

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,保加利亚(Bulgaria)一位名为Andrea Ivanova的女子火了。她自称想要拥有世界上最大的嘴唇,从2018年开始至今已经进行20次整形手术,注射丰唇药物。


Woman, 22, who has spent thousands quadrupling the size of her lips in a quest to have the world's fullest pout undergoes her 20th injection - and she still wants to go BIGGER despite doctors saying she's had 'enough'


A woman who has quadrupled the size of her lips has just undergone her twentieth lip injection - and insists she'll keep going until hers are the biggest in the world. 

Andrea Emilova Ivanova, from Sofia, Bulgaria, has spent thousands of pounds at aesthetic clinics injecting fillers into her pout.

Dubbed a real-life Barbie, the 22-year-old had her latest injection last Tuesday and shared a photo of herself with her 33,000 Instagram followers at the weekend to reveal her ever-growing pout.

Andrea, who began her transformation in 2018, forks out around £135 for each treatment, but admitted she has lost count of how much she has spent over the years.

The philosophy student added that while she probably has one of the biggest pouts in the world, she'll continue to have more fillers until she's satisfied with her lips.

'I like my new lips a lot, it was hard to eat after the injection and two to three days after the procedure gets more difficult,' she said.

'I feel great to have even more but some doctors think it's enough, though I still want them bigger. My doctor said he will do more injections for me but said I have to wait for at least two months.'

She went on: 'There are no restrictions to what I can eat. I think my lips are lovely, I love them. I am not sure if they are the biggest lips in the world but they are one of the biggest, I think.' 

Last year it was revealed Andrea had gone under the needle 15 times, tripling the size of her pout in a bid to be 'more fashionable'.

She said at the time: 'I have visited almost all clinics for aesthetic procedures in Sofia and I put in my lips almost all kinds of lips fillers.'

Andrea added that she receives dozens of comments from adoring fans complimenting the size of her lips and has even been proposed to online by admirers. 

But not everyone is a fan of her oversized features, and the student has faced backlash from social media users as a result of her aesthetic procedures. 

Andrea said: 'I get thousands of compliments on my lips and on my outfit, and on my vision and style every day from people all over the world. 

'I have both positive and negative comments, but women write most of the negative comments.'

Despite that, Andrea refuses to care what people think of her lips, adding that only her opinion matters.

She said: 'There are people who like me with bigger lips and there are people who like me with smaller lips but it doesn't matter to me, because it's important for me, how I like it. Other people's opinion is irrelevant.

'I can't give any indication of how big is too big, or can lips be too big, because for each person, "big", "bigger" and "too big" are different concepts.

'I'm broadminded and I think people should be free to choose, which one is for them big, bigger or too big. There are no boundaries for me.'

Andrea said she had always wanted to have lip fillers but denies being addicted to them.

She claims to be unique and said she doesn't copy any celebrity when it comes to her aesthetics.

When asked if she wants to have the biggest lips in the world, she said: 'Yes, why not? In my country the big lips are fashionable and there are many girls with fillers in the lips too.' 

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Woman, 22, who has spent thousands quadrupling the size of her lips in a quest to have the world's fullest pout undergoes her 20th injection - and she still wants to go BIGGER despite doctors saying she's had 'enough'


A woman who has quadrupled the size of her lips has just undergone her twentieth lip injection - and insists she'll keep going until hers are the biggest in the world. 


quadruple /ˈkwɒdrʊpəl, -ˈdruːpəl/ 表示“(使)变为四倍”,英文解释为“to become four times bigger; to make sth four times bigger”举个🌰:

Sales have quadrupled in the last five years.


Andrea Emilova Ivanova, from Sofia, Bulgaria, has spent thousands of pounds at aesthetic clinics injecting fillers into her pout.


表示“审美的;有审美观点的;美学的”,英文解释为“concerned with beauty and art and the understanding of beautiful things”,如:an aesthetic appreciation of the landscape 用审美的眼光欣赏风景。


作名词,表示“撅嘴”,英文解释为“If someone pouts, they stick out their lips, usually in order to show that they are annoyed or to make themselves sexually attractive.”举个🌰:

Like one of the kids, he whined and pouted when he did not get what he wanted.



Her lips were set in a pout of annoyance.


Dubbed a real-life Barbie, the 22-year-old had her latest injection last Tuesday and shared a photo of herself with her 33,000 Instagram followers at the weekend to reveal her ever-growing pout.


