

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

近日,福布斯(Forbes)杂志公布了2020年YouTube上收入最高的博主榜单(The Highest-Paid YouTube Stars of 2020)。9岁的小男孩瑞恩·卡吉(Ryan Kaji)连续三年排名第一,去年年收入2600万美元,今年年收入达3000万美元(约1.94亿元)。

Baking Soda and Vinegar Christmas Tree Easy DIY Science Experiments for kids!


How Nine-Year-Old Ryan Kaji, YouTube’s $30 Million Man, Just Keeps Getting Richer


On Thanksgiving day, as millions of children gathered around televisions and iPads to watch a socially distanced version of the annual Macy’s parade, one of them was cashing in on the spectacle. Ryan Kaji, the world’s highest-paid YouTube star, sat at home in Texas while the float of Red Titan— his superhero alter-ego — made its way down Fifth Avenue.

“It was so cool because it was big and it was flying. And it was on TV!” Kaji says with a giggle, remembering the moment he became the first YouTuber ever featured in the storied parade.

And his appearance in the procession wasn’t even the big win. Red TItan bedspreads, masks, toothbrushes and toys, as well items with Kaji’s human likeness, are sold at Amazon, Walmart, Target and other retailers. All of it gets pushed to nine Kaji-family YouTube channels, the biggest of which is Ryan’s World with 27.5 million subscribers. It’s mix of cute, educational family-friendly themes like a make-your-own Playdough tutorial, DIY science experiments and playtime with his twin sisters helps promote some 5,000 Ryan-themed products that generate more than $200 million at retail annually. Kaji’s cut makes up more than half of the $29.5 million payday that put him at the top of the 2020 Forbes list of the world’s Highest-Paid YouTube Stars. 

“When COVID hit and the ad recession happened that affected everyone, kids' channels got a double whammy,” says Chris Williams, the CEO of Pocket.watch, the digital studio that works with creators like Kaji and Love, Diana on expanding to longer form content and merchandising.

Unlike the other programmers affected, including other stars on the Forbes ranking like Blippi and Nastya, Kaji was buffered by the merch sales as well as his expansion into television. Kaji’s cable series, Ryan’s Mystery Playdate, is in its third season on cable network Nickelodeon while a new streaming channel, Ryan and Friends, launched in September through Roku and other services. Last month, Super Spy Ryan debuted on Amazon Kids, the first original series for the kids-centric streamer that also came with a line of toys sold exclusively on Amazon. Nastya is in hot pursuit, with a licensing program that will include everything from musical instruments to pajamas in the works.

Still, though a millionaire before he could count his age in double digits, Kaji hasn’t lost sight of his real dreams: “I want to be a gamer,” he says, before his dad, Shion, cuts in and explains that he’s also learning how to code — and that the earnings are in trusts that he can’t touch until adulthood. Until then, he still has to fight his parents for screen time, including on You Tube. 

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How Nine-Year-Old Ryan Kaji, YouTube’s $30 Million Man, Just Keeps Getting Richer


On Thanksgiving day, as millions of children gathered around televisions and iPads to watch a socially distanced version of the annual Macy's parade, one of them was cashing in on the spectacle. Ryan Kaji, the world's highest-paid YouTube star, sat at home in Texas while the float of Red Titan— his superhero alter-ego — made its way down Fifth Avenue.

感恩节当天,当数以百万计的孩子们围着电视机和iPad观看一年一度的线上版梅西感恩节大游行时,他们中的一个人却在这一狂欢活动中赚得盆满钵满。世界上收入最高的YouTube博主瑞恩·卡吉(Ryan Kaji)坐在德克萨斯州(Texas)的家中,而红泰坦(Red Titan)的巨型气球花车--他的超级英雄化身--正沿着第五大道前进。


Macy's parade:梅西感恩节大游行(Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade),是由美国梅西百货公司主办的一年一度的感恩节大游行,这一传统始於1927年。游行在感恩节上午9:00开始,持续三个小时,数万人参加,声势浩大。

Red Titan

A view of the Red Titan balloon at the 94th Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on November 26, 2020 in New York City.

cash in on

表示“从…中获利,靠…赚钱;从…中捞到好处”,英文解释为“to get money or another advantage from an event or situation, often in an unfair way”举个🌰:

Her family have been accused of cashing in on her death.



spectacle /ˈspɛktəkəl/ 表示“壮观场面;壮观景象”,英文解释为“a public event or show that is exciting to watch; an exciting appearance”举个🌰:

The carnival was a magnificent spectacle.



