

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


首先来看下,Mojito这个词,中文被音译为「莫吉托」,一种鸡尾酒(a cocktail consisting of rum, sugar, lime, mint, and soda water),听过歌的话你可能会发现,实际上它发音是:mojito /məˈhiːtəʊ/ ,不信你看看各电影电视剧中的发音:


Who Really Invented the Mojito?

The Culture Trip

As cocktails go, the mojito is world-famous. It’s the kind of drink that even the least skilled of bartenders will have a go at making, but who came up with the idea in the first place?

📍 What is a mojito?

A mojito consists of white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water and yerba buena, or spearmint. It’s a long drink that has a relatively low alcohol content given the quantity of mixer. As far as cocktails go, it’s not particularly difficult to make, but there is some dispute over who was the first to do so.

📍 The pirate theory

One theory is that an associate of English pirate Sir Francis Drake invented the mojito in Havana, following an unsuccessful invasion in the 1500s. As the story goes, his crew were suffering from scurvy and dysentery, two illnesses for which the local indigenous people were known to have medicine.

A group of men set off in search of help and came back with aguardiente, mint leaves, lime and sugar cane juice, which was swiftly turned into a drink. Shortly after, a cocktail known as “El Draque,” which was made with similar ingredients, became popular in Cuba.

📍 Competing versions of history

An alternative version is that the mojito was invented by African slaves working in the fields of Cuba. It is thought that the slaves gave their aguardiente concoction the name “mojito” from the word “mojo,” which means “to cast a spell.”

Yet another theory is that the mojito was invented at famous Havana watering hole La Bodeguita del Medio. The owners of the bar claim that their bartenders were the first to make a mojito, and make a great deal of promotional noise based on that idea.

📍 Where to try one

Given the simplicity of the drink, it’s perfectly plausible that different people “invented” the mojito at different times. After all, if you were in Cuba with a bottle of fiery aguardiente and wanted to make it slip down a little easier, you might well reach for a lime, mint and sugar cane juice, given the ubiquity of these ingredients on the island.

These days you can get a mojito in almost every bar in Cuba. La Bodeguita del Medio is a good place to start, although it’s pricey compared to other bars in Havana. It is worth nipping in for one, however, at least to take a picture with the statue of Ernest Hemingway, who was notorious for propping up the bar after he had finished writing for the day.

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How to make a Mojito Cocktail - Jamie Oliver


Who Really Invented the Mojito?

The Culture Trip

As cocktails go, the mojito is world-famous. It’s the kind of drink that even the least skilled of bartenders will have a go at making, but who came up with the idea in the first place?


文章开头就提到了鸡尾酒,cocktail表示“鸡尾酒”,英文解释为“a drink usually made from a mixture of one or more spirits (= strong alcoholic drinks) and fruit juice. It can also be made without alcohol.”;

🍸cocktail真的就是cock,公鸡,雄鸡(an adult male chicken)+tail,尾,尾巴(the part that sticks out and can be moved at the back of the body of a bird, an animal or a fish)


表示“酒吧侍应生,酒吧招待;酒保;调酒师”,英文解释为“A bartender is a person who serves drinks behind a bar.”


此处go作名词,熟词僻义,表示“尝试”,英文解释为“an attempt to do something”举个🌰:

I want to have a go at finishing my essay tonight.


"This jar is impossible to open." "Here, let me have a go."


🍸年初在号称只有“今天”才能成功的#立扫把挑战#风靡网络文中,提到一众明星都纷纷尝试立扫把挑战时就用的have a go,原文:Celebrities got involved, with Ally Brook of Fifth Harmony fame, Colleen Ballinger (aka Miranda Sings) and Paula Abdul each having a go.

📍 What is a mojito?

