

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26



Fact check: Metal strip in medical masks is not a 5G antenna


Social media users have been sharing a video in which a man claims that a metal strip in medical masks is a 5G antenna. This claim is untrue. 

A voice narrates: “Yes, indeed. The antenna killer 5G antenna killer that's inside the masks that they are telling everybody to wear. Now for everybody that don’t speak Hebrew, this video came out in Hebrew saying they wanted to show you the number one killer inside the masks. So, we took this here out which is a 5G antenna that's inside the mask, right.” The narrator then shows the metal strip that is inside the top part of a medical mask, used to mold the mask around the user’s nose. 

He continues: “They tell you to put it on so that you can breathe right above your nostrils so you can inhale and it can go straight to your brain and begin to destroy. Like they say they kill people in the First World War, the Second World War, through antennas, through the 5G. Not 5G, 5G is new now. But, this was one of the ways, one of the mechanisms in which they used to kill a whole lot of people so for those people who keep running out, grabbing these masks and trusting in the system, and the way in doing things the way everybody telling them to do it, alright these are the chances you take.” The man then advises watchers to make their own masks instead.  

The metal strip in medical masks serves quite a different purpose. A spokesperson for 3M, which makes protective equipment, told Reuters via email that the metal strip in their surgical masks allows them to “be shaped to form against the wearer's nose to help provide a better fit.” 

In a video explaining how to wear a mask correctly, Dr April Baller of the World Health Organization (WHO) says: “Verify which side is the top: this is usually where the metal strip is”. Baller instructs users how to put on the mask and then adds, “Pinch the metal strip so that it moulds to the shape of your nose”.

Seto Wing Hong, co-director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control, gives a similar explanation in a Bloomberg QuickTake News video. He points out the top of the mask and explains: “Now you see this here? This tight, little, thick band here? It’s to show you that you should put it on the top. Why? Because once you wear it, then you squeeze it so that it pinches the nose, and then you pull it down.”  

While 5G antennas can vary in size.  

Previous Reuters fact checks have debunked other false information related to 5G technology, including the suggestion that 5G networks, not the coronavirus, are making people sick.


False. The metal strip in a medical mask is to help mould the mask around the user's nose to fit better.  

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team.

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Fact check: Metal strip in medical masks is not a 5G antenna


Social media users have been sharing a video in which a man claims that a metal strip in medical masks is a 5G antenna. This claim is untrue.


metal strip

metal strip 金属条,strip作名词,表示“(纸、金属、织物等)条,带”,英文解释为“a long narrow piece of paper, metal, cloth, etc.”

Cut the meat into strips.



antenna /ænˈtɛnə/ = aerial,表示“天线”,英文解释为“a piece of equipment made of wire or long straight pieces of metal for receiving or sending radio and television signals”。

📍提到天线,想到了童年的《天线宝宝》哈哈哈哈哈,英文名叫Teletubbies. 每个宝宝头上的天线形状还各不相同。

A voice narrates: “Yes, indeed. The antenna killer 5G antenna killer that's inside the masks that they are telling everybody to wear. Now for everybody that don't speak Hebrew, this video came out in Hebrew saying they wanted to show you the number one killer inside the masks. So, we took this here out which is a 5G antenna that's inside the mask, right.” The narrator then shows the metal strip that is inside the top part of a medical mask, used to mold the mask around the user's nose.


Hebrew 希伯来语


1)表示“叙述”,英文解释为“If you narrate a story, you tell it from your own point of view.举个🌰:

The three of them narrate the same events from three perspectives.


2)表示“给(电影或节目)作解说”,英文解释为“The person who narrates a film or programme speaks the words which accompany the pictures, but does not appear in it.”举个🌰:

She also narrated a documentary about learning English.


🎬电影《钢铁侠2》(Iron Man 2)中的台词提到:And if you could just narrate those for us, 还望您能为在座各位讲解。


表示“(使)紧贴于,吻合;使与…轮廓吻合; 与…轮廓吻合”,英文解释为“When something moulds to an object or when you mould it there, it fits around the object tightly so that the shape of the object can still be seen.”举个🌰:

The fabric moulds to the body.


It looked as though the plastic wrap was moulded to the fruit.


He continues: “They tell you to put it on so that you can breathe right above your nostrils so you can inhale and it can go straight to your brain and begin to destroy. Like they say they kill people in the First World War, the Second World War, through antennas, through the 5G. Not 5G, 5G is new now. But, this was one of the ways, one of the mechanisms in which they used to kill a whole lot of people so for those people who keep running out, grabbing these masks and trusting in the system, and the way in doing things the way everybody telling them to do it, alright these are the chances you take.” The man then advises watchers to make their own masks instead.


nostril /ˈnɒstrɪl/

表示“鼻孔”,英文解释为“either of the two openings at the end of the nose that you breathe through”

inhale /ɪnˈheɪl/

表示“吸入;吸气”,英文解释为“When you inhale, you breathe in. When you inhale something such as smoke, you take it into your lungs when you breathe in.”举个🌰:

He took a long slow breath, inhaling deeply.


