[E349]Street violence and politics|经济学人
本文音频及原文摘自杂志The Economist《经济学人》2016年第7期,China版块。
The fire-monkey stirs
How the Communist Party creates the world’s most-watched TV news show
Feb 13th 2016 | BEIJING
February 8th began as a day of celebration in Hong Kong: it was the start of the Chinese new year (this one influenced by the “fire-monkey[火猴(年)]”, according to Chinese astrology[中国占星术/星相学]). It ended in the worst outbreak of rioting since the 1960s. The violence flared[(麻烦、暴乱、冲突等)加剧,升级,愈演愈烈] amid rumours that officials were trying to clear away unlicensed hawkers selling local delicacies[当地佳肴], including fishballs[鱼蛋/鱼丸]. Reports that some rioters shouted “establish Hong Kong as a country!” suggest that it was about more than fried food. Ninety police were among more than 120 people injured. More than 60 alleged participants were arrested, including a leader of an anti-China group called Hong Kong Indigenous[本土民主前线]. Members of it had used social media to rally[召集,集合;重整;重振,恢复] support.