

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26


然而,很快便被眼尖的网友发现,这张图右上角写的是“3月15日投票”,显然不是现在的。随后,照片原作者Alec MacGillis出来回应称,“照片是4年前的。我拍的,我的版权费呢?(Where's my credit??)


Trump called out for trying to pass off his four-year-old campaign photo as new

MSN (Greg Evans)

Donald Trump has been called out after he shared a photograph on Twitter of a front lawn covered with his campaign placards which is actually from four years ago.

On Saturday the president shared a picture of a lawn in an unnamed location that was full of dozens of Trump 'Make America Great Again' campaign signs which he thought was great.

However, Trump didn't do any research into the picture as he would have soon discovered that this isn't from the current election campaign but his first one in 2016.

How do we know this? Because the photographer who took the picture called the president out over it. Alex MacGillis, who works for ProPublica, firstly complained that he hadn't been credited by Trump but then shared the original image which was taken in West Carrolton, Ohio in March, 2016 before being eventually published in November of that year.

In the 2016 article, MacGillis describe the scene pictured above. The signs had been created by a professional sign maker who was helping to distribute them from his front yard, with the help of a married couple, which included a 43-year-old woman who claimed to have never voted before. This comes from the ProPublica article:

In March, I was driving along a road that led from Dayton, Ohio, into its formerly middle-class, now decidedly working-class southwestern suburbs, when I came upon an arresting sight. I was looking for a professional sign-maker who had turned his West Carrollton ranch house into a distribution point for Trump yard signs, in high demand just days prior to the Ohio Republican primary. Instead of piling the signs in the driveway, he had arrayed them in his yard along the road. There they were, dozens and dozens of them, lined up in rows like the uniform gravestones in a military cemetery.

The sign man wasn’t home, but he had left a married couple in charge of the distribution. I got talking to the woman, Contessa Hammel. She was 43 and worked at the convenience store at a local Speedway gas station after four years in the military. And this was the first time she was voting in 25 years of eligibility.

As some have pointed out though the yard sign sale appears to be free yet the placards don't seem to be going anywhere fast, at least at that time anyway.

It's not entirely obvious how Trump saw this picture from four years and decided to share it but it would be worrying from his standpoint that he couldn't find a similar image from this year. At the time of writing, most major polls still put Joe Biden as the favourite for November's election.

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Trump called out for trying to pass off his four-year-old campaign photo as new

MSN (Greg Evans)

Donald Trump has been called out after he shared a photograph on Twitter of a front lawn covered with his campaign placards which is actually from four years ago.

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在Twitter上分享了一张照片,照片中的草坪上布满了他的竞选标语牌,这其实是四年前的照片。

pass off as

表示“把…冒充为;拿…假冒,用…冒充”,英文解释为“If you pass something off as another thing, you convince people that it is that other thing.”举个🌰:

He passed himself off as a senior psychologist.


call sb. out

call out在剑桥词典中有一个含义,示“评…;要求…解释英文解释为“to criticize someone or ask them to explain their actions举个🌰:

If he did anything wrong, I'd be the first to call him out on it.


而The Free Dictionary中最接近此处的含义应该是:To confront one about one's misdeeds or unpleasant behavior. 似乎可以解释为跟某人对质,叫板,质问某人,指出某人的问题,...你觉得呢?


placard /ˈplækɑːd/

表示“标语牌;布告”,英文解释为“A placard is a large notice that is carried in a march or displayed in a public place.”

On Saturday the president shared a picture of a lawn in an unnamed location that was full of dozens of Trump 'Make America Great Again' campaign signs which he thought was great.



表示“招牌;标牌;指示牌;标志”,英文解释为“a piece of paper, wood or metal that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions, a warning, etc.”如:a road/traffic sign 道路/交通标志,a shop/pub sign 商店/酒吧招牌。

However, Trump didn't do any research into the picture as he would have soon discovered that this isn't from the current election campaign but his first one in 2016.


How do we know this? Because the photographer who took the picture called the president out over it. Alex MacGillis, who works for ProPublica, firstly complained that he hadn't been credited by Trump but then shared the original image which was taken in West Carrolton, Ohio in March, 2016 before being eventually published in November of that year.

我们怎么知道呢?因为拍摄这张照片的摄影师为此叫板总统。在ProPublica工作的Alex MacGillis首先抱怨自己没有得到特朗普的版权费,随后分享了原始照片,该照片于2016年3月在俄亥俄州西卡罗尔顿拍摄,并于当年11月最终发布。


1)表示“认为是…的功劳;把…归于”,英文解释为“to believe or say that sb is responsible for doing sth, especially sth good举个🌰:

The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.


