

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

4月27日,确诊后一度进入重症监护室的英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)重返唐宁街十号的首相官邸开始“复工”,并发表了讲话。



"I am sorry I have been away from my desk for much longer than I would have liked and I want to thank everybody who has stepped up, in particular the First Secretary of State Dominic Raab who has done a terrific job. But once again I want to thank you, the people of this country, for the sheer grit and guts you have shown and are continuing to show every day I know that this virus brings new sadness and mourning to households across the land.

"And it is still true that this is the biggest single challenge this country has faced since the war. And I in no way minimise the continuing problems we face. And yet it is also true that we are making progress with fewer hospital admissions, fewer covid patients in ICU, and real signs now that we are passing through the peak and thanks to your forbearance, your good sense, your altruism, your spirit of community, thanks to our collective national resolve. We are on the brink of achieving that first clear mission: to prevent our national health service from being overwhelmed in a way that tragically we have seen elsewhere.

"And that is how and why we are now beginning to turn the tide. If this virus were a physical assailant, an unexpected and invisible mugger, which I can tell you from personal experience it is, then this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor.

"And so it follows that this is the moment of opportunity. This is the moment when we can press home our advantage. It is also the moment of maximum risk because I know that there will be many people looking now at our apparent success and beginning to wonder whether now is the time to go easy on those social distancing measures.

"And I know how hard and how stressful it has been to give up even temporarily those ancient and basic freedoms, not seeing friends, not seeing loved ones, working from home, managing the kids, worrying about your job and your firm.

"So let me say directly also to British business, to the shopkeepers, to the entrepreneurs, to the hospitality sector, to everyone on whom our economy depends: I understand your impatience, I share your anxiety. And I know that without our private sector, without the drive and commitment of the wealth creators of this country, there will be no economy to speak of, there will be no cash to pay for our public services, no way of funding our NHS.

"And yes I can see the long term consequences of lock down as clearly as anyone. And so yes I entirely share your urgency. It’s the government’s urgency. And yet we must also recognise the risk of a second spike, the risk of losing control of that virus and letting the reproduction rate go back over one, because that would mean not only a new wave of death and disease but also an economic disaster and we would be forced once again to slam on the brakes across the whole country and the whole economy and reimpose restrictions in such a way as to do more and lasting damage.

"And so I know it is tough and I want to get this economy moving as fast as I can. But I refuse to throw away all the effort and the sacrifice of the British people and to risk a second major outbreak and huge loss of life and the overwhelming of the NHS. And I ask you to contain your impatience because I believe we are coming now to the end of the first phase of this conflict.

"And in spite of all the suffering, we have so nearly succeeded. We defied so many predictions. We did not run out of ventilators or ICU beds. We did not allow our NHS to collapse. And on the contrary we have so far collectively shielded our NHS so that our incredible doctors and nurses and healthcare staff have been able to shield all of us from an outbreak that would have been far worse. And we collectively flattened the peak.

"And so when we are sure that this first phase is over and that we are meeting our five tests - deaths falling, NHS protected, rate of infection down, really sorting out the challenges of testing and PPE, avoiding a second peak - then that will be the time to move on to the second phase in which we continue to suppress the disease and keep the reproduction rate, the r rate, down, but begin gradually to refine the economic and social restrictions and one by one to fire up the engines of this vast UK economy.

"And in that process difficult judgments will be made and we simply cannot spell out now how fast or slow or even when those changes will be made though clearly the government will be saying much more about this in the coming days.

"And I want to serve notice now that these decisions will be taken with the maximum possible transparency. And I want to share all our working and our thinking, my thinking, with you the British people. And of course, we will be relying as ever on the science to inform us, as we have from the beginning, but we will also be reaching out to build the biggest possible consensus, across business, across industry, across all parts of our United Kingdom, across party lines, bringing in opposition parties as far as we possibly can, because I think that is no less than what the British people would expect.

"And I can tell you now that preparations are under way, and have been for weeks, to allow us to win phase two of this fight as I believe we are now on track to prevail in phase one.