A mojito consists of white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water and yerba buena, or spearmint. It’s a long drink that has a relatively low alcohol content given the quantity of mixer. As far as cocktails go, it’s not particularly difficult to make, but there is some dispute over who was the first to do so.


rum /rʌm/ 表示“朗姆酒(一种用甘蔗汁酿制的烈性酒)”,英文解释为“a strong alcoholic drink made from the juice of sugar cane”

据百度百科,白朗姆又称银朗姆(Silver Rum),是指蒸馏后的酒需经活性炭过滤后入桶陈酿一年以上。酒味较干,香味不浓。White Rum is light-bodied and has a sweet taste. ... Also known as "silver" or "light" Rum, white Rum is usually aged for about a year, but even up to a few years.


lime /laɪm/ 表示“酸橙;酸橙汁”,英文解释为“a small green fruit, like a lemon, with a lot of sour juice, used in cooking and in drinks; the juice of this fruit”如:lime juice 酸橙汁,slices of lime 酸橙片。

Yerba buena

此处指的是加州小薄荷,"Yerba buena" (Spanish for "good herb") refers to several different plants. The name is most commonly used to refer to spearmint (Mentha spicata), but it is also used to refer to a relative of mint, Satureja douglasii. The latter is a trailing plant with mint-scented leaves.

🍸mint表示“薄荷”(a plant with dark green leaves that have a fresh smell and taste and are added to food and drinks to give flavour, and used in cooking as a herb and to decorate food)

🍸spearmint /ˈspɪəmɪnt/ 表示“荷兰薄荷;留兰香;绿薄荷”(a type of mint used especially in making sweets/candy and toothpaste)


表示“争论”,英文解释为“A dispute is an argument or disagreement between people or groups.”如:industrial/pay disputes 劳资/工资纠纷。

📍 The pirate theory

One theory is that an associate of English pirate Sir Francis Drake invented the mojito in Havana, following an unsuccessful invasion in the 1500s. As the story goes, his crew were suffering from scurvy and dysentery, two illnesses for which the local indigenous people were known to have medicine.

pirate /paɪrət/

1)表示“(尤指旧时的)海盗”,英文解释为“a person on a ship who attacks other ships at sea in order to steal from them”如:a pirate ship 海盗船。

2)表示“盗版者;盗印者”,英文解释为“a person who makes illegal copies of video tapes, computer programs, books, etc., in order to sell them”如:a pirate edition 盗版,software pirates 软件盗版者。


scurvy /ˈskɜːvɪ/ 表示“坏血病”,英文解释为“a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C from not eating enough fruit and vegetables”


dysentery /ˈdɪsəntrɪ/ 表示“痢疾”,英文解释为“an infection of the bowels that causes severe diarrhoea with loss of blood”。


indigenous /ɪnˈdɪdʒɪnəs/ 表示“土生土长的,本地的”,英文解释为“indigenous people or things have always been in the place where they are, rather than being brought there from somewhere else”。

🎬电影《阿凡达》(Avatar)中的台词提到:We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na'vi. 这里有一种长得像人的土著 我们称其为“纳威”。

A group of men set off in search of help and came back with aguardiente, mint leaves, lime and sugar cane juice, which was swiftly turned into a drink. Shortly after, a cocktail known as “El Draque,” which was made with similar ingredients, became popular in Cuba.


aguardiente /,ɑːɡwɑː'djenteɪ/ 表示“(尤指来自西班牙,葡萄牙或南美的)劣质白兰地或其它烈酒”,英文解释为“any inferior brandy or similar spirit, esp from Spain, Portugal, or South America”

sugar cane

sugar cane 表示“甘蔗”,英文解释为“a tall tropical plant with thick stems from which sugar is made”。

📍 Competing versions of history

An alternative version is that the mojito was invented by African slaves working in the fields of Cuba. It is thought that the slaves gave their aguardiente concoction the name “mojito” from the word “mojo,” which means “to cast a spell.”