作名词,除了表示“浮板;漂浮物;浮子”,英文解释为“a piece of wood or other light material that stays on the surface of water”,也可以指“彩车,花车”(a large vehicle with a flat surface that is decorated and used in festivals),如:carnival floats 狂欢节彩车。

alter ego

表示“个性的另一方面,第二自我;(电视或电影中)另一自我”,英文解释为“the part of someone's personality that is not usually seen by other people”。

“It was so cool because it was big and it was flying. And it was on TV!” Kaji says with a giggle, remembering the moment he became the first YouTuber ever featured in the storied parade.



表示“经常提及的;有名的;广为流传的;众所周知的”,英文解释为“often spoken of or written about”举个🌰:

Theirs was the most storied romance in Hollywood.


And his appearance in the procession wasn't even the big win. Red TItan bedspreads, masks, toothbrushes and toys, as well items with Kaji's human likeness, are sold at Amazon, Walmart, Target and other retailers.

而他在游行队伍中的出现还不是最大的胜利。红泰坦(Red Titan)的床罩、口罩、牙刷和玩具,以及带有卡吉人像的物品,在亚马逊(Amazon)、沃尔玛(Walmart)、塔吉特(Target)和其他零售平台都有出售。


表示“行列,队伍”,英文解释为“a line of people who are all walking or travelling in the same direction, especially in a formal way as part of a religious ceremony or public celebration”如:a wedding procession 婚礼的队伍。

All of it gets pushed to nine Kaji-family YouTube channels, the biggest of which is Ryan's World with 27.5 million subscribers. Its cute, educational family-friendly themes like a make-your-own Playdough tutorial, DIY science experiments and playtime with his twin sisters help promote some 5,000 Ryan-themed products that generate more than $200 million at retail annually. Kaji's cut makes up more than half of the $29.5 million payday that put him at the top of the 2020 Forbes list of the world's Highest-Paid YouTube Stars.

所有这些都会被推送到9个卡吉系列YouTube频道,其中最大的是Ryan's World频道,有2750万订阅者。它攘括了可爱的、有教育意义的、适合家庭的主题,如自制橡皮泥(Playdough)教程、DIY科学实验和与双胞胎姐妹的游戏时间,帮助推广了约5000种瑞恩(Ryan)主题产品,每年的零售额超过2亿美元。卡吉的分成占到了2950万美元薪水的一半以上,这让他在2020年福布斯全球收入最高的YouTube博主榜单上名列前茅。

channel & subscribe·

Channel大家应该都比较熟悉,表示“频道”,可以指“电视频道,电视台”,如:to change/switch channels 换台;

Youtube中注册了账号就相当于开设了个人频道,也可以开设多个频道。A personal YouTube channel is available to everyone who joins YouTube as a member. The channel serves as the home page for the user's account, and you can have more than one YouTube channel.

所以看Youtube视频时,你可能会经常听到视频末尾中说到,Please subscribe to my channel. 请订阅我的频道,就是我们所谓的关注(follow)我的频道,“关注我”的意思。

📍subscribe表示“订购,订阅”,英文解释为“to pay an amount of money regularly in order to receive or use sth”举个🌰:

We subscribe to several sports channels.





熟词僻义,表示“份,份额(通常指钱)”,英文解释为“a share of something, usually money”举个🌰:

When am I going to get my cut?


“When COVID hit and the ad recession happened that affected everyone, kids' channels got a double whammy,” says Chris Williams, the CEO of Pocket.watch, the digital studio that works with creators like Kaji and Love, Diana on expanding to longer form content and merchandising.

“疫情袭来时,广告业的不景气影响了所有人,儿童频道受到了双重打击。”Pocket.watch的CEO克里斯·威廉姆斯(Chris Williams)说,Pocket.watch是一家数字工作室,它与卡吉和Love,Diana等频道创作者合作,向长形式内容和相关衍生产品拓展。

double whammy

whammy /ˈwæmɪ/本义表示“晦气,霉运;具有负面影响地大情;剧烈地打击”,英文解释为“a magical spell or power that causes someone to have a difficult or unpleasant time”举个🌰:

He put the whammy on me.