1)表示“把…称为”,英文解释为“If someone or something is dubbed a particular thing, they are given that description or name.举个🌰:

Today's session has been widely dubbed as a "make or break" meeting. 


2)表示“为(影片或声道等)配音”,英文解释为“If a film or soundtrack in a foreign language is dubbed, a new soundtrack is added with actors giving a translation.”举个🌰:

It was dubbed into Spanish for Mexican audiences. 


Andrea, who began her transformation in 2018, forks out around £135 for each treatment, but admitted she has lost count of how much she has spent over the years.

fork out

表示“(为某事物)大把掏钱”,英文解释为“If you fork out for something, you spend a lot of money on it.”举个🌰:

Visitors to the castle had to fork out for a guidebook.


lose count

表示“不记得数目;记不清”,英文解释为“to not be able to remember how many times something has happened”举个🌰:

I've lost count of how many times she's been late for work this month.



🎬 《爱你,罗茜》(Love, Rosie)中说的:I've lost count of the years I've waited for this moment. 我已经记不清我等这一刻等了多少年了。

🎬《美国动物》(American Animals):I've lost count. 我数不清了。

The philosophy student added that while she probably has one of the biggest pouts in the world, she'll continue to have more fillers until she's satisfied with her lips.

'I like my new lips a lot, it was hard to eat after the injection and two to three days after the procedure gets more difficult,' she said.

'I feel great to have even more but some doctors think it's enough, though I still want them bigger. My doctor said he will do more injections for me but said I have to wait for at least two months.'

She went on: 'There are no restrictions to what I can eat. I think my lips are lovely, I love them. I am not sure if they are the biggest lips in the world but they are one of the biggest, I think.

Last year it was revealed Andrea had gone under the needle 15 times, tripling the size of her pout in a bid to be 'more fashionable'.

She said at the time: 'I have visited almost all clinics for aesthetic procedures in Sofia and I put in my lips almost all kinds of lips fillers.'

Andrea added that she receives dozens of comments from adoring fans complimenting the size of her lips and has even been proposed to online by admirers. 


表示“赞美;称赞;钦佩”,英文解释为“to tell sb that you like or admire sth they have done, their appearance, etc.”举个🌰:

She complimented him on his excellent German.


But not everyone is a fan of her oversized features, and the student has faced backlash from social media users as a result of her aesthetic procedures. 

Andrea said: 'I get thousands of compliments on my lips and on my outfit, and on my vision and style every day from people all over the world. 

'I have both positive and negative comments, but women write most of the negative comments.'

Despite that, Andrea refuses to care what people think of her lips, adding that only her opinion matters.

She said: 'There are people who like me with bigger lips and there are people who like me with smaller lips but it doesn't matter to me, because it's important for me, how I like it. Other people's opinion is irrelevant.

'I can't give any indication of how big is too big, or can lips be too big, because for each person, "big", "bigger" and "too big" are different concepts.

'I'm broadminded and I think people should be free to choose, which one is for them big, bigger or too big. There are no boundaries for me.'


表示“宽宏大量的;心胸开阔的;无偏见的”,英文解释为“willing to listen to other people's opinions and accept behaviour that is different from your own”。

Andrea said she had always wanted to have lip fillers but denies being addicted to them.

She claims to be unique and said she doesn't copy any celebrity when it comes to her aesthetics.

When asked if she wants to have the biggest lips in the world, she said: 'Yes, why not? In my country the big lips are fashionable and there are many girls with fillers in the lips too.'

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📍on everyone's lips 表示“大家都在谈论;广为谈论的,议论纷纷的”,英文解释为“if sth is on everyone's lips , they are all talking about it”举个🌰:

The question now on everyone's lips is "Will he resign?"


上个月经济学人(The Economist)一篇文章讲述疫情之下移动网络通讯的影响中就提到:As countries across the rich world placed themselves under restriction over the course of March, journalists there turned to the question on everyone’s lips: “will the coronavirus break the internet?” 大家纷纷在议论/讨论的问题是,冠状病毒是否会让互联网中断。

📍my lips are sealed表示“(不会说出某人的秘密)我把嘴封住,我绝口不提”,英文解释为“used to say that you will not repeat sb's secret to other people”举个🌰:

"Oh and please don't tell him you saw me here." "Don't worry. My lips are sealed."


▲ My lips are sealed.

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