表示“(古怪或少见的)混合物,调合物,调配品(尤指饮料或药物)”,英文解释为“a strange or unusual mixture of things, especially drinks or medicines”如:a concoction of cream and rum 奶油和朗姆酒调制的怪味饮料。

mojo /ˈməʊdʒəʊ/

表示“魔术; 魔咒; 护身符”,英文解释为“People use mojo to mean magic, or a magic spell or magic charm.”举个🌰:

I don't know what mojo is working with this team, but it's not a good one right now.


🍸cast a spell 向...施魔法; 念咒语;使…入魔(to use words thought to be magic, especially in order to have an effect on someone)举个🌰:

The old woman cast a spell on the prince and he turned into a frog.


🎬电影《王者少年》(The Kid Who Would Be King)中的台词提到:Cast a spell? Summon a dragon? 是念咒语 还是召唤神龙?

🎬电影《初恋50次》(50 First Dates)中的台词提到:He just cast a spell on us.哦,他在对我们施咒语。

Yet another theory is that the mojito was invented at famous Havana watering hole La Bodeguita del Medio. The owners of the bar claim that their bartenders were the first to make a mojito, and make a great deal of promotional noise based on that idea.

注:Havana 哈瓦那(古巴城市)

watering hole

watering hole表示“酒吧;酒馆”,英文解释为“a bar or place where people go to drink”,下一句马上用bar来替换。

📍 Where to try one

Given the simplicity of the drink, it’s perfectly plausible that different people “invented” the mojito at different times. After all, if you were in Cuba with a bottle of fiery aguardiente and wanted to make it slip down a little easier, you might well reach for a lime, mint and sugar cane juice, given the ubiquity of these ingredients on the island.

fiery /ˈfaɪərɪ/

1)表示“火红的;火一般的”,英文解释为“bright red, like fire”,如:a fiery sky/sunset 火红的天空/落日余晖。

2)表示“(食物)辣的”,英文解释为“Fiery food causes a strong burning feeling in the mouth.”如:a fiery chilli sauce 辣味十足的辣椒酱。

3)表示“充满激情的;激烈的;火爆的”,英文解释为“showing very strong feeling”如:a fiery temper 火爆的脾气。


表示“无处不在”,英文解释为“If you talk about the ubiquity of something, you mean that it seems to be everywhere.”如:the ubiquity of the mass media 媒体无处不在。


🍸ubiquitous表示“无所不在的”,英文解释为“If you describe something or someone as ubiquitous, you mean that they seem to be everywhere.”举个🌰:

Coffee shops are ubiquitous these days.



🍸pervasive表示“到处存在的,到处弥漫着的,遍布的”,英文解释为“Something, especially something bad, that is pervasive is present or felt throughout a place or thing.”如:the pervasive influence of mobile phones in daily life 手机在日常生活中无处不在的影响。

These days you can get a mojito in almost every bar in Cuba. La Bodeguita del Medio is a good place to start, although it’s pricey compared to other bars in Havana. It is worth nipping in for one, however, at least to take a picture with the statue of Ernest Hemingway, who was notorious for propping up the bar after he had finished writing for the day.


表示“价格高的;高价的,过分昂贵的”,英文解释为“If you say that something is pricey, you mean that it is expensive.”


notorious 表示“臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的”,英文解释为“famous or well-known for something bad”,如:a notorious computer hacker 声名狼藉的电脑黑客。

prop up the bar

可以理解为“泡吧,经常呆在酒吧里”,英文解释为“To spend time drinking alcohol at the bar in a pub.”

🍸prop up原意表示“支撑,撑住;支持,维持”(to lift and give support to something by putting something under it;to give support to something, especially a country or organization, so that it can continue to exist in a difficult situation)举个🌰:

He was sitting upright in his hospital bed, propped up by pillows.


🎬电影《战争房间》(War Room)中的台词提到:That better not be so you can prop up your sister again. 最好不是又要去帮你的姐姐。

🎬电影《神之地的沉默》(Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God)中的台词提到:helped to prop up the secret system 帮助维护了这个秘密的体系。

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