洞;腔”,英文解释为“a hole, or an empty space between two surfaces”举个🌰:

The gold was hidden in a secret cavity.


In a further twist, Ermanno Mariani, a journalist with the Piacenza newspaper La Libertà, received a letter from two people claiming to have stolen the painting before hiding it in the wall.


表示“(故事或情况的)转折,转变,突然变化”,英文解释为“an unexpected change or development in a story or situation”,举个🌰:

The story has taken another twist.


A mystery upon a mystery for which the investigations are ongoing,” La Libertà reported on Friday. “The certification of its authenticity opens the door to the investigators’ work and it cannot be ruled out that the name of a suspect might soon appear.

The theft of Portrait of a Lady was discovered on the morning of 22 February 1997 but police believed it had been removed three days earlier. Investigators at the time suspected an inside job. The investigation was reopened in 2016 following the discovery of DNA traces of a thief on the painting’s abandoned frame.

inside job

表示“内贼作案,监守自盗”,英文解释为“a crime, especially stealing, committed by someone in the place where they work”。

Police believe the thieves used a fishing line to hook the masterpiece off the wall and haul it up through an open skylight to the roof of the gallery, where the frame was discarded.


表示“(用钩子)固定,挂,钩住”,英文解释为“to fasten something with a hook, hang something on a hook, or catch something with a hook”举个🌰:

He hooked the trailer (= joined it with a hook) to his car.



表示“(用力)拉,拖(重物)”,英文解释为“to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty”举个🌰:

She hauled herself up into the tree.


The Klimt is considered particularly important because shortly before its disappearance an art student realised it had been painted over another work previously believed lost – a portrait of a young lady that had not been seen since 1912 – making it the only “double” Klimt known to the art world.

Patrizia Barbieri, the mayor of Piacenza, said the news of its authenticity “is of historic importance for the artistic and cultural community and for the city of Piacenza”.

Jonathan Papamerenghi, the city’s culture chief, said in December that if the painting’s authenticity was confirmed then they would be ready to exhibit it in the gallery as early as January. At the time, he said the piece was the most sought-after stolen painting in the world after Caravaggio’s Nativity with St Francis and St Lawrence.

Nativity with St Francis and St Lawrence

The Caravaggio painting was stolen in 1969 from the Oratory of San Lorenzo in Palermo and its theft is considered one of the greatest mysteries in art history.

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