

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

据外媒,福克斯商业频道(Fox Business Network)周五宣布,已与该频道女主播翠西·里根(Trish Regan)解除合作。

翠西·里根(Trish Regan)是谁?提到刘欣你应该就能想起来,就是去年和CGTN主播刘欣直播公开辩论的那个主播。还不记得?回顾下去年的文章:外媒怎么看CGTN主播刘欣与FOX主播翠西约辩?


Trish Regan, Fox Business Host Who Dismissed Virus Concerns, Departs

The New York Times

The Fox Business anchor Trish Regan has departed the cable news network, two weeks after she was benched following an on-air monologue in which she dismissed concerns about the coronavirus as a “scam” fueled by enemies of President Trump.


表示“把(场上队员)换下;罚...下场;不让...上场”,英文解释为“to remove from or keep out of a game;(broadly) to remove from use or from a position”举个🌰:

The coach benched his star pitcher for skipping practice.



又作monolog,表示“独白;独角戏”,英文解释为“A monologue is a long speech which is spoken by one person as an entertainment, or as part of an entertainment such as a play.” 还可以表示“长篇大论”,英文解释为“If you refer to a long speech by one person during a conversation as a monologue, you mean it prevents other people from talking or expressing their opinions. ”举个🌰:

He ignored the question and continued his monologue. 




表示“(通常以诈财或逃税为目的的)骗局”,英文解释为“A scam is an illegal trick, usually with the purpose of getting money from people or avoiding paying tax. 举个🌰:

They believed they were participating in an insurance scam, not a murder. 


The network said on Friday that it “has parted ways” with Ms. Regan, whose prime-time program was abruptly pulled from the channel’s schedule this month.

part ways (with sb.)

表示“与...分开,分道扬镳,各奔东西”,英文解释为“To separate or depart (from one); to stop associating (with one).”

CNN和每日邮报(Daily Mail)在介绍时也用了part ways这个表达,相对比较含蓄。

而本文纽约时报(The New York Times)在标题和开头中还用了depart一词表示这一含义,depart作动词,有离职的含义(to leave your job),如:the departing president 行将卸任的总裁。

此外,《每日野兽》新闻周刊(Daily Beast)在标题中直接用了一个词叫Ditch,表示“抛弃,遗弃,丢弃”(to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted),可以直接解释为甩了某人,举个🌰:

She ditched her boyfriend.


最后,再补充一个和part ways with类似的说法,此前在《尼基塔》主演Maggie Q取消四年婚约一文中出现的go one's (own) separate ways,表示“分道扬镳,各奔东西”,英文解释为“If two or more people go their separate ways, they stop being together.”举个🌰:

In 2019 the group disbanded and went their separate ways.



前天在直播争宠的兄弟再次开启「互怼」模式一文中刚出现,表示“黄金时段”,英文解释为“Prime time television or radio programmes are broadcast when the greatest number of people are watching television or listening to the radio, usually in the evenings.”如:a prime-time television show 一个黄金时段的电视节目。

In a statement of her own that the network distributed, Ms. Regan, 47, wrote that she was looking forward to “this next chapter” of her career. “I have enjoyed my time at Fox and now intend to focus on my family during these troubled times,” she wrote.

Conservative media stars, including Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity of Fox News, have come under intense scrutiny after playing down the coronavirus and assuring millions of Americans that concerns about the illness had been overhyped by Democrats and journalists intent on undermining Mr. Trump.

play down

表示“贬低”,英文解释为“If you play down something, you try to make people believe that it is not particularly important.”举个🌰:

They have played down the significance of the reports.



over+hype构成的词,hype表示“大肆宣传”,英文解释为“To hype a product means to advertise or praise it a lot.”举个🌰:

We had to hype the film to attract the financiers.



1)表示“逐渐削弱;逐渐动摇”,英文解释为“If you undermine something such as a feeling or a system, you make it less strong or less secure than it was before, often by a gradual process or by repeated efforts.”举个🌰:

Offering advice on each and every problem will undermine her feeling of being adult.


