

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


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Woman waters ‘perfect plant’ for 2 years before realizing it’s fake

New York Post

What a sucker.

Caelie Wilkes’ dream of being a nurturing plant parent died on the vine when she realized the succulent she’d been tenderly tending for two years was a fake. She recounted her botanical boo-boo Friday in a viral Facebook post.


表示“容易上当受骗的人;没有主见的人”,英文解释为“a person who is easily tricked or persuaded to do sth”举个🌰:

You didn't actually believe him when he said he had a yacht, did you? Oh, Kangkang, you sucker!


die on the vine

vine表示“藤本植物;攀缘植物;藤;藤蔓”,英文解释为“any climbing plant with long thin stems ; one of these stems”,die on the vine,字面意思“死在藤蔓上,藤蔓上就死了”,也就是胎死腹中,计划夭折,计划/任务很早就失败了的含义,英文解释:To fail at an early stage or never come to fruition, typically due to neglect, infeasibility, or lack of resources.或者说be unsuccessful at an early stage.


短语wither on the vine意思是:逐渐消失,渐渐破灭(通常指因缺乏帮助或支持),英文解释:If something withers on the vine, it is destroyed very gradually, usually because no one does anything to help or support it. 举个🌰:

When the new resort was built, the tourist trade in smaller hotels withered on the vine.


succulent /ˈsʌkjʊlənt/

1)作名词,表示“肉质植物”,英文解释为“any plant with leaves and stems that are thick and contain a lot of water, for example a cactus”;

2)作形容词,表示“汁多味美的;肉质的;多汁的”,英文解释为“containing a lot of juice and tasting good;having leaves and stems that are thick and contain a lot of water”,如:a succulent pear/steak 汁多味美的梨;鲜美多汁的牛排。


表示“愚蠢的错误;低级错误”,英文解释为“a stupid mistake”举个🌰:

I think I've made a boo-boo.



表示“植物学的”,英文解释为“Botanical books, research, and activities relate to the scientific study of plants.”举个🌰:

The area is of great botanical interest.


下文出现botany,作名词,表示「植物学」,Botany is the scientific study of plants.

“I feel like these last two years have been a lie,” Wilkes, 24, wrote.

The stay-at-home mom from California admits she was extremely proud of her “beautiful succulent,” which lived for two years on her kitchen windowsill. She was such a dedicated caretaker that “if someone else tried to water my succulent, I would get so defensive.”


表示“窗台;窗沿”,英文解释为“A windowsill is a shelf along the bottom of a window, either inside or outside a building.”



1)表示“防御的;保护的;保卫的”,英文解释为“protecting sb/sth against attack”举个🌰:

They took up a defensive position around the town.


2)表示“戒备的;怀有戒心的;自卫的”,英文解释为“behaving in a way that shows that you feel that people are criticizing you”举个🌰:

Don't ask him about his plans—he just gets defensive.


3)表示“(体育运动中)防守的”,英文解释为“connected with trying to prevent the other team or player from scoring points or goals”,如:defensive play 防守型打法。

However, when she tried to transplant it into “the cutest vase,” she made a disturbing discovery: Her “perfect plant” was phony.

“I pull it from the container [and] it’s sitting on Styrofoam with sand glued to the top!” Caelie wrote. “[I] tried my hardest to keep it looking it’s best, and it’s completely plastic!”


等于phoney,1)表示“假的”,英文解释为“If you describe something as phony, you disapprove of it because it is false rather than genuine.”

2)表示“虚伪的;做作的”,英文解释为“If you say that someone is phony, you disapprove of them because they are pretending to be someone that they are not in order to deceive people.”举个🌰:

The people are so phony.



表示“聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料”,英文解释为“a brand name for a type of polystyrene (= a light, usually white plastic used especially for putting around delicate objects inside containers to protect them from damage, or for putting around something to prevent it from losing heat)”。

Her faux-plant rant went viral on Facebook, racking up almost 9,000 reactions since Friday as well as a flurry of comments.


faux /fəʊ/表示“假的;伪造的;人工的 ”,英文解释为“not real, but made to look or seem real”,此前在Supreme联名奥利奥饼干来了!一文中,就出现过Supreme’s Spring Summer 2020 drop will include faux fur varsity jackets, a sneaker collaboration with Nike and a consumable item. 其中faux fur就是指人造毛。

rack up

表示“积累,大量获得(利润);严重遭受(损失);(体育中)多次赢得(比赛)”,英文解释为“If a business racks up profits, losses, or sales, it makes a lot of them. If a sportsman, sportswoman, or team racks up wins, they win a lot of games or races.举个🌰:

Lower rates mean that firms are more likely to rack up profits in the coming months.


flurry /ˈflʌrɪ/

表示“一阵忙乱(或激动、关注)”,英文解释为“a sudden, short period of activity, excitement, or interest”,举个🌰:

The prince's words on marriage have prompted a flurry of speculation in the press this week.


“It’s like when you’re in college or high school, and they give you that fake baby to carry around for months to teach you what it’s like to be a mom,” quipped one Facebooker.


此前在华为员工用iPhone发官方推特后续处罚一文中就出现过这一说法,quip作动词,表示“说俏皮话,说妙语”,英文解释为“to say something clever and amusing”,举个🌰:

‘Giving up smoking is easy,’ he quipped. ‘I've done it hundreds of times.’


“If you loved your plant so much, what’s it matter if it’s fake?” wrote another. “Just cut the styrofoam to fit your new pot and keep the ‘plant’ you love.”

Wilkes’ green-thumb-gone-wrong moment was also shared to an Australian indoor botany page, the Mirror reports, where other plant enthusiasts shared similar tales of deep-rooted deception.

green thumb

字面意思绿拇指,等于green fingers,表示“园艺技能;种植技能”,英文解释为“the ability to make plants grow”。


表示“诡计;骗术;骗局”,英文解释为“a trick intended to make sb believe sth that is not true”举个🌰:

The whole episode had been a cruel deception.


“My friend at work always kills the plants because she doesn’t water them, so I put a fake one in the cafe,” posted one horticultural hornswoggler. “She watered it for a month before I told her it was fake.”


表示“园艺的;园艺学的”,英文解释为“Horticultural means concerned with horticulture.”


hornswoggle +‎ -er表示xx人,hornswoggle作动词,本义表示“欺骗;戏弄;哄骗”,英文解释为“to cheat or trick; bamboozle”。

However, some social media watchdogs were less sympathetic.

“How do you have a ‘plant’ for 2 years, take meticulous care of it the entire time, and not notice that it hasn’t grown a millimeter or changed color at all?” pondered one Facebook pundit on Wilkes’ post.


表示“细心的;小心翼翼的”,英文解释为“paying careful attention to every detail”,如:meticulous planning/records/research 周密的计划/详细的记录/一丝不苟的研究,举个🌰:

He's always meticulous in keeping the records up to date.


pundit /ˈpʌndɪt/

表示“(某方面的)专家,权威;行家”,英文解释为“a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is therefore often asked to give an opinion about it”,如:a political/foreign-policy/sports pundit 政治/外交政策/体育权威。

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