
日本东京奥运会主题口号公布:United by Emotion,你怎么译?

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,日本东京奥运会组委会官方公布,2020奥运会及残奥会的主题口号为「United by Emotion」。组委会表示,与其他非英语国家举办城市不同,这句口号没有日语版。而据@日本国驻华大使馆 微博今天11:52的消息,目前中文翻译也还未确定。





The Tokyo 2020 organising committee has revealed the official games motto: “United by Emotion”. The motto emphasises the power of sport to bring together people from diverse backgrounds of every kind and allow them to connect and celebrate in a way that reaches beyond their differences.


表示“格言”,英文解释为“A motto is a short sentence or phrase that expresses a rule for sensible behaviour, especially a way of behaving in a particular situation.”举个🌰:

“He acts before he speaks, and afterwards speaks according to his actions” has always been his motto.


The Games motto encapsulates the Games vision, capturing the essence of the ideas and concepts that the host city wishes to share with the world. “United by Emotion” expresses the hope that the spectators, volunteers and athletes from over 200 National Olympic Committees and the Refugee Olympic Team gathering in Tokyo this summer, as well as the billions watching on television and online across the globe, will come together and understand that there is more that unites than divides them.


encapsulate /ɪnˈkæpsjʊˌleɪt/ 表示“概括”,英文解释为“To encapsulate particular facts or ideas means to represent all their most important aspects in a very small space or in a single object or event.”举个🌰:

A Wall Street Journal editorial encapsulated the views of many conservatives.


This motto summarises the ideas and concepts that the host city of Tokyo wishes to share with the world. While reflecting the essential values of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the motto incorporates a specific and timely message embracing diversity, reflecting the 2020 zeitgeist in the urban environment of Tokyo.


1)表示“包含;使并入”,英文解释为“If one thing incorporates another thing, it includes the other thing. If someone or something is incorporated into a large group, system, or area, they become a part of it.”举个🌰:

The new cars will incorporate a number of major improvements


This aircraft incorporates several new safety features.



zeitgeist /ˈzaɪtˌɡaɪst/ 表示“(尤指文学、哲学和政治中表现的)时代精神;时代潮流”,英文解释为“The zeitgeist of a particular place during a particular period in history is the attitudes and ideas that are generally common there at that time, especially the attitudes and ideas shown in literature, philosophy, and politics.”举个🌰:

He has caught the zeitgeist of life in the 1960s very well indeed. 


此前在去年底2020年度流行色出炉:Classic Blue一文也出现过:Cerulean’s impact that year permeated the cultural zeitgeist, ranging from home decor trends to high fashion;

还有前年的牛津词典公布了2018年度词汇:Toxic的文中:Part of Oxford University Press (OUP), a department of the University of Oxford, the dictionary has, in the past, turned to neologisms to describe the zeitgeist.

In this age where we so often connect with others without physically meeting, the Tokyo 2020 Games will inspire countless new face-to-face encounters among those participating in and watching the events. The Games will provide a time and a place where an astounding variety of people – different nationalities, ethnicities, races, genders, cultures, as well as those with and without impairments – can meet and get to know each other and look beyond their differences.


1)作名词,表示“邂逅”,英文解释为“An encounter with someone is a meeting with them, particularly one that is unexpected or significant.”举个🌰:

The author tells of a remarkable encounter with a group of soldiers. 


2)作动词,表示“邂逅”,英文解释为“If you encounter someone, you meet them, usually unexpectedly.”举个🌰:

Did you encounter anyone in the building? 


3)作动词,表示“遭遇”,英文解释为“If you encounter problems or difficulties, you experience them.”举个🌰:

Every day of our lives we encounter major and minor stresses of one kind or another. 



表示“令人震惊的”,英文解释为“If something is astounding, you are shocked or amazed that it could exist or happen.”举个🌰:

The results are quite astounding



· astonishing 令人惊讶的;惊人的(very surprising),举个🌰:

Her first book enjoyed an astonishing success.



表示“(身体机能的)损伤”,英文解释为“If someone has an impairment, they have a condition that prevents their eyes, ears, limbs or brain from working properly.”举个🌰:

He has a visual impairment in the right eye. 


Sport gives people the opportunity to experience a variety of emotions and passions, and the Tokyo 2020 Games will allow people to witness the courage and competitive spirit of the athletes and voice their support. Crowds of spectators who do not know each other prior to the Games will come together and learn that there is more that unites them than divides them. This is precisely the power of sport – its ability to connect people through their emotions. And it is what Tokyo 2020 intends to depict with the motto “United by Emotion”.


作动词,表示“表达”,英文解释为“If you voice something such as an opinion or an emotion, you say what you think or feel.”举个🌰:

Some scientists have voiced concern that the disease could be passed on to humans. 


prior to

表示“在(某时间或事件)之前”,英文解释为“If something happens prior to a particular time or event, it happens before that time or event.”举个🌰:

A death prior to 65 is considered to be a premature death. 



表示“描写,描述,描绘;描绘,绘画”,英文解释为“to describe something or someone in writing or speech, or to show them in a painting, picture etc”,举个🌰:

The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.


此前价值1.8亿元毕加索名画被撕文中出现过,According to Tate, the artwork depicts Picasso's lover Dora Maar and was painted in Paris in May 1944, during the final months of the Nazi occupation.

The moment when the world turns to Tokyo to share the excitement of the Games will soon be upon us. Tokyo 2020 will use this motto throughout the build-up to the Games to illuminate the city of Tokyo and its Game venues.

be upon

表示“即将发生”,英文解释为“If an event is upon you, it is just about to happen.”举个🌰:

The wedding season is upon us.



1)表示“大肆宣传;赞扬;吹捧”,英文解释为“The build-up to an event is the way that journalists, advertisers, or other people talk about it a lot in the period of time immediately before it, and try to make it seem important and exciting. A situation in which someone or something is praised, advertised, or talked about on the internet, in newspapers, etc.举个🌰:

The exams came, almost an anticlimax after the build-up that the students had given them. 


The group got a big build-up before their tour, being touted by many as the next Beatles.


2)表示“(重要事情的)准备期,准备过程;事前准备期”,英文解释为“the period of preparation before something happens”,如:the build-up to the visit 访问前的准备工作,举个🌰:

There was a lot of excitement in the build-up to the Olympics.


3)表示“逐渐增加”,英文解释为“A build-up is a gradual increase in something.”如:a steady build-up of traffic in the evenings 晚间逐渐繁忙的交通。


1)表示“照亮”,英文解释为“To illuminate something means to shine light on it and to make it brighter and more visible.”举个🌰:

No streetlights illuminated the street.


2)表示“阐明”,英文解释为“If you illuminate something that is unclear or difficult to understand, you make it clearer by explaining it carefully or giving information about it.”举个🌰:

Instead of formulas and charts, the two instructors use games and drawings to illuminate their subject.



It would be illuminating to hear the views of the club vice-chairman. 



表示“举办场所”,英文解释为“The venue for an event or activity is the place where it will happen.”举个🌰:

The International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival


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