📍此处的double whammy可以理解为“祸不单行;双重灾难,双重打击”(a situation when two unpleasant things happen at almost the same time),类似的,triple whammy可以理解为“三重打击”(A threefold blow or setback)。

Love, Diana (4.45M subscribers)


1)表示“(根据受欢迎的电影、人物或事件而生产的)衍生产品;相关产品的销售”,英文解释为“products connected with a popular film/movie, person or event; the process of selling these goods”如:millions of pounds' worth of Batman merchandising 价值数百万英镑的《蝙蝠侠》的衍生产品。

2)表示“推销;展销;推销活动,促销活动”,英文解释为“the activity of selling goods, or of trying to sell them, by advertising or displaying them”。

Unlike the other programmers affected, including other stars on the Forbes ranking like Blippi and Nastya, Kaji was buffered by the merch sales as well as his expansion into television. Kaji's cable series, Ryan's Mystery Playdate, is in its third season on cable network Nickelodeon while a new streaming channel, Ryan and Friends, launched in September through Roku and other services. Last month, Super Spy Ryan debuted on Amazon Kids, the first original series for the kids-centric streamer that also came with a line of toys sold exclusively on Amazon. Nastya is in hot pursuit, with a licensing program that will include everything from musical instruments to pajamas in the works.

与其他受影响的频道制作者不同,包括Blippi和Nastya等福布斯排行榜上的其他博主,卡吉在商品销售以及向电视领域拓展的同时,影响较小。卡吉的有线电视系列节目《Ryan's Mystery Playdate》已经在有线电视网尼克国际儿童频道(Nickelodeon)上播出第三季,而新的流媒体频道《Ryan and Friends》则在9月通过Roku和其他服务上推出。上个月,《Super Spy Ryan》在亚马逊儿童频道首播,这是第一个以儿童为中心的原创流媒体系列,还附带了一系列在亚马逊独家销售的玩具。Nastya正紧随其后,其授权项目将包括从乐器到睡衣(pajamas)的一切产品。


作动词,表示“提供保护,使不受伤害”,英文解释为“to provide protection against harm”举个🌰:

The company is buffered by long-term contracts with growers.


They tried to buffer themselves against problems and uncertainties.


merch /mɝːtʃ/

merchandise 的非正式说法,表示“商品,货物”,举个🌰:

You can buy T-shirts and other merch at concerts.



1)表示“昂贵的;高档的;豪华的”,英文解释为“expensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class”,如:an exclusive private club 豪华私人俱乐部。

2)表示“专用的,专有的;独有的,独占的”,英文解释为“limited to only one person or group of people”,如:an exclusive interview 独家采访,举个🌰:

This room is for the exclusive use of guests.


in hot pursuit

表示“紧紧追赶,紧随其后,穷追不舍”,英文解释为“following someone closely, trying hard to catch them”举个🌰:

The gang drove off, with the police in hot pursuit.


Still, though a millionaire before he could count his age in double digits, Kaji hasn't lost sight of his real dreams: “I want to be a gamer,” he says, before his dad, Shion, cuts in and explains that he's also learning how to code — and that the earnings are in trusts that he can't touch until adulthood. Until then, he still has to fight his parents for screen time, including on YouTube.


lost sight of

表示“忘记,忽略”,英文解释为“to forget about an important idea or fact because you are thinking too much about other things”举个🌰:

I'm worried that we're losing sight of our original objectives.


cut in

表示“插嘴;打断别人的话”,英文解释为“to interrupt what someone is saying by saying something yourself”举个🌰:

I was just talking to Jan, when Kangkang cut in (on us/our conversation).



熟词僻义,表示“委托;信托;信托财产”,英文解释为“an arrangement by which an organization or a group of people has legal control of money or property that has been given to sb, usually until that person reaches a particular age; an amount of money or property that is controlled in this way”举个🌰:

He set up a trust for his children.


Highest Paid YouTubers of 2020 (E! News)








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