

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,美国网球公开赛男单比赛中,世界男单排名第一的诺瓦克·德约科维奇(Novak Djokovic)在对阵西班牙球员帕布洛·卡雷尼奥·布斯塔(Pablo Carreno Busta)的比赛中,向身后挥拍传球,意外打中司线裁判员(a line judge),最终他被直接判负,取消资格,错失获得第18个大满贯冠军的绝佳机会。


Novak Djokovic's US Open disqualification another example of his poor judgement


Novak Djokovic must have known his US Open was over as soon as that tennis ball hit a line judge in the throat.

Tim Henman had to be disqualified when he accidentally hit a ball girl on the ear in a men's doubles at Wimbledon in 1995; and so, too, did David Nalbandian when he kicked an advertising hoarding into a line judge's shin in the Queen's Club final of 2012.

The rules are clear and they must equally apply to the world's number one male player.

Djokovic spent seven minutes trying to persuade US Open referee Soeren Friemel of the case for the defence. But having hit a ball "dangerously or recklessly within the court, or with negligent disregard of the consequences" - to quote the rulebook - there were no grounds for clemency.

In fact, a reprieve would have had far more serious repercussions for the sport, and left a stench of preferential treatment for the rich and influential.

The act was not intentional. Djokovic was not looking where he was aiming the loose ball, and yet that is part of the problem. On more than one occasion in recent years he has been oblivious to the welfare of others in the single-minded pursuit of success.

In a 2016 French Open quarter-final against Tomas Berdych, Djokovic's racquet very nearly hit a line judge having slipped out of his hands after an angry swipe. And later that year, in a match against Dominic Thiem at the ATP Finals, he fired a ball towards his coaching team, who were sitting in a row immediately in front of spectators.

"It's not an issue for me. It's not the first time I did it," was Djokovic's reply when cross-examined later.

His apology - a genuine one, via Instagram, to the line judge and the US Open - would have been far better delivered in person before flying out of New York. He says he needs to "turn this all into a lesson for my growth and evolution as a player and human being".

Djokovic often speaks like this, but hopefully he will do just that.

What had been a perfect year on court - Djokovic had won all 26 of his matches before this ill-fated clash with Pablo Carreno Busta - had been far from plain sailing elsewhere.

The 17-time Grand Slam champion was the driving force behind the Adria Tour: the series of exhibition matches in the Serbia capital Belgrade and the Croatian city Zadar. Djokovic was one of four players to contract Covid-19 as social distancing was abandoned - on the tennis court, during friendly games of football and basketball, and at the nightclub which hosted an end of weekend party.

"We did it with a pure heart and sincere intentions," Djokovic said in another apology on Instagram. But it was spectacularly ill-judged and did nothing to help tennis' attempts to get the professional game up and running again.

The 33-year-old knows he had a golden opportunity to win an 18th Grand Slam this week, and his next opportunity -the French Open at Roland Garros - will not be made any easier by the presence of the 12-time champion Nadal.

But Djokovic has consistently overcome adversity in the past. He will recover; he will win again - just hopefully with a little more humility.

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Novak Djokovic's US Open disqualification another example of his poor judgement


Novak Djokovic must have known his US Open was over as soon as that tennis ball hit a line judge in the throat.

诺瓦克·德约科维奇(Novak Djokovic)一定知道,当那个网球打中司线的喉咙时,他的美国网球公开赛就结束了。

line judge

指的是“司线,司线员”,英文解释为“an official in football, volleyball, tennis, etc who assists the referee by judging whether a ball has gone out of play”,据百度百科:“网球司线员”的职责是报发球失误和出界,判决他所看管的那条线上的出球,并有最后决定权。“司线员”又叫做“线审”,顾名思义,就是在球场上看着“边界线”的裁判。

Tim Henman had to be disqualified when he accidentally hit a ball girl on the ear in a men's doubles at Wimbledon in 1995; and so, too, did David Nalbandian when he kicked an advertising hoarding into a line judge's shin in the Queen's Club final of 2012.

