

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Call for social media platforms to act on 5G mast conspiracy theory

The Guardian

The government is to hold talks with social media platforms after mobile phone masts in Birmingham, Merseyside and Belfast were set on fire amid a widely shared conspiracy theory linking 5G networks to the coronavirus pandemic.

Broadband engineers have also faced physical and verbal threats by people who believe that radiation from 5G masts causes health risks and lowers people’s immune systems.

The mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, revealed he had received threats after he dismissed the theory as “bizarre”.

Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove branded the conspiracy theories “dangerous nonsense”.

And the NHS director, Stephen Powis, added: “The 5G story is complete and utter rubbish. It is nonsense – the worst kind of fake news.

“The reality is that the mobile phone networks are absolutely critical to all of us, particularly in a time when we are asking people to stay at home and not see relatives and friends.

“But, in particular, those are also the phone networks used by our emergency services and our health workers and I am absolutely outraged, absolutely disgusted, that people would be taking action against the very infrastructure that we need to respond to this health emergency.

“It is absolute, utter rubbish and I can’t condemn it in terms stronger than that.”

Oliver Dowden, the culture secretary, is to hold talks with platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube and Twitter “to hammer this message home”, the source said.

Celebrities including the singer Anne-Marie, have helped spread the theory on social media. Amanda Holden, a judge on Britain’s Got Talent, shared a link to an online petition claiming the symptoms of Covid-19 were caused by residing near a 5G mast. The petition has now been removed.

Emergency services were called out to deal with blazes at masts in Sparkhill, Birmingham, and on the Antrim Road in north Belfast last Thursday, and at Melling, Merseyside, last Friday.

Videos of the arson attacks were posted on social media.

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Call for social media platforms to act on 5G mast conspiracy theory

The Guardian

The government is to hold talks with social media platforms after mobile phone masts in Birmingham, Merseyside and Belfast were set on fire amid a widely shared conspiracy theory linking 5G networks to the coronavirus pandemic.


表示“天线塔;天线杆”,英文解释为“a tall metal tower with an aerial that sends and receives radio or television signals”。

conspiracy theory 阴谋论

Broadband engineers have also faced physical and verbal threats by people who believe that radiation from 5G masts causes health risks and lowers people’s immune systems.


表示“辐射;放射线”,英文解释为“powerful and very dangerous rays that are sent out from radioactive substances”。

lower immune systems 降低免疫系统

The mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson, revealed he had received threats after he dismissed the theory as “bizarre”.

bizarre /bɪˈzɑː/

表示“怪异的”,英文解释为“Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange.举个🌰:

The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the team's manager.



表示“对…不予理会,摒弃,(从头脑中)去除”,英文解释为“to decide that something or someone is not important and not worth considering”举个🌰:

I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me.


Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove branded the conspiracy theories “dangerous nonsense”.


作动词,表示“加污名于;谴责”,英文解释为“to say that you think someone is the sort of person that is stated”举个🌰:

Because of one minor offence he was branded (as) a common criminal.



表示“愚蠢的想法;谬论;胡扯;胡闹”,英文解释为“an idea, something said or written, or behaviour that is silly or stupid”举个🌰:

This report is nonsense and nothing but a waste of paper.


The accusations are (absolute/complete/utter) nonsense.


And the NHS director, Stephen Powis, added: “The 5G story is complete and utter rubbish. It is nonsense – the worst kind of fake news.


熟词僻义,1)表示“假话;谎话”,英文解释为“something that sb says which is not true=a lie”举个🌰:

He made up some story about having to be at his aunt's wedding anniversary.


2)表示“新闻报道”,英文解释为“a report in a newspaper or on a news broadcast of something that has happened”举个🌰:

The main story in the papers today is the president's speech.


“The reality is that the mobile phone networks are absolutely critical to all of us, particularly in a time when we are asking people to stay at home and not see relatives and friends.

“But, in particular, those are also the phone networks used by our emergency services and our health workers and I am absolutely outraged, absolutely disgusted, that people would be taking action against the very infrastructure that we need to respond to this health emergency.

· outraged:震怒的,愤怒的

· disgusted:厌恶的;憎恶的;反感的

“It is absolute, utter rubbish and I can’t condemn it in terms stronger than that.”

Oliver Dowden, the culture secretary, is to hold talks with platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube and Twitter “to hammer this message home”, the source said.

hammer sth home

表示“解释清楚,阐明;反复讲透,重点讲清(要点、想法等)”,英文解释为“to make certain that something is understood by expressing it clearly and forcefully”举个🌰:

The advertising campaign will try to hammer home the message that excessive drinking is a health risk.


Celebrities including the singer Anne-Marie, have helped spread the theory on social media. Amanda Holden, a judge on Britain’s Got Talent, shared a link to an online petition claiming the symptoms of Covid-19 were caused by residing near a 5G mast. The petition has now been removed.


表示“居住在;定居于”,英文解释为“to live in a particular place”。

online petition 网上请愿

Emergency services were called out to deal with blazes at masts in Sparkhill, Birmingham, and on the Antrim Road in north Belfast last Thursday, and at Melling, Merseyside, last Friday. Videos of the arson attacks were posted on social media.


通常用于新闻报道中,作名词,表示“火灾,烈火,大火”,如:灭火、控制火势fight/tackle/control a blaze,化工厂的一场大火 a huge chemical factory blaze。

补充:形容词性ablaze /əˈbleɪz/

1)表示“熊熊燃烧的”,英文解释为“Something that is ablaze is burning very fiercely.”举个🌰:

Stores, houses, and vehicles were set ablaze


2)表示“光彩夺目的”,英文解释为“If a place is ablaze with lights or colours, it is very bright because of them.”举个🌰:

The chamber was ablaze with light. 


arson /ˈɑːsən/

表示“纵火(罪),放火(罪)”,英文解释为:the crime of deliberately making something burn, especially a building,如:a terrible wave of theft and arson 一波可怕的盗窃和纵火事件...


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