2)表示“(给银行账户)存入金额;把…记入贷方;贷记(银行账户)”,英文解释为“to add an amount of money to sb's bank account”举个🌰:

Your account has been credited with ¥10.


In the 2016 article, MacGillis describe the scene pictured above. The signs had been created by a professional sign maker who was helping to distribute them from his front yard, with the help of a married couple, which included a 43-year-old woman who claimed to have never voted before.



表示“分发;分配”,英文解释为“to give things to a large number of people; to share sth between a number of people”举个🌰:

The newspaper is distributed free.


This comes from the ProPublica article: In March, I was driving along a road that led from Dayton, Ohio, into its formerly middle-class, now decidedly working-class southwestern suburbs, when I came upon an arresting sight. I was looking for a professional sign-maker who had turned his West Carrollton ranch house into a distribution point for Trump yard signs, in high demand just days prior to the Ohio Republican primary. Instead of piling the signs in the driveway, he had arrayed them in his yard along the road. There they were, dozens and dozens of them, lined up in rows like the uniform gravestones in a military cemetery.



表示“确切地;明显地”,英文解释为“certainly and obviously”举个🌰:

He was decidedly careful about what he told me.



表示“引人注意的;醒目的;有吸引力的”,英文解释为“very attractive in a way that attracts a lot of attention”如:an arresting-looking woman 相貌迷人的女人。

arrest作动词,除了“逮捕”的意思,也有“引起某人的注意”(to attract or catch someone's attention)的含义,举个🌰:

A photo of a small boy arrested my attention.


ranch house

表示“(屋顶坡度不大的)牧场式住宅;牧场住宅”,英文解释为“a house, usually on only one level, with a roof that does not slope much”


熟词僻义,primary可以直接表示“(美国)初选”,或者说primary election,英文解释为“(in the US) an election in which people in a particular area vote to choose a candidate for a future important election”如:the Illinois primary 伊利诺伊州的初选。

pile (up)

表示“堆放;摞起;叠放”,英文解释为“to put things one on top of another; to form a pile”举个🌰:

She piled the boxes one on top of the other.



array /əˈreɪ/ 表示“布置;排列”,英文解释为“to arrange a group of things in a pleasing way so that they are in order”举个🌰:

Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves.



表示“(尤指不靠近教堂的)墓地,坟地,公墓”,英文解释为“an area of land used for burying dead people, especially one that is not beside a church”。

The sign man wasn't home, but he had left a married couple in charge of the distribution. I got talking to the woman, Contessa Hammel. She was 43 and worked at the convenience store at a local Speedway gas station after four years in the military. And this was the first time she was voting in 25 years of eligibility.

标牌的主人不在家,但他留下一对夫妻负责分发。我和那个女人聊了起来,她叫,康泰莎·哈梅尔(Contessa Hammel),今年43岁,当了四年兵之后在当地一家Speedway加油站的便利店工作。这是她25年来第一次参加投票。


表示“适任,合格;被选举资格;具备条件”,英文解释为“the fact of having the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions”。

🎬电影《追梦赤子心》(Rudy)中的台词提到:I've blown another year of eligibility. 我又失去了一年参赛的资格。

As some have pointed out though the yard sign sale appears to be free yet the placards don't seem to be going anywhere fast, at least at that time anyway.


It's not entirely obvious how Trump saw this picture from four years and decided to share it but it would be worrying from his standpoint that he couldn't find a similar image from this year. At the time of writing, most major polls still put Joe Biden as the favourite for November's election.

目前还不完全清楚,特朗普是如何看到四年前的这张照片并决定分享它的,但从他的立场来看,今年他无法找到类似的照片,这将是令人担忧的。在写这篇文章的时候,大多数主要的民调仍将乔·拜登(Joe Biden)列为11月选举的热门人选。


1)作名词,表示“民意测验;民意调查”,英文解释为“A poll is a survey in which people are asked their opinions about something, usually in order to find out how popular something is or what people intend to do in the future.”举个🌰:Polls show that the European treaty has gained support in Denmark. 


2)作动词,表示“对…进行民意调查”,英文解释为“If you are polled on something, you are asked what you think about it as part of a survey.”举个🌰:

More than 2,000 people were polled.


3)作动词,表示“获得…选票”,英文解释为“If a political party or a candidate polls a particular number or percentage of votes, they get that number or percentage of votes in an election.”举个🌰:

The result showed he had polled enough votes to force a second ballot.







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