1995年,蒂姆·亨曼(Tim Henman)在温布尔登网球锦标赛男双比赛中不小心打到了一个女球童的耳朵,不得不被取消资格;2012年,大卫·纳尔班迪安(David Nalbandian)也是如此,他在女王俱乐部锦标赛决赛中踢广告牌结果伤到司线的小腿。


标题中出现的是disqualification名词形式,此处为动词disqualify,表示“取消…的资格,剥夺…的资格”,英文解释为“to stop someone from being in a competition or doing something because they are unsuitable or they have done something wrong”举个🌰:

He's been disqualified from driving for a year.


📺美剧《兄弟姐妹》(Brothers & Sisters)中的台词提到:it does not disqualify him from being a parent. 这并不能说明他没资格当父母。

📍在网球领域还有一个更专业的术语,叫Default. 比如在美网公开赛的官网中,声明以及相关新闻报道标题就用的:Three-time champion Novak Djokovic is defaulted in Round of 16 at 2020 US Open

📍Default: Disqualification of a player in a match by the chair umpire after the player has received four code violation warnings, generally for his/her conduct on court. A double default occurs when both players are disqualified. Defaults also occur when a player misses a match with no valid excuse. Defaults are considered losses.

ball girl/boy

指的是“(网球赛或棒球赛中捡球的)女球童/球童”,英文解释为“In a tennis match, the ball boys pick up any balls that go into the net or off the court and throw them back to the players. In a baseball game, the ball boys are in charge of collecting the balls that are hit out of the field”。


hoarding /ˈhɔːdɪŋ/ 表示“巨幅/大幅广告牌”,英文解释为“a large board on the outside of a building or at the side of the road, used for putting advertisements on”。


shin /ʃɪn/ 表示“胫;胫部”,英文解释为“the front part of the leg below the knee”。

The rules are clear and they must equally apply to the world's number one male player.


Djokovic spent seven minutes trying to persuade US Open referee Soeren Friemel of the case for the defence. But having hit a ball "dangerously or recklessly within the court, or with negligent disregard of the consequences" - to quote the rulebook - there were no grounds for clemency.

德约科维奇花了7分钟的时间试图说服美国网球公开赛裁判索伦·弗里梅尔(Soeren Friemel)。但由于在球场内打出了“危险或鲁莽的球,或不顾后果地击球”--引用规则手册的话--没有任何理由获得宽大处理。


表示“鲁莽地;不顾一切地”,英文解释为“in a way that is dangerous and shows that you are not thinking about the risks and possible results of your behaviour”。


表示“疏忽的,失职的;造成过失的;随便的”,英文解释为“not being careful or giving enough attention to people or things that are your responsibility”如:grossly negligent 严重失职,举个🌰:

He waved his hand in a negligent gesture.


The judge said that the teacher had been negligent in allowing the children to swim in dangerous water.



clemency /ˈklɛmənsɪ/ 表示“从轻发落;(对受惩罚的人表现出的)仁慈,慈悲;宽恕;宽容”,英文解释为“If someone is granted clemency, they are punished less severely than they could be.”如:a plea for clemency 乞求开恩。

In fact, a reprieve would have had far more serious repercussions for the sport, and left a stench of preferential treatment for the rich and influential.


reprieve /rɪˈpriːv/

1)表示“(尤指对死刑的)撤销令,缓刑令”,英文解释为“an official order that stops or delays the punishment, especially by death, of a prisoner”;

2)表示“暂时解救;暂时缓解”,英文解释为“an escape from a bad situation or experience”举个🌰:

The injection provided a temporary reprieve from the pain.



repercussion /ˌriːpəˈkʌʃən/ 表示“后果”,英文解释为“If an action or event has repercussions, it causes unpleasant things to happen some time after the original action or event.”举个🌰:

It was an effort which was to have painful repercussions.



stench /stɛntʃ/ 原意表示“恶臭,臭气”,英文解释为“a strong, unpleasant smell”,引申地可以表示“恶劣影响;不良后果”(a bad effect that follows an unpleasant event or situation and is noticeable for a long time)举个🌰:

The stench of scandal hung over the company.


The act was not intentional. Djokovic was not looking where he was aiming the loose ball, and yet that is part of the problem. On more than one occasion in recent years he has been oblivious to the welfare of others in the single-minded pursuit of success.



oblivious /əˈblɪvɪəs/ 表示“不知道;未注意;未察觉”,相当于not aware of sth,举个🌰:

He drove off, oblivious of the damage he had caused.