2)表示“(通常以间接方式)动摇(某人的地位或权威)”,英文解释为“If you undermine someone or undermine their position or authority, you make their authority or position less secure, often by indirect methods.”举个🌰:

She undermined him and destroyed his confidence in his own talent.


Ms. Regan’s remarks, on her March 9 program, were singled out as misleading and irresponsible, including by many of her colleagues at Fox Business and its corporate sibling, Fox News. On air, she accused liberals of rooting for a market collapse and trying to “demonize and destroy the president” in front of a graphic reading, “Coronavirus Impeachment Scam.”

root for

表示“(体育比赛或遭遇困难时)给…助威,给…加油”,英文解释为“to support or encourage sb in a sports competition or when they are in a difficult situation”举个🌰:

We're rooting for the Lakers.



表示“妖魔化”,英文解释为“If people demonize someone, they convince themselves that that person is evil.”举个🌰:

Each side began to demonize the other.



表示“弹劾;控告”,英文解释为“The impeachment of a senior official is the process of charging them with a crime that makes them unfit for office. ”举个🌰:

There are grounds for impeachment.


The decision by Fox Business to remove Ms. Regan’s show took some journalists and anchors at the network by surprise: Fox executives are accustomed to withstanding public pressure, and rarely make personnel moves that can be construed as validating criticisms of the network.


construe /kənˈstruː/ 表示“诠释”,英文解释为“If something is construed in a particular way, its nature or meaning is interpreted in that way.”举个🌰:

He may construe the approach as a hostile act.



1)表示“证实”,英文解释为“To validate something such as a claim or statement means to prove or confirm that it is true or correct.”举个🌰:

This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology.


2)表示“证实…有价值”,英文解释为“To validate a person, state, or system means to prove or confirm that they are valuable or worthwhile.”举个🌰:

The Academy Awards appear to validate his career.


But the fast-moving pandemic, which has sickened tens of thousands of Americans and upended the nation’s economy in a matter of weeks, made Ms. Regan’s position less tenable at the network, where her program attracts a fraction of Mr. Hannity’s audience.


表示“颠倒”,英文解释为“If you upend something, you turn it upside down.”举个🌰:

He upended the beer, and swallowed.



熟词僻义,表示“(表示数量或时间之少)大约,左右”,英文解释为“used in expressions describing how small an amount or period of time is”举个🌰:

The interview was over in a matter of minutes.



1)表示“可保有,可保持,可担任(一段时间)”,英文解释为“[ not before noun ] ( of a job, position, etc., especially in a university 尤指大学中的工作、职位等 ) that can be held for a particular period of time”举个🌰:

The lectureship is tenable for a period of two years.


2)表示“说得过去的;站得住脚的”,英文解释为“( of a theory, an opinion, etc. 理论、想法等 ) easy to defend against attack or criticism”举个🌰:

The old idea that this work was not suitable for women was no longer tenable.


A graduate of Phillips Exeter and Columbia, Ms. Regan worked as a business news correspondent at CBS News, CNBC and Bloomberg Television before arriving at Fox Business in 2015. She jumped to prime time in 2019, remaking herself as a reliably pro-Trump personality who secured two interviews with the president.


表示“争取到”,英文解释为“If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort.”举个🌰:

They continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.


Ms. Regan participated in an unusual on-air debate in 2019 with Liu Xin, a Chinese state media personality, drawing criticism from some China experts who said Fox Business had provided a platform for the Chinese government to broadcast its propaganda in the United States.

Fox Business replaced Ms. Regan’s show with general-interest programs; the network has said it is shifting resources to daytime coverage of the pandemic and the economy. “We thank her for her contributions to the network over the years and wish her continued success in her future endeavors,” the network said in the Friday statement.


表示“报道”,英文解释为“The coverage of something in the news is the reporting of it.”举个🌰:

Now a special TV network gives live coverage of most races.


On her final Fox broadcast on March 13, Ms. Regan announced that her program would no longer be appearing for the foreseeable future. “I will see you all soon,” she told viewers before signing off. “Stay healthy, and stay safe.”

sign off

表示“暂停工作(或类似活动)”,英文解释为“to stop doing your work or a similar activity for a period of time”举个🌰:

As it's Friday, I think I'll sign off early today.


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