"And so I say to you finally if you can keep going in the way that you have kept going so far if you can help protect our NHS to save lives, and if we as a country can show the same spirit of optimism and energy shown by Captain Tom Moore, who turns 100 this week, if we can show the same spirit of unity and determination as we have all shown in the past six weeks then I have absolutely no doubt that we will beat it together, we will come through this all the faster, and the United Kingdom will emerge stronger than ever before."

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"I am sorry I have been away from my desk for much longer than I would have liked and I want to thank everybody who has stepped up, in particular the First Secretary of State Dominic Raab who has done a terrific job. But once again I want to thank you, the people of this country, for the sheer grit and guts you have shown and are continuing to show every day I know that this virus brings new sadness and mourning to households across the land.



高级版excellent; wonderful; great,1)表示“极好的;绝妙的;了不起的”,举个🌰:

She's doing a terrific job.


2)表示“很大的;巨大的;异乎寻常的”,英文解释为“very large; very great”举个🌰:

I've got a terrific amount of work to do.


grit & guts

grit不可数名词,表示“勇气;毅力”,英文解释为“the courage and determination that makes it possible for sb to continue doing sth difficult or unpleasant”;

guts,通常复数,表示“勇气;胆量;决心;毅力”,英文解释为“the courage and determination that it takes to do sth difficult or unpleasant”,举个🌰:

He doesn't have the guts to walk away from a well-paid job.


"And it is still true that this is the biggest single challenge this country has faced since the war. And I in no way minimise the continuing problems we face. And yet it is also true that we are making progress with fewer hospital admissions, fewer covid patients in ICU, and real signs now that we are passing through the peak and thanks to your forbearance, your good sense, your altruism, your spirit of community, thanks to our collective national resolve. We are on the brink of achieving that first clear mission: to prevent our national health service from being overwhelmed in a way that tragically we have seen elsewhere.



表示“宽容,忍耐”,英文解释为“If you say that someone has shown forbearance, you admire them for behaving in a calm and sensible way about something that they have a right to be very upset or angry about.”


altruism /ˈæltruːˌɪzəm/ 表示“利他主义;利他;无私”,英文解释为“the fact of caring about the needs and happiness of other people more than your own”。


表示“(新的、危险的,或令人兴奋的处境的)边缘,初始状态”,英文解释为“if you are on the brink of sth, you are almost in a very new, dangerous or exciting situation”,如:on the brink of collapse/war/death/disaster 濒于崩溃/战争/死亡/灾难。

"And that is how and why we are now beginning to turn the tide. If this virus were a physical assailant, an unexpected and invisible mugger, which I can tell you from personal experience it is, then this is the moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor.


assailant & mugger

assailant /əˈseɪlənt/ =attacker,表示“攻击者;行凶者”,英文解释为“a person who attacks sb, especially physically”。

mugger表示“抢劫犯;拦路抢劫者”,英文解释为“a person who threatens or attacks sb in order to steal their money, especially in a public place”。

turn the tide 力挽狂澜,扭转局势

"And so it follows that this is the moment of opportunity. This is the moment when we can press home our advantage. It is also the moment of maximum risk because I know that there will be many people looking now at our apparent success and beginning to wonder whether now is the time to go easy on those social distancing measures.


press home your advantage

表示“充分利用本身的优势以取得胜利”,英文解释为“to use an advantage that you already have in order to succeed”。

"And I know how hard and how stressful it has been to give up even temporarily those ancient and basic freedoms, not seeing friends, not seeing loved ones, working from home, managing the kids, worrying about your job and your firm.


"So let me say directly also to British business, to the shopkeepers, to the entrepreneurs, to the hospitality sector, to everyone on whom our economy depends: I understand your impatience, I share your anxiety. And I know that without our private sector, without the drive and commitment of the wealth creators of this country, there will be no economy to speak of, there will be no cash to pay for our public services, no way of funding our NHS.


"And yes I can see the long term consequences of lock down as clearly as anyone. And so yes I entirely share your urgency. It’s the government’s urgency. And yet we must also recognise the risk of a second spike, the risk of losing control of that virus and letting the reproduction rate go back over one, because that would mean not only a new wave of death and disease but also an economic disaster and we would be forced once again to slam on the brakes across the whole country and the whole economy and reimpose restrictions in such a way as to do more and lasting damage.