表示“(尤指人的)幸福,福祉;安康”,英文解释为“physical and mental health and happiness, especially of a person”举个🌰:

The police are very concerned for the welfare of the missing child.


In a 2016 French Open quarter-final against Tomas Berdych, Djokovic's racquet very nearly hit a line judge having slipped out of his hands after an angry swipe. And later that year, in a match against Dominic Thiem at the ATP Finals, he fired a ball towards his coaching team, who were sitting in a row immediately in front of spectators.

在2016年法国网球公开赛四分之一决赛对阵托马斯·伯蒂奇(Tomas Berdych)的比赛中,德约科维奇愤怒地摔拍,从手中滑出后拍子险些击中司线。而在当年晚些时候,在ATP总决赛对阵多米尼克·蒂姆(Dominic Thiem)的比赛中,他将球打向了紧挨着观众坐成一排的教练团队。

racquet /ˈrækɪt/

=racket 指的就是“(网球、羽毛球等的)球拍”,英文解释为“a piece of sports equipment used for hitting the ball, etc. in the games of tennis , squash or badminton . It has an oval frame, with strings stretched across and down it.”


表示“(尤指体育比赛的)观看者,观众”,英文解释为“a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event”。

"It's not an issue for me. It's not the first time I did it," was Djokovic's reply when cross-examined later.



表示“(尤指在法庭上对证词细节的)盘问,反诘”,英文解释为“to question sb carefully and in a lot of detail about answers that they have already given, especially in court”。

📺美剧《越狱》(Prison Break)中的台词提到:look, You can't cross-examine a witness if you don't know who it is. 听着 我们不能去盘问一个 我们根本不知道是谁的人。

His apology - a genuine one, via Instagram, to the line judge and the US Open - would have been far better delivered in person before flying out of New York. He says he needs to "turn this all into a lesson for my growth and evolution as a player and human being".


Djokovic often speaks like this, but hopefully he will do just that.


What had been a perfect year on court - Djokovic had won all 26 of his matches before this ill-fated clash with Pablo Carreno Busta - had been far from plain sailing elsewhere.

在球场上完美的一年--德约科维奇在与帕布洛·卡雷尼奥·布斯塔(Pablo Carreno Busta)的这场不幸的比赛之前,已经赢得了他所有的26场比赛--但在其他地方却远非一帆风顺。


表示“注定要倒霉的;时运不济的;(尤指)结局悲惨的”,英文解释为“not lucky and ending sadly, especially in death or failure”如:an ill-fated expedition 注定不会成功的探险。


表示“交锋;交战;比赛”,英文解释为“an occasion when two teams or players compete against each other”。

plain sailing

be plain sailing 也可以说be smooth sailing,表示“一帆风顺”,英文解释为“to be easy and without problems”举个🌰:

The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was plain sailing.


📺英剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)中的台词提到:it's best not to pretend it'll be plain sailing. 也先别把事情想得一帆风顺。

The 17-time Grand Slam champion was the driving force behind the Adria Tour: the series of exhibition matches in the Serbia capital Belgrade and the Croatian city Zadar. Djokovic was one of four players to contract Covid-19 as social distancing was abandoned - on the tennis court, during friendly games of football and basketball, and at the nightclub which hosted an end of weekend party.



表示“染(重病)”,英文解释为“If you contract a serious illness, you become ill with it.”如:to contract a virus/a disease 感染病毒/疾病。

🎬电影《震荡效应》(Concussion)中的台词提到:of contracting a brainrelated injury such as dementia, Alzheimer's, depression or CTE? 造成相关的大脑损伤,如痴呆、阿尔茨海默氏症,抑郁症,或CTE?

"We did it with a pure heart and sincere intentions," Djokovic said in another apology on Instagram. But it was spectacularly ill-judged and did nothing to help tennis' attempts to get the professional game up and running again.


The 33-year-old knows he had a golden opportunity to win an 18th Grand Slam this week, and his next opportunity -the French Open at Roland Garros - will not be made any easier by the presence of the 12-time champion Nadal.


But Djokovic has consistently overcome adversity in the past. He will recover; he will win again - just hopefully with a little more humility.







- 推荐阅读 -

安迪·穆雷 网球大满贯


大阪直美(Naomi Osaka)上

大阪直美(Naomi Osaka)下


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