🎬电影《狐狸猎手》(Foxcatcher)中的台词提到:take the straw, just inhale it through your nose. 拿着吸管 用鼻子吸进去。

The metal strip in medical masks serves quite a different purpose. A spokesperson for 3M, which makes protective equipment, told Reuters via email that the metal strip in their surgical masks allows them to “be shaped to form against the wearer's nose to help provide a better fit.”


serve a purpose

表示“起作用,有一定用处”(to have a use),举个🌰:

These small village shops serve a very useful purpose.


📍别拍了别拍了文中,提到拍一拍的用处是,用了serve no purpose,表示“没有用,没有意义”(to have no particular use or function;to not be useful or helpful in any way)。

提到“拍一拍”,顺便插一句题外话,此前提到微信官方把拍一拍译为“nudge”,现在你再去看,可能会发现,已经改为了“tickle”。至于为什么要改呢,个人猜测,可能是nudge nudge有不太正经的含义。

In a video explaining how to wear a mask correctly, Dr April Baller of the World Health Organization (WHO) says: “Verify which side is the top: this is usually where the metal strip is”. Baller instructs users how to put on the mask and then adds, “Pinch the metal strip so that it moulds to the shape of your nose”.

世界卫生组织(WHO)的埃普尔·巴勒(April Baller)博士在一段解释如何正确佩戴口罩的视频中说:“确认哪一边在顶部:通常金属条所在的那边为顶部”。巴勒博士指导用户如何戴上口罩,然后补充道:“捏住金属条,使其与鼻子的形状相贴合”。


表示“捏住;夹紧”,英文解释为“to hold sth tightly between the thumb and finger or between two things that are pressed together”举个🌰:

Pinch the nostrils together between your thumb and finger to stop the bleeding.


🎬电影《钢铁侠3》(Iron Man 3)中的台词提到:Now, pinch my arm. I can take it. Pinch me. 现在 掐我一下 我受得了 掐吧。

Seto Wing Hong, co-director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control, gives a similar explanation in a Bloomberg QuickTake News video. He points out the top of the mask and explains: “Now you see this here? This tight, little, thick band here? It's to show you that you should put it on the top. Why? Because once you wear it, then you squeeze it so that it pinches the nose, and then you pull it down.”

世卫组织传染病流行病学与控制合作中心联合主任Seto Wing Hong在彭博社QuickTake News视频中给出了类似的解释。他指着口罩的顶部解释道,“现在你看到这个了吗?这个小小的、粗粗的带子在这里?这是为了告诉你,你应该把它放在顶部。为什么这么说呢?因为一旦你戴上它,然后你就捏住它,使它夹住鼻子,然后你再把它拉下来。”


此处的band和上文提到的strip含义类似,表示“带;箍”,英文解释为“a thin flat strip or circle of any material that is put around things, for example to hold them together or to make them stronger”举个🌰:

She always ties her hair back in a band.



表示“挤压;捏”,英文解释为“to press sth firmly, especially with your fingers”如:to squeeze a tube of toothpaste 挤牙膏,举个🌰:

He squeezed her arm reassuringly.


🎬电影《今晚带我回家》(Take Me Home Tonight)中的台词提到:Come on, punch it up. punch. and squeeze real tight 来 击个拳 击拳 然后握紧。

While 5G antennas can vary in size. Previous Reuters fact checks have debunked other false information related to 5G technology, including the suggestion that 5G networks, not the coronavirus, are making people sick.

而5G天线的大小各有不同。路透社先前的事实核查(fact checks)栏目揭穿了与5G技术相关的其他虚假信息,包括让人患病的是5G网络,而不是冠状病毒这样的谣言。


表示“曝光;批判;驳斥;揭露...的真相”,英文解释为“If you debunk a widely held belief, you show that it is false. If you debunk something that is widely admired, you show that it is not as good as people think it is.”举个🌰:

He debunks a few myths.


🎬电影《惊天魔盗团》(Now You See Me)中的台词提到:And now we are gonna debunk a few magic myths this evening. 今晚我们要揭穿一些魔术神话。


False. The metal strip in a medical mask is to help mould the mask around the user's nose to fit better. This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team.

假的。医用口罩中的金属条是为了将口罩更贴合地固定在鼻子上。本文由路透社事实核查(Fact Check)团队制作。


1)表示“(经过检验或认真考虑后的)决定,结论,意见”,英文解释为“a decision that you make or an opinion that you give about sth, after you have tested it or considered it carefully”举个🌰:

The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy.


2)另一个常用含义,表示“裁定,裁决,裁断”(In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial.)

🎬电影《真实故事》(True Story)中的台词提到:And the verdict wasyou're a liar. 而判决是,你是个骗子。





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