是的,我和其他人一样清楚地看到了封锁的长期后果。所以是的,我完全赞同你的紧迫感。这是政府的紧迫性。然而,我们也必须认识到第二次疫情激增的风险, 失去了对病毒的控制,让病毒的繁殖率再次超过1, 因为这不仅意味着新的死亡和疾病的浪潮,也意味着经济灾难,我们将被迫再次踩下刹车,在整个国家和整个经济中,重新施加限制,以造成更多和更持久的破坏。


表示“猛增;急升”,英文解释为“a sudden large increase in sth”举个🌰:a spike in oil prices 油价的急剧上涨。

slam on the brakes

slam on the brakes 猛踩刹车,紧急制动,brake表示“刹车;闸,制动器”,英文解释为“a device that makes a vehicle go slower or stop, or a pedal, bar, or handle that makes this device work”举个🌰:

I slammed on (= quickly used) the brakes, but it was too late.


补充:put the brakes on/put a brake on

表示“抑制;控制;制止”,英文解释为“to slow down or stop an activity”举个🌰:

The city has put the brakes on further spending.


"And so I know it is tough and I want to get this economy moving as fast as I can. But I refuse to throw away all the effort and the sacrifice of the British people and to risk a second major outbreak and huge loss of life and the overwhelming of the NHS. And I ask you to contain your impatience because I believe we are coming now to the end of the first phase of this conflict.


"And in spite of all the suffering, we have so nearly succeeded. We defied so many predictions. We did not run out of ventilators or ICU beds. We did not allow our NHS to collapse. And on the contrary we have so far collectively shielded our NHS so that our incredible doctors and nurses and healthcare staff have been able to shield all of us from an outbreak that would have been far worse. And we collectively flattened the peak.



表示“经受住;顶住;抗住”,英文解释为“to successfully resist sb/sth to a very unusual degree”举个🌰:

The baby boy defied all the odds and survived (= stayed alive when it seemed certain that he would die).



表示“保护某人或某物(免遭危险、伤害或不快)”,英文解释为“to protect sb/sth from danger, harm or sth unpleasant”举个🌰:

I shielded my eyes against the glare.



1)表示“使变平;变平”,英文解释为“If you flatten something or if it flattens, it becomes flat or flatter.”举个🌰:

He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.


2)表示“击倒;打败”,英文解释为“If you flatten someone, you make them fall over by hitting them violently.”举个🌰:

He flattened the intruder with a single punch.


"And so when we are sure that this first phase is over and that we are meeting our five tests - deaths falling, NHS protected, rate of infection down, really sorting out the challenges of testing and PPE, avoiding a second peak - then that will be the time to move on to the second phase in which we continue to suppress the disease and keep the reproduction rate, the r rate, down, but begin gradually to refine the economic and social restrictions and one by one to fire up the engines of this vast UK economy.



表示“压制;阻止;抑制”,英文解释为“to prevent sth from growing, developing or continuing”举个🌰:

The virus suppresses the body's immune system.



表示“完善;改进,改善”,英文解释为“If something such as a process, theory, or machine is refined, it is improved by having small changes made to it.”举个🌰:

Surgical techniques are constantly being refined.


"And in that process difficult judgments will be made and we simply cannot spell out now how fast or slow or even when those changes will be made though clearly the government will be saying much more about this in the coming days.


"And I want to serve notice now that these decisions will be taken with the maximum possible transparency. And I want to share all our working and our thinking, my thinking, with you the British people. And of course, we will be relying as ever on the science to inform us, as we have from the beginning, but we will also be reaching out to build the biggest possible consensus, across business, across industry, across all parts of our United Kingdom, across party lines, bringing in opposition parties as far as we possibly can, because I think that is no less than what the British people would expect.


"And I can tell you now that preparations are under way, and have been for weeks, to allow us to win phase two of this fight as I believe we are now on track to prevail in phase one.


"And so I say to you finally if you can keep going in the way that you have kept going so far, if you can help protect our NHS to save lives, and if we as a country can show the same spirit of optimism and energy shown by Captain Tom Moore, who turns 100 this week, if we can show the same spirit of unity and determination as we have all shown in the past six weeks then I have absolutely no doubt that we will beat it together, we will come through this all the faster, and the United Kingdom will emerge stronger